% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 41124 % Primary Name: PELLSTON AP #2 % Record Type: TAVG % Country: United States % State: MI % Latitude: 45.57190 +/- 0.00005 % Longitude: -84.78580 +/- 0.00005 % Elevation (m): 217.02 +/- 0.15 % # of Months: 140 % % Alternate Names: Missing Station ID - 206442 % % IDs: coop - 206442 % ghcnd - USC00206442 % ncdc - 30001233 % nws - PLNM4 % % Sources: US Cooperative Summary of the Day % Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % US Cooperative Summary of the Month % Multi-network Metadata System % % Site Hash: f6cbb5015b29b5c1eb7933a4c881f209 % Raw Data Hash: f2fa27dbe5859b9085c35e9d454d3ade % Adj Data Hash: 6eff409e0881e23f3096d7ef5cef1ae9 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 2001 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -5.111 3.050 2001 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -7.164 0.919 2001 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -2.891 0.401 2001 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.951 2.117 2001 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.340 2.190 2001 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.604 1.284 2001 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.415 -0.110 2001 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.981 1.935 2001 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.824 0.022 2001 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.925 0.434 2001 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.411 4.252 2001 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.033 4.575 2002 1 -2.889 5.851 0 0 -3.923 4.816 -3.366 4.795 2002 2 -5.722 2.940 0 0 -7.019 1.642 -4.662 3.421 2002 3 -5.611 -1.741 0 0 -6.640 -2.770 -4.397 -1.106 2002 4 4.500 1.244 0 0 4.115 0.859 4.371 0.537 2002 5 8.444 -1.128 0 0 8.496 -1.076 8.042 -2.109 2002 6 17.389 2.647 0 0 17.384 2.642 16.010 0.690 2002 7 21.611 3.665 0 0 21.266 3.320 21.007 2.482 2002 8 18.778 1.310 0 0 18.105 0.638 18.882 0.836 2002 9 16.889 3.665 0 0 16.047 2.824 16.797 2.995 2002 10 6.111 -1.802 0 0 5.316 -2.597 6.709 -1.782 2002 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.036 -1.124 2002 12 -2.722 2.464 0 0 -3.407 1.780 -3.015 1.593 2003 1 -8.333 0.406 0 0 -9.368 -0.628 -9.101 -0.940 2003 2 -10.778 -2.116 0 0 -12.075 -3.413 -11.288 -3.204 2003 3 -4.222 -0.352 0 0 -5.251 -1.381 -3.849 -0.558 2003 4 2.611 -0.645 0 0 2.226 -1.030 2.952 -0.882 2003 5 10.778 1.206 0 0 10.829 1.257 10.395 0.245 2003 6 15.833 1.092 0 0 15.828 1.087 14.996 -0.324 2003 7 19.278 1.332 0 0 18.933 0.987 18.617 0.093 2003 8 19.889 2.421 0 0 19.216 1.749 19.491 1.445 2003 9 15.111 1.887 0 0 14.270 1.046 14.826 1.023 2003 10 6.556 -1.357 0 1 6.560 -1.353 7.967 -0.525 2003 11 2.111 0.530 0 0 2.269 0.688 3.468 1.308 2003 12 -2.889 2.297 0 0 -2.774 2.412 -2.129 2.479 2004 1 -11.667 -2.927 0 0 -11.902 -3.163 -11.636 -3.475 2004 2 -7.611 1.051 0 0 -8.109 0.552 -6.017 2.066 2004 3 -1.278 2.592 0 0 -1.507 2.363 -0.744 2.547 2004 4 4.167 0.911 0 0 4.581 1.325 4.406 0.572 2004 5 9.444 -0.128 0 0 10.295 0.723 9.235 -0.916 2004 6 14.722 -0.019 0 0 15.516 0.775 14.217 -1.103 2004 7 17.389 -0.557 0 0 17.843 -0.103 17.707 -0.818 2004 8 15.611 -1.856 0 0 15.738 -1.730 16.426 -1.620 2004 9 16.111 2.887 0 0 16.069 2.845 16.714 2.911 2004 10 8.000 0.087 0 0 8.004 0.091 9.598 1.107 2004 11 2.111 0.530 0 0 2.269 0.688 4.161 2.002 2004 12 -6.389 -1.203 0 0 -6.274 -1.088 -5.625 -1.017 2005 1 -10.333 -1.594 0 0 -10.569 -1.829 -9.431 -1.270 2005 2 -5.778 2.884 0 1 -5.448 3.213 -5.031 3.053 2005 3 -6.667 -2.797 0 0 -6.431 -2.561 -4.279 -0.987 2005 4 5.667 2.411 0 0 5.677 2.421 6.286 2.451 2005 5 9.500 -0.072 0 0 9.358 -0.214 9.566 -0.585 2005 6 19.667 4.925 0 0 19.544 4.803 18.611 3.291 2005 7 19.833 1.887 0 0 19.830 1.884 20.380 1.855 2005 8 18.611 1.144 0 0 18.722 1.255 19.325 1.279 2005 9 15.833 2.610 0 0 16.003 2.780 16.701 2.899 2005 10 9.222 1.309 0 0 9.376 1.463 10.790 2.298 2005 11 2.056 0.475 0 0 2.156 0.575 3.462 1.302 2005 12 -5.111 0.075 0 0 -4.996 0.190 -4.746 -0.138 2006 1 -3.444 5.295 0 0 -3.207 5.532 -2.625 5.535 2006 2 -7.667 0.995 0 0 -7.337 1.324 -6.852 1.231 2006 3 -2.833 1.037 0 0 -2.598 1.272 -1.266 2.025 2006 4 6.056 2.800 0 0 6.066 2.810 6.783 2.949 2006 5 12.389 2.817 0 0 12.247 2.675 12.008 1.857 2006 6 16.389 1.647 0 0 16.267 1.525 16.354 1.035 2006 7 20.556 2.609 0 0 20.552 2.606 20.899 2.374 2006 8 17.778 0.310 0 0 17.889 0.421 18.726 0.680 2006 9 12.667 -0.557 0 0 12.837 -0.387 13.674 -0.128 2006 10 5.833 -2.080 0 0 5.987 -1.926 7.570 -0.921 2006 11 3.333 1.752 0 0 3.433 1.852 4.361 2.201 2006 12 -1.222 3.964 0 0 -1.107 4.079 -0.749 3.858 2007 1 -5.556 3.184 0 0 -5.318 3.421 -5.067 3.094 2007 2 -11.500 -2.838 0 0 -11.171 -2.509 -10.177 -2.094 2007 3 -1.333 2.537 0 0 -1.098 2.772 -0.962 2.330 2007 4 3.056 -0.200 0 0 3.066 -0.190 3.946 0.112 2007 5 11.778 2.206 0 0 11.636 2.063 12.048 1.897 2007 6 17.944 3.203 0 0 17.822 3.081 17.611 2.291 2007 7 18.222 0.276 0 0 18.219 0.272 18.669 0.145 2007 8 18.667 1.199 0 0 18.778 1.310 19.375 1.329 2007 9 14.833 1.610 0 0 15.003 1.780 15.585 1.783 2007 10 11.444 3.531 0 0 11.598 3.685 12.463 3.972 2007 11 0.778 -0.803 0 0 0.878 -0.703 2.435 0.275 2007 12 -4.667 0.520 0 0 -4.552 0.635 -4.084 0.524 2008 1 -5.778 2.962 0 0 -5.540 3.199 -5.132 3.029 2008 2 -10.667 -2.005 0 0 -10.337 -1.676 -8.626 -0.542 2008 3 -6.667 -2.797 0 0 -6.431 -2.561 -4.840 -1.548 2008 4 6.167 2.911 0 0 6.177 2.921 6.259 2.425 2008 5 8.611 -0.961 0 0 8.469 -1.103 8.555 -1.595 2008 6 16.833 2.092 0 0 16.711 1.970 15.697 0.377 2008 7 18.722 0.776 0 0 18.719 0.772 18.675 0.150 2008 8 17.778 0.310 0 0 17.889 0.421 18.351 0.305 2008 9 13.833 0.610 0 0 14.003 0.780 14.619 0.817 2008 10 6.500 -1.413 0 0 6.654 -1.259 8.559 0.067 2008 11 1.556 -0.025 0 0 1.656 0.075 3.169 1.010 2008 12 -6.611 -1.425 0 0 -6.496 -1.310 -6.536 -1.928 2009 1 -13.389 -4.649 0 0 -13.151 -4.412 -11.184 -3.023 2009 2 -8.333 0.328 0 0 -8.004 0.658 -6.835 1.249 2009 3 -3.722 0.148 0 0 -3.487 0.383 -2.661 0.630 2009 4 3.889 0.633 0 0 3.899 0.644 4.640 0.806 2009 5 9.556 -0.017 0 0 9.413 -0.159 9.409 -0.742 2009 6 15.056 0.314 0 0 14.933 0.192 14.614 -0.706 2009 7 16.056 -1.891 0 0 16.052 -1.894 16.180 -2.345 2009 8 16.833 -0.634 0 0 16.944 -0.523 17.545 -0.501 2009 9 14.333 1.110 0 0 14.503 1.280 15.439 1.636 2009 10 5.667 -2.246 0 0 5.820 -2.093 7.250 -1.242 2009 11 3.722 2.141 0 0 3.822 2.241 5.843 3.684 2009 12 -6.278 -1.091 0 0 -6.163 -0.976 -4.841 -0.233 2010 1 -7.167 1.573 0 0 -6.929 1.810 -6.204 1.957 2010 2 -7.778 0.884 0 0 -7.448 1.213 -5.702 2.381 2010 3 1.167 5.037 0 0 1.402 5.272 2.203 5.495 2010 4 8.000 4.744 0 0 8.010 4.755 7.884 4.050 2010 5 13.667 4.094 0 0 13.525 3.952 13.071 2.920 2010 6 16.278 1.536 0 0 16.155 1.414 15.601 0.282 2010 7 20.389 2.443 0 0 20.385 2.439 20.424 1.899 2010 8 20.000 2.532 0 0 20.111 2.643 20.381 2.335 2010 9 12.833 -0.390 0 0 13.003 -0.220 13.413 -0.389 2010 10 7.778 -0.135 0 0 7.932 0.019 9.582 1.091 2010 11 2.333 0.752 0 0 2.433 0.852 4.093 1.934 2010 12 -5.944 -0.758 0 0 -5.829 -0.643 -4.991 -0.383 2011 1 -11.278 -2.538 0 0 -11.040 -2.301 -9.717 -1.556 2011 2 -7.722 0.940 0 0 -7.393 1.269 -6.620 1.463 2011 3 -4.278 -0.408 0 0 -4.042 -0.172 -3.138 0.153 2011 4 3.667 0.411 0 0 3.677 0.421 3.778 -0.056 2011 5 11.500 1.928 0 0 11.358 1.786 10.817 0.666 2011 6 16.333 1.592 0 0 16.211 1.470 15.241 -0.079 2011 7 20.833 2.887 0 0 20.830 2.884 20.712 2.187 2011 8 19.278 1.810 0 0 19.389 1.921 19.438 1.392 2011 9 14.222 0.999 0 0 14.392 1.168 14.369 0.567 2011 10 8.611 0.698 0 0 8.765 0.852 10.138 1.646 2011 11 3.278 1.697 0 0 3.378 1.797 5.151 2.992 2011 12 -1.888 3.298 0 0 -1.773 3.414 -1.622 2.986 2012 1 -5.902 2.838 0 0 -5.664 3.075 -4.525 3.636 2012 2 -3.917 4.745 0 0 -3.588 5.074 -2.683 5.400 2012 3 4.417 8.287 0 0 4.652 8.522 4.195 7.486 2012 4 4.293 1.037 0 0 4.303 1.047 5.106 1.272 2012 5 13.191 3.619 0 0 13.049 3.477 12.656 2.505 2012 6 17.522 2.781 0 0 17.400 2.658 17.347 2.027 2012 7 20.705 2.759 0 0 20.701 2.755 21.211 2.686 2012 8 18.969 1.502 0 0 19.080 1.613 19.507 1.461 2012 9 12.780 -0.444 0 0 12.950 -0.274 13.647 -0.155 2012 10 7.457 -0.456 0 0 7.611 -0.302 8.974 0.483 2012 11 1.923 0.342 0 0 2.023 0.442 3.243 1.084 2012 12 -1.952 3.234 0 0 -1.837 3.349 -1.765 2.843 2013 1 -6.290 2.449 0 0 -6.053 2.687 -5.506 2.655 2013 2 -8.767 -0.106 0 0 -8.438 0.224 -7.363 0.720 2013 3 -4.503 -0.633 0 0 -4.268 -0.398 -2.998 0.294 2013 4 2.035 -1.220 0 0 2.046 -1.210 2.475 -1.359 2013 5 11.903 2.331 0 0 11.761 2.189 10.957 0.806 2013 6 16.096 1.355 0 0 15.974 1.233 15.371 0.051 2013 7 19.002 1.056 0 0 18.998 1.052 19.281 0.756 2013 8 17.890 0.422 0 0 18.001 0.533 18.602 0.556 2013 9 14.103 0.879 1 0 NaN NaN 14.110 0.308 2013 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.644 1.153