% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 38964 % Primary Name: MURPHY 10 W % Record Type: TAVG % Country: United States % State: ID % Latitude: 43.20440 +/- 0.00005 % Longitude: -116.75060 +/- 0.00005 % Elevation (m): 1204.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 126 % % IDs: coop - 106252 % ghcnd - USW00004127 % gsod - 999999-04127 % icao - E13C % ncdc - 30014632 % nws - RENI1 % wban - 4127 % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % Global Summary of the Day % Multi-network Metadata System % % Site Hash: 8641816d2ebf0658726da842b358c61c % Raw Data Hash: 011be51bb82f0933c806ad35de90a870 % Adj Data Hash: d97b83c22ad26b0ac0e88bf6f93292c6 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 2002 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.646 0.764 2002 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.320 2.551 2002 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.139 -1.425 2002 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.136 0.352 2002 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.526 -1.077 2002 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.479 1.128 2002 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.736 2.249 2003 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.143 5.595 2003 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.512 -0.080 2003 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.132 1.685 2003 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.519 -1.542 2003 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.808 0.651 2003 6 23.500 7.267 1 0 NaN NaN 17.003 1.121 2003 7 23.903 2.784 0 0 23.903 2.784 24.281 3.512 2003 8 21.844 1.929 0 0 21.844 1.929 20.794 1.231 2003 9 16.245 1.111 0 0 16.245 1.111 16.175 1.391 2003 10 12.052 3.098 0 0 12.052 3.098 11.874 3.270 2003 11 1.142 -1.559 0 0 1.142 -1.559 0.291 -2.059 2003 12 1.302 2.464 0 0 1.302 2.464 0.168 1.681 2004 1 -2.415 -0.313 0 0 -2.415 -0.313 -1.957 0.494 2004 2 -0.462 -1.405 0 0 -0.462 -1.405 0.296 -0.296 2004 3 7.126 4.328 0 0 7.126 4.328 6.187 3.740 2004 4 9.407 2.996 0 0 9.407 2.996 7.779 1.719 2004 5 12.145 0.638 0 0 12.145 0.638 11.352 0.196 2004 6 17.180 0.947 0 0 17.180 0.947 16.363 0.481 2004 7 21.935 0.816 0 0 21.935 0.816 22.275 1.506 2004 8 20.735 0.821 0 0 20.735 0.821 19.772 0.209 2004 9 14.197 -0.938 0 0 14.197 -0.938 14.204 -0.580 2004 10 9.115 0.161 0 0 9.115 0.161 8.789 0.185 2004 11 2.175 -0.526 0 0 2.175 -0.526 1.863 -0.488 2004 12 0.629 1.792 0 0 0.629 1.792 0.314 1.827 2005 1 -0.973 1.129 0 0 -0.973 1.129 -1.028 1.424 2005 2 0.571 -0.371 0 0 0.571 -0.371 1.534 0.941 2005 3 5.553 2.755 0 0 5.553 2.755 3.832 1.385 2005 4 7.663 1.253 0 0 7.663 1.253 5.797 -0.263 2005 5 11.952 0.445 0 0 11.952 0.445 11.379 0.223 2005 6 14.641 -1.592 0 0 14.641 -1.592 13.203 -2.680 2005 7 21.655 0.535 0 0 21.655 0.535 22.534 1.765 2005 8 20.953 1.039 0 0 20.953 1.039 20.558 0.995 2005 9 13.902 -1.233 0 0 13.902 -1.233 13.913 -0.870 2005 10 8.906 -0.047 0 0 8.906 -0.047 9.380 0.777 2005 11 1.980 -0.721 0 0 1.980 -0.721 2.358 0.008 2005 12 -1.885 -0.723 0 0 -1.885 -0.723 -1.301 0.212 2006 1 1.382 3.484 0 0 1.382 3.484 0.146 2.598 2006 2 -0.586 -1.528 0 0 -0.586 -1.528 0.577 -0.016 2006 3 3.016 0.218 0 0 3.016 0.218 0.546 -1.901 2006 4 7.715 1.305 0 0 7.715 1.305 6.190 0.130 2006 5 13.247 1.741 0 0 13.247 1.741 12.699 1.543 2006 6 18.185 1.952 0 0 18.185 1.952 17.520 1.638 2006 7 23.650 2.530 0 0 23.650 2.530 24.047 3.277 2006 8 19.695 -0.219 0 0 19.695 -0.219 19.042 -0.521 2006 9 14.945 -0.189 0 0 14.945 -0.189 15.038 0.254 2006 10 8.065 -0.889 0 0 8.065 -0.889 8.474 -0.130 2006 11 4.373 1.673 0 0 4.373 1.673 2.904 0.553 2006 12 -1.653 -0.490 0 0 -1.653 -0.490 -1.419 0.094 2007 1 -3.427 -1.326 0 0 -3.427 -1.326 -3.224 -0.773 2007 2 3.027 2.084 0 0 3.027 2.084 2.524 1.932 2007 3 6.674 3.876 0 0 6.674 3.876 5.729 3.281 2007 4 8.148 1.738 0 0 8.148 1.738 6.760 0.700 2007 5 13.650 2.143 0 0 13.650 2.143 13.386 2.230 2007 6 18.809 2.577 0 0 18.809 2.577 16.900 1.018 2007 7 24.456 3.337 0 0 24.456 3.337 24.615 3.846 2007 8 20.794 0.879 0 0 20.794 0.879 20.588 1.024 2007 9 14.762 -0.373 0 0 14.762 -0.373 14.154 -0.630 2007 10 7.915 -1.039 0 0 7.915 -1.039 8.041 -0.562 2007 11 2.955 0.254 0 0 2.955 0.254 3.439 1.089 2007 12 -1.624 -0.461 0 0 -1.624 -0.461 -3.151 -1.637 2008 1 -2.024 0.077 0 0 -2.024 0.077 -3.879 -1.427 2008 2 1.205 0.262 0 0 1.205 0.262 1.406 0.814 2008 3 2.524 -0.274 0 0 2.524 -0.274 1.207 -1.240 2008 4 4.818 -1.592 0 0 4.818 -1.592 3.851 -2.209 2008 5 12.397 0.890 0 0 12.397 0.890 11.373 0.217 2008 6 16.112 -0.121 0 0 16.112 -0.121 15.238 -0.644 2008 7 21.673 0.553 0 0 21.673 0.553 21.981 1.212 2008 8 20.658 0.744 0 0 20.658 0.744 20.293 0.730 2008 9 15.120 -0.014 0 0 15.120 -0.014 15.579 0.795 2008 10 9.276 0.322 0 0 9.276 0.322 9.535 0.932 2008 11 4.740 2.039 0 0 4.740 2.039 5.078 2.727 2008 12 -1.873 -0.710 0 0 -1.873 -0.710 -2.155 -0.641 2009 1 -0.706 1.395 0 0 -0.706 1.395 0.021 2.473 2009 2 0.175 -0.768 0 0 0.175 -0.768 1.398 0.806 2009 3 2.792 -0.006 0 0 2.792 -0.006 1.581 -0.867 2009 4 7.250 0.840 0 0 7.250 0.840 5.728 -0.332 2009 5 12.997 1.490 0 0 12.997 1.490 13.386 2.230 2009 6 15.755 -0.478 0 0 15.755 -0.478 14.695 -1.187 2009 7 21.231 0.111 0 0 21.231 0.111 21.802 1.033 2009 8 19.903 -0.011 0 0 19.903 -0.011 19.483 -0.080 2009 9 17.807 2.672 0 0 17.807 2.672 17.700 2.917 2009 10 6.616 -2.337 0 0 6.616 -2.337 6.757 -1.847 2009 11 2.228 -0.472 0 0 2.228 -0.472 2.704 0.354 2009 12 -4.223 -3.060 0 0 -4.223 -3.060 -4.106 -2.593 2010 1 1.118 3.219 0 0 1.118 3.219 0.975 3.426 2010 2 1.575 0.632 0 0 1.575 0.632 2.261 1.669 2010 3 3.789 0.991 0 0 3.789 0.991 2.354 -0.093 2010 4 6.245 -0.165 0 0 6.245 -0.165 4.657 -1.404 2010 5 8.994 -2.513 0 0 8.994 -2.513 7.914 -3.242 2010 6 15.450 -0.783 0 0 15.450 -0.783 14.327 -1.556 2010 7 20.266 -0.853 0 0 20.266 -0.853 20.899 0.129 2010 8 18.989 -0.925 0 0 18.989 -0.925 18.553 -1.011 2010 9 16.056 0.921 0 0 16.056 0.921 15.818 1.034 2010 10 10.779 1.825 0 0 10.779 1.825 10.843 2.240 2010 11 1.630 -1.071 0 0 1.630 -1.071 1.462 -0.888 2010 12 0.474 1.637 0 0 0.474 1.637 -0.172 1.341 2011 1 -1.197 0.904 0 0 -1.197 0.904 -0.845 1.607 2011 2 -0.196 -1.139 0 0 -0.196 -1.139 0.225 -0.368 2011 3 4.074 1.276 0 0 4.074 1.276 2.161 -0.287 2011 4 5.015 -1.395 0 0 5.015 -1.395 3.359 -2.701 2011 5 9.377 -2.129 0 0 9.377 -2.129 8.459 -2.697 2011 6 14.526 -1.707 0 0 14.526 -1.707 13.023 -2.859 2011 7 19.815 -1.305 0 0 19.815 -1.305 20.312 -0.457 2011 8 21.456 1.542 0 0 21.456 1.542 20.874 1.310 2011 9 17.398 2.264 0 0 17.398 2.264 17.815 3.032 2011 10 9.045 0.091 0 0 9.045 0.091 9.663 1.059 2011 11 1.492 -1.209 0 0 1.492 -1.209 1.349 -1.001 2011 12 -1.956 -0.794 0 0 -1.956 -0.794 -1.335 0.178 2012 1 0.269 2.371 0 0 0.269 2.371 0.170 2.622 2012 2 1.012 0.069 0 0 1.012 0.069 1.061 0.469 2012 3 5.710 2.912 0 0 5.710 2.912 3.574 1.127 2012 4 8.915 2.505 0 0 8.915 2.505 7.716 1.656 2012 5 11.318 -0.189 0 0 11.318 -0.189 11.658 0.502 2012 6 15.453 -0.779 0 0 15.453 -0.779 14.977 -0.906 2012 7 22.631 1.511 0 0 22.631 1.511 23.145 2.376 2012 8 21.827 1.913 0 0 21.827 1.913 21.865 2.301 2012 9 17.304 2.170 0 0 17.304 2.170 17.440 2.656 2012 10 8.523 -0.431 0 0 8.523 -0.431 9.643 1.039 2012 11 4.160 1.459 0 0 4.160 1.459 4.379 2.029 2012 12 -0.313 0.850 0 0 -0.313 0.850 -1.538 -0.024 2013 1 -6.026 -3.925 0 0 -6.026 -3.925 -4.543 -2.092 2013 2 0.605 -0.337 0 0 0.605 -0.337 1.118 0.526 2013 3 4.634 1.836 0 0 4.634 1.836 3.914 1.467 2013 4 7.672 1.261 0 0 7.672 1.261 6.240 0.180 2013 5 12.624 1.118 0 0 12.624 1.118 12.245 1.089 2013 6 17.685 1.452 0 0 17.685 1.452 16.831 0.949 2013 7 23.515 2.395 0 0 23.515 2.395 24.172 3.403 2013 8 22.746 2.831 0 0 22.746 2.831 21.146 1.582 2013 9 15.983 0.849 0 0 15.983 0.849 15.118 0.334 2013 10 7.265 -1.689 0 0 7.265 -1.689 7.625 -0.979 2013 11 3.030 0.329 1 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN