% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 6346 % Primary Name: SARNIA POLYSAR % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Canada % Latitude: 42.95000 +/- 0.00500 % Longitude: -82.43000 +/- 0.00500 % Elevation (m): 189.00 +/- 0.50 % # of Months: 168 % % IDs: ghcnd - CA006127520 % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % % Site Hash: f3926c282509ae17e89e01bb0e4f7c4c % Raw Data Hash: 0fa0702b4b910c1769adbc8c6855b4de % Adj Data Hash: a379d3ffa3bd320672bc6a8cdbbb7e17 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1958 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.274 0.006 1958 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.980 1.169 1958 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.494 1.429 1958 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -6.979 -4.544 1959 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -7.642 -2.248 1959 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -5.085 -0.895 1959 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.423 -0.551 1959 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.691 0.886 1959 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.813 1.713 1959 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.382 0.688 1959 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.471 0.265 1959 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.798 2.505 1959 9 20.135 2.714 1 0 NaN NaN 19.041 1.773 1959 10 10.626 -0.338 0 0 10.626 -0.338 10.603 -0.208 1959 11 1.943 -2.275 0 0 1.943 -2.275 2.141 -1.925 1959 12 1.074 3.356 0 0 1.074 3.356 -0.219 2.216 1960 1 -2.200 3.041 0 0 -2.200 3.041 -3.473 1.920 1960 2 -2.926 1.111 0 0 -2.926 1.111 -3.819 0.371 1960 3 -3.589 -4.715 0 0 -3.589 -4.715 -4.287 -5.262 1960 4 8.705 0.747 0 0 8.705 0.747 9.510 1.704 1960 5 13.450 -0.802 0 0 13.450 -0.802 13.581 -0.518 1960 6 18.212 -1.635 0 0 18.212 -1.635 18.808 -0.887 1960 7 20.860 -1.498 0 0 20.860 -1.498 20.871 -1.334 1960 8 21.129 -0.317 0 0 21.129 -0.317 21.278 -0.016 1960 9 18.555 1.134 0 0 18.555 1.134 18.821 1.553 1960 10 11.089 0.125 0 0 11.089 0.125 11.095 0.284 1960 11 5.978 1.760 0 0 5.978 1.760 5.824 1.759 1960 12 -4.581 -2.298 0 0 -4.581 -2.298 -5.398 -2.964 1961 1 -5.753 -0.512 0 0 -5.753 -0.512 -6.814 -1.420 1961 2 -1.579 2.459 0 0 -1.579 2.459 -2.101 2.089 1961 3 2.708 1.581 0 0 2.708 1.581 3.011 2.036 1961 4 5.498 -2.459 0 0 5.498 -2.459 5.768 -2.037 1961 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.025 -2.075 1961 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.015 -0.679 1961 7 21.881 -0.477 0 0 21.881 -0.477 22.033 -0.172 1961 8 21.484 0.038 0 0 21.484 0.038 21.349 0.056 1961 9 20.018 2.598 0 0 20.018 2.598 20.012 2.743 1961 10 13.100 2.136 0 0 13.100 2.136 12.733 1.921 1961 11 4.968 0.750 0 0 4.968 0.750 4.809 0.743 1961 12 -1.332 0.950 0 0 -1.332 0.950 -2.721 -0.286 1962 1 -6.729 -1.488 0 0 -6.729 -1.488 -7.050 -1.656 1962 2 -5.382 -1.345 0 0 -5.382 -1.345 -5.943 -1.754 1962 3 0.498 -0.628 0 0 0.498 -0.628 0.601 -0.374 1962 4 8.177 0.219 0 0 8.177 0.219 8.597 0.792 1962 5 17.113 2.861 0 0 17.113 2.861 17.197 3.098 1962 6 18.937 -0.910 0 0 18.937 -0.910 19.858 0.163 1962 7 20.702 -1.656 0 0 20.702 -1.656 20.855 -1.350 1962 8 20.719 -0.727 0 0 20.719 -0.727 20.832 -0.462 1962 9 16.047 -1.374 0 0 16.047 -1.374 16.023 -1.245 1962 10 12.144 1.180 0 0 12.144 1.180 12.014 1.203 1962 11 4.542 0.324 0 0 4.542 0.324 4.196 0.131 1962 12 -3.734 -1.452 0 0 -3.734 -1.452 -4.771 -2.336 1963 1 -8.403 -3.162 0 0 -8.403 -3.162 -9.716 -4.322 1963 2 -7.650 -3.613 0 0 -7.650 -3.613 -8.469 -4.279 1963 3 2.187 1.061 0 0 2.187 1.061 2.075 1.100 1963 4 8.063 0.106 0 0 8.063 0.106 8.638 0.833 1963 5 12.423 -1.829 0 0 12.423 -1.829 12.670 -1.429 1963 6 19.752 -0.095 0 0 19.752 -0.095 20.155 0.460 1963 7 22.097 -0.261 0 0 22.097 -0.261 22.379 0.174 1963 8 19.869 -1.577 0 0 19.869 -1.577 19.710 -1.584 1963 9 15.762 -1.659 0 0 15.762 -1.659 16.045 -1.224 1963 10 15.245 4.281 0 0 15.245 4.281 15.204 4.393 1963 11 6.852 2.634 0 0 6.852 2.634 6.799 2.734 1963 12 -4.832 -2.550 0 0 -4.832 -2.550 -6.160 -3.726 1964 1 -1.884 3.357 0 0 -1.884 3.357 -3.065 2.328 1964 2 -2.624 1.413 0 0 -2.624 1.413 -3.537 0.653 1964 3 1.285 0.159 0 0 1.285 0.159 1.310 0.336 1964 4 8.193 0.236 0 0 8.193 0.236 8.651 0.846 1964 5 16.108 1.856 0 0 16.108 1.856 15.965 1.866 1964 6 19.137 -0.710 0 0 19.137 -0.710 19.806 0.112 1964 7 22.829 0.472 0 0 22.829 0.472 22.948 0.743 1964 8 19.024 -2.422 0 0 19.024 -2.422 19.300 -1.994 1964 9 17.047 -0.374 0 0 17.047 -0.374 17.008 -0.261 1964 10 9.894 -1.070 0 0 9.894 -1.070 9.412 -1.400 1964 11 6.538 2.320 0 0 6.538 2.320 6.310 2.244 1964 12 -1.432 0.850 0 0 -1.432 0.850 -2.512 -0.078 1965 1 -4.800 0.441 0 0 -4.800 0.441 -5.433 -0.039 1965 2 -4.039 -0.002 0 0 -4.039 -0.002 -4.611 -0.422 1965 3 -1.598 -2.725 0 0 -1.598 -2.725 -1.886 -2.860 1965 4 4.920 -3.038 0 0 4.920 -3.038 6.166 -1.639 1965 5 15.648 1.397 0 0 15.648 1.397 15.890 1.791 1965 6 18.368 -1.479 1 0 NaN NaN 18.817 -0.878 1965 7 20.044 -2.314 0 0 20.044 -2.314 20.228 -1.977 1965 8 19.973 -1.473 0 0 19.973 -1.473 20.000 -1.294 1965 9 18.595 1.174 0 0 18.595 1.174 18.125 0.857 1965 10 10.226 -0.738 0 0 10.226 -0.738 9.913 -0.898 1965 11 4.910 0.692 0 0 4.910 0.692 5.136 1.071 1965 12 1.920 4.202 0 0 1.920 4.202 0.684 3.119 1966 1 -6.244 -1.002 0 0 -6.244 -1.002 -7.328 -1.934 1966 2 -2.948 1.089 0 0 -2.948 1.089 -3.668 0.522 1966 3 2.923 1.796 0 0 2.923 1.796 2.856 1.882 1966 4 6.382 -1.576 0 0 6.382 -1.576 6.845 -0.960 1966 5 11.292 -2.960 0 0 11.292 -2.960 11.042 -3.058 1966 6 20.342 0.495 0 0 20.342 0.495 20.562 0.868 1966 7 23.666 1.309 0 0 23.666 1.309 23.207 1.002 1966 8 20.961 -0.485 0 0 20.961 -0.485 20.552 -0.742 1966 9 16.495 -0.926 0 0 16.495 -0.926 16.244 -1.025 1966 10 10.619 -0.344 0 0 10.619 -0.344 10.195 -0.617 1966 11 5.360 1.142 0 0 5.360 1.142 5.126 1.061 1966 12 -1.932 0.350 0 0 -1.932 0.350 -2.891 -0.457 1967 1 -1.618 3.623 0 0 -1.618 3.623 -2.692 2.702 1967 2 -6.289 -2.252 0 0 -6.289 -2.252 -6.406 -2.217 1967 3 0.410 -0.717 0 0 0.410 -0.717 0.751 -0.223 1967 4 8.055 0.097 0 0 8.055 0.097 8.696 0.891 1967 5 10.353 -3.899 0 0 10.353 -3.899 10.744 -3.355 1967 6 21.180 1.333 0 0 21.180 1.333 21.590 1.896 1967 7 20.639 -1.719 0 0 20.639 -1.719 20.787 -1.418 1967 8 19.865 -1.582 0 0 19.865 -1.582 19.493 -1.800 1967 9 16.085 -1.336 0 0 16.085 -1.336 15.801 -1.467 1967 10 10.534 -0.430 0 0 10.534 -0.430 10.750 -0.062 1967 11 2.355 -1.863 0 0 2.355 -1.863 2.356 -1.710 1967 12 -0.074 2.208 0 0 -0.074 2.208 -0.928 1.506 1968 1 -5.739 -0.497 0 0 -5.739 -0.497 -6.681 -1.288 1968 2 -5.622 -1.585 0 0 -5.622 -1.585 -5.858 -1.668 1968 3 2.656 1.530 0 0 2.656 1.530 2.828 1.854 1968 4 9.368 1.411 0 0 9.368 1.411 9.885 2.080 1968 5 11.665 -2.587 0 0 11.665 -2.587 11.993 -2.107 1968 6 18.500 -1.347 0 0 18.500 -1.347 19.317 -0.377 1968 7 21.368 -0.990 0 0 21.368 -0.990 21.564 -0.641 1968 8 21.652 0.206 0 0 21.652 0.206 21.719 0.425 1968 9 19.065 1.644 0 0 19.065 1.644 18.708 1.440 1968 10 11.989 1.025 0 0 11.989 1.025 11.936 1.124 1968 11 4.835 0.617 0 0 4.835 0.617 4.908 0.843 1968 12 -2.340 -0.058 0 0 -2.340 -0.058 -3.082 -0.647 1969 1 -3.915 1.327 0 0 -3.915 1.327 -5.425 -0.031 1969 2 -2.821 1.216 0 0 -2.821 1.216 -3.484 0.705 1969 3 -0.042 -1.169 0 0 -0.042 -1.169 0.409 -0.565 1969 4 7.612 -0.346 0 0 7.612 -0.346 8.973 1.167 1969 5 12.831 -1.421 0 0 12.831 -1.421 13.374 -0.726 1969 6 16.867 -2.980 0 0 16.867 -2.980 17.539 -2.155 1969 7 21.745 -0.612 0 0 21.745 -0.612 22.072 -0.133 1969 8 22.806 1.360 0 0 22.806 1.360 22.392 1.099 1969 9 17.752 0.331 0 0 17.752 0.331 17.855 0.587 1969 10 10.595 -0.369 0 0 10.595 -0.369 10.635 -0.176 1969 11 3.970 -0.248 0 0 3.970 -0.248 3.902 -0.164 1969 12 -2.760 -0.477 0 0 -2.760 -0.477 -3.746 -1.312 1970 1 -7.988 -2.747 0 0 -7.988 -2.747 -9.119 -3.726 1970 2 -4.823 -0.786 0 0 -4.823 -0.786 -4.996 -0.806 1970 3 -0.776 -1.902 0 0 -0.776 -1.902 -0.533 -1.507 1970 4 8.548 0.591 0 0 8.548 0.591 8.819 1.014 1970 5 14.665 0.413 0 0 14.665 0.413 15.159 1.060 1970 6 19.320 -0.527 0 0 19.320 -0.527 19.792 0.098 1970 7 22.063 -0.295 0 0 22.063 -0.295 22.286 0.080 1970 8 22.223 0.777 0 0 22.223 0.777 21.932 0.638 1970 9 17.885 0.464 0 0 17.885 0.464 18.207 0.939 1970 10 12.731 1.767 0 0 12.731 1.767 12.520 1.709 1970 11 5.262 1.044 0 0 5.262 1.044 5.106 1.041 1970 12 -1.434 0.848 0 0 -1.434 0.848 -2.353 0.081 1971 1 -6.197 -0.956 0 0 -6.197 -0.956 -7.364 -1.971 1971 2 -2.570 1.468 0 0 -2.570 1.468 -3.461 0.729 1971 3 -0.421 -1.548 0 0 -0.421 -1.548 -0.402 -1.376 1971 4 5.784 -2.173 0 0 5.784 -2.173 6.744 -1.061 1971 5 12.669 -1.582 0 0 12.669 -1.582 13.031 -1.068 1971 6 20.697 0.850 0 0 20.697 0.850 21.408 1.713 1971 7 21.263 -1.095 0 0 21.263 -1.095 21.329 -0.876 1971 8 21.179 -0.267 0 0 21.179 -0.267 20.812 -0.481 1971 9 19.007 1.586 0 0 19.007 1.586 19.188 1.920 1971 10 15.047 4.083 0 0 15.047 4.083 15.137 4.325 1971 11 4.505 0.287 0 0 4.505 0.287 4.470 0.404 1971 12 1.131 3.413 0 0 1.131 3.413 0.432 2.866 1972 1 -4.973 0.269 0 0 -4.973 0.269 -5.591 -0.197 1972 2 -5.028 -0.990 0 0 -5.028 -0.990 -5.511 -1.321 1972 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.792 -1.766 1972 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.199 -1.607 1972 5 13.889 -0.363 0 0 13.889 -0.363 14.859 0.760 1972 6 16.105 -3.742 0 0 16.105 -3.742 17.330 -2.364 1972 7 21.492 -0.866 0 0 21.492 -0.866 21.858 -0.347 1972 8 20.694 -0.753 0 0 20.694 -0.753 20.527 -0.767 1972 9 17.585 0.164 0 0 17.585 0.164 17.459 0.190 1972 10 9.181 -1.783 0 0 9.181 -1.783 8.771 -2.040 1972 11 4.000 -0.218 0 0 4.000 -0.218 3.435 -0.630 1972 12 -0.442 1.840 0 0 -0.442 1.840 -1.920 0.515 1973 1 -1.756 3.485 0 0 -1.756 3.485 -2.771 2.622 1973 2 -4.145 -0.107 0 0 -4.145 -0.107 -5.058 -0.869 1973 3 5.508 4.381 0 0 5.508 4.381 5.552 4.577 1973 4 8.623 0.666 0 0 8.623 0.666 8.877 1.071 1973 5 12.750 -1.502 0 0 12.750 -1.502 12.414 -1.685 1973 6 21.212 1.365 0 0 21.212 1.365 21.122 1.427 1973 7 22.573 0.215 0 0 22.573 0.215 22.472 0.267 1973 8 22.995 1.549 0 0 22.995 1.549 22.572 1.278 1973 9 18.358 0.938 0 0 18.358 0.938 18.103 0.835 1973 10 13.748 2.785 0 0 13.748 2.785 13.401 2.590 1973 11 5.347 1.129 0 0 5.347 1.129 5.361 1.295 1973 12 -0.939 1.343 0 0 -0.939 1.343 -2.456 -0.022 1974 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -3.952 1.441 1974 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -5.859 -1.669 1974 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.546 0.572 1974 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.368 1.563 1974 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.148 -1.952 1974 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.925 -0.769 1974 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.468 0.263 1974 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.652 0.358 1974 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.765 -1.503 1974 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.870 -0.942 1974 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.186 1.120 1974 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1.728 0.707