% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature 
% station in the Berkeley Earth database.  This station is identified as: 
%    Berkeley ID#:  36936
%    Primary Name:  WATERBURY OXFORD
%    Record Type:   TAVG
%    Country:       United States
%    State:         CT
%    Latitude:        41.48100 +/- 0.00250
%    Longitude:      -73.13400 +/- 0.00150
%    Elevation (m): 221.15 +/- 0.20
%    # of Months:   262
%    IDs: gsod - 725029-64707
%         gsod - 725029-99999
%         icao - KOXC
%         usaf - 725029
%         wban - 64707
%    Sources: Global Summary of the Day
%    Site Hash:     0dcb680ed3241ec4a4a9fe61cc8b7c5b
%    Raw Data Hash: 03864d4f308dc7c61305f1065151d4bd
%    Adj Data Hash: a2de64e0c7c7641043093e42980dc327
% The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in 
% several forms.  The temperature values are reported as "raw", 
% "adjusted", and "regional expectation".  
% The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by 
% the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s).  
% These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature 
% time series if multiple archives reported values for this location.
% Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which 
% values failed initial quality control checks.  A further column 
% dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" 
% due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement 
% gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3")
% and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). 
% In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, 
% caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, 
% station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station.  
% The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate 
% the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each 
% time series to neighboring series.  At the end of the analysis process, 
% the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at 
% this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases.  
% This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control 
% issues and be regionally homogeneous.  Some users may find this 
% "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more 
% suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work 
% with raw values.
% Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based 
% on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the 
% station.  This incorporates information from as many weather stations as 
% are available for the local region surrounding this location.  Note
% that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or
% colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences 
% in mean elevation and other local characteristics.
% For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" 
% time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean.
% These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through 
% time.
% Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages.  As
% these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional 
% information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be 
% available in our whole data set files.
% The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48
%                   Raw Data           QC    Continuity     Adjusted Data      Regional Expectation
% Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed,   Breaks,   Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly
  1991     2         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       2.298     2.693
  1991     3         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       5.373     2.101
  1991     4         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      10.088     1.884
  1991     5         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      16.169     2.693
  1991     6         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      19.604     1.075
  1991     7         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      22.301     0.505
  1991     8         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      22.587     1.042
  1991     9         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      17.707    -0.427
  1991    10         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      13.320     0.625
  1991    11         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       8.594     0.925
  1991    12         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       3.227     1.479
  1992     1         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       0.476     1.192
  1992     2       1.224     3.185       1         0           NaN       NaN       0.776     1.171
  1992     3       1.398    -0.308       0         0         1.398    -0.308       2.411    -0.860
  1992     4       6.931     0.293       0         0         6.931     0.293       7.030    -1.174
  1992     5      14.453     2.543       0         0        14.453     2.543      12.728    -0.748
  1992     6      19.233     2.270       0         0        19.233     2.270      17.534    -0.995
  1992     7      19.441    -0.790       0         0        19.441    -0.790      20.474    -1.322
  1992     8      18.799    -1.180       0         0        18.799    -1.180      20.368    -1.177
  1992     9      15.731    -0.837       0         0        15.731    -0.837      17.748    -0.386
  1992    10       8.516    -2.613       0         0         8.516    -2.613      11.025    -1.670
  1992    11       4.871    -1.233       1         0           NaN       NaN       7.573    -0.097
  1992    12      -0.599    -0.781       0         0        -0.599    -0.781       2.156     0.408
  1993     1      -1.676     0.606       0         0        -1.676     0.606       1.149     1.865
  1993     2      -5.099    -3.138       0         0        -5.099    -3.138      -2.664    -2.269
  1993     3       0.249    -1.457       0         0         0.249    -1.457       1.995    -1.277
  1993     4       8.202     1.564       0         0         8.202     1.564       8.669     0.465
  1993     5      14.681     2.771       0         0        14.681     2.771      14.613     1.137
  1993     6      18.339     1.376       0         0        18.339     1.376      18.839     0.310
  1993     7      21.995     1.764       0         0        21.995     1.764      22.805     1.009
  1993     8      20.724     0.745       0         0        20.724     0.745      22.101     0.556
  1993     9      15.574    -0.995       0         0        15.574    -0.995      18.202     0.067
  1993    10       8.778    -2.352       0         0         8.778    -2.352      11.466    -1.229
  1993    11       4.837    -1.267       0         0         4.837    -1.267       8.004     0.334
  1993    12      -0.787    -0.969       0         0        -0.787    -0.969       1.627    -0.122
  1994     1      -7.337    -5.055       0         0        -7.337    -5.055      -3.969    -3.253
  1994     2      -4.383    -2.422       0         0        -4.383    -2.422      -2.809    -2.414
  1994     3       1.579    -0.127       0         0         1.579    -0.127       3.119    -0.152
  1994     4       9.428     2.790       0         0         9.428     2.790       9.762     1.558
  1994     5      12.685     0.774       0         0        12.685     0.774      12.757    -0.719
  1994     6      20.494     3.531       0         0        20.494     3.531      19.850     1.321
  1994     7      22.346     2.115       0         0        22.346     2.115      23.880     2.084
  1994     8      19.023    -0.956       0         0        19.023    -0.956      20.762    -0.783
  1994     9      15.437    -1.132       0         0        15.437    -1.132      17.714    -0.421
  1994    10       9.806    -1.323       0         0         9.806    -1.323      12.025    -0.670
  1994    11       7.276     1.172       0         0         7.276     1.172      10.322     2.652
  1994    12       1.622     1.439       0         0         1.622     1.439       3.990     2.242
  1995     1      -0.143     2.138       0         0        -0.143     2.138       2.627     3.343
  1995     2      -4.078    -2.117       0         0        -4.078    -2.117      -1.245    -0.850
  1995     3       3.593     1.887       0         0         3.593     1.887       5.019     1.748
  1995     4       6.675     0.037       0         0         6.675     0.037       8.177    -0.026
  1995     5      12.892     0.982       0         0        12.892     0.982      12.786    -0.690
  1995     6      18.802     1.838       0         0        18.802     1.838      18.567     0.038
  1995     7      22.392     2.162       0         0        22.392     2.162      23.061     1.265
  1995     8      20.491     0.512       0         0        20.491     0.512      22.302     0.758
  1995     9      15.580    -0.989       0         0        15.580    -0.989      17.649    -0.486
  1995    10      12.109     0.980       0         0        12.109     0.980      14.402     1.707
  1995    11       2.985    -3.118       0         0         2.985    -3.118       6.654    -1.016
  1995    12      -3.504    -3.686       0         0        -3.504    -3.686      -0.707    -2.456
  1996     1      -3.837    -1.555       0         0        -3.837    -1.555      -1.015    -0.300
  1996     2      -2.494    -0.533       0         0        -2.494    -0.533      -0.630    -0.234
  1996     3       0.353    -1.353       0         0         0.353    -1.353       1.964    -1.307
  1996     4       7.587     0.949       0         0         7.587     0.949       8.361     0.157
  1996     5      12.659     0.749       0         0        12.659     0.749      12.813    -0.663
  1996     6      18.524     1.561       0         0        18.524     1.561      18.726     0.197
  1996     7      19.704    -0.527       0         0        19.704    -0.527      20.668    -1.128
  1996     8      20.000     0.021       0         0        20.000     0.021      21.190    -0.355
  1996     9      16.215    -0.354       0         0        16.215    -0.354      18.197     0.063
  1996    10      10.072    -1.058       0         0        10.072    -1.058      12.004    -0.691
  1996    11       2.676    -3.428       0         0         2.676    -3.428       5.851    -1.818
  1996    12       1.844     1.661       0         0         1.844     1.661       4.298     2.550
  1997     1      -4.265    -1.984       0         0        -4.265    -1.984      -0.426     0.290
  1997     2       1.280     3.241       0         0         1.280     3.241       2.726     3.122
  1997     3       1.688    -0.018       0         0         1.688    -0.018       3.641     0.370
  1997     4       7.115     0.477       0         0         7.115     0.477       7.980    -0.224
  1997     5      11.690    -0.220       0         0        11.690    -0.220      12.056    -1.420
  1997     6      19.296     2.332       0         0        19.296     2.332      18.224    -0.305
  1997     7      20.432     0.201       0         0        20.432     0.201      21.952     0.156
  1997     8      19.145    -0.834       0         0        19.145    -0.834      20.975    -0.570
  1997     9      15.446    -1.122       0         0        15.446    -1.122      18.005    -0.129
  1997    10       9.570    -1.559       0         0         9.570    -1.559      12.106    -0.589
  1997    11       3.528    -2.576       0         0         3.528    -2.576       6.951    -0.719
  1997    12      -0.145    -0.328       0         0        -0.145    -0.328       2.370     0.622
  1998     1       0.529     2.810       0         0         0.529     2.810       3.056     3.772
  1998     2       2.365     4.326       0         0         2.365     4.326       3.002     3.397
  1998     3       3.841     2.135       0         0         3.841     2.135       4.985     1.714
  1998     4       8.717     2.079       0         0         8.717     2.079       9.244     1.041
  1998     5      15.099     3.188       0         0        15.099     3.188      14.822     1.347
  1998     6      17.698     0.735       0         0        17.698     0.735      17.986    -0.543
  1998     7      20.876     0.646       0         0        20.876     0.646      22.186     0.390
  1998     8      21.134     1.155       0         0        21.134     1.155      22.493     0.948
  1998     9      17.156     0.587       0         0        17.156     0.587      19.432     1.297
  1998    10      10.667    -0.463       0         0        10.667    -0.463      12.854     0.159
  1998    11       5.180    -0.924       0         0         5.180    -0.924       8.253     0.583
  1998    12       2.520     2.337       0         0         2.520     2.337       4.579     2.830
  1999     1      -2.463    -0.181       0         0        -2.463    -0.181       0.534     1.250
  1999     2      -0.369     1.592       0         0        -0.369     1.592       1.508     1.903
  1999     3       2.391     0.685       0         0         2.391     0.685       4.301     1.030
  1999     4       8.704     2.066       0         0         8.704     2.066       9.274     1.071
  1999     5      14.191     2.281       0         0        14.191     2.281      14.244     0.768
  1999     6      19.711     2.748       0         0        19.711     2.748      19.989     1.460
  1999     7      22.943     2.712       0         0        22.943     2.712      23.730     1.934
  1999     8      20.394     0.415       0         0        20.394     0.415      21.841     0.296
  1999     9      17.247     0.678       0         0        17.247     0.678      19.366     1.231
  1999    10       9.739    -1.390       0         0         9.739    -1.390      12.294    -0.401
  1999    11       7.480     1.376       0         0         7.480     1.376      10.109     2.440
  1999    12       1.108     0.925       0         0         1.108     0.925       3.605     1.857
  2000     1      -4.100    -1.819       0         0        -4.100    -1.819      -1.237    -0.521
  2000     2      -0.485     1.476       0         0        -0.485     1.476       1.348     1.743
  2000     3       4.943     3.237       0         0         4.943     3.237       6.108     2.837
  2000     4       7.411     0.773       0         0         7.411     0.773       8.157    -0.047
  2000     5      13.884     1.973       0         0        13.884     1.973      13.943     0.468
  2000     6      18.339     1.376       0         0        18.339     1.376      18.586     0.057
  2000     7      19.242    -0.989       0         0        19.242    -0.989      20.339    -1.458
  2000     8      19.335    -0.644       0         0        19.335    -0.644      20.937    -0.608
  2000     9      15.561    -1.008       0         0        15.561    -1.008      17.912    -0.222
  2000    10       9.857    -1.273       0         0         9.857    -1.273      12.367    -0.328
  2000    11       4.117    -1.987       0         0         4.117    -1.987       7.798     0.128
  2000    12      -3.808    -3.991       0         0        -3.808    -3.991      -0.679    -2.427
  2001     1      -3.030    -0.748       0         0        -3.030    -0.748      -0.602     0.114
  2001     2      -1.482     0.479       0         0        -1.482     0.479       0.662     1.058
  2001     3       0.566    -1.139       0         0         0.566    -1.139       2.745    -0.527
  2001     4       8.630     1.992       0         0         8.630     1.992       8.946     0.742
  2001     5      14.622     2.712       0         0        14.622     2.712      14.347     0.871
  2001     6      19.533     2.570       0         0        19.533     2.570      19.982     1.453
  2001     7      19.195    -1.035       0         0        19.195    -1.035      20.341    -1.455
  2001     8      21.933     1.954       0         0        21.933     1.954      23.222     1.678
  2001     9      16.324    -0.245       0         0        16.324    -0.245      18.491     0.356
  2001    10      12.222     1.093       0         0        12.222     1.093      13.251     0.556
  2001    11       7.743     1.639       0         0         7.743     1.639      10.497     2.827
  2001    12       2.056     1.873       1         0           NaN       NaN       5.491     3.743
  2002     1       0.977     3.258       0         0         0.977     3.258       3.271     3.987
  2002     2       1.103     3.064       0         0         1.103     3.064       2.980     3.376
  2002     3       3.548     1.843       0         0         3.548     1.843       5.200     1.928
  2002     4       9.750     3.112       0         0         9.750     3.112      10.444     2.240
  2002     5      12.228     0.318       1         0           NaN       NaN      12.834    -0.642
  2002     6      17.958     0.994       0         0        17.958     0.994      18.318    -0.211
  2002     7      22.151     1.920       0         0        22.151     1.920      22.828     1.032
  2002     8      21.233     1.254       0         0        21.233     1.254      22.888     1.343
  2002     9      17.650     1.081       0         0        17.650     1.081      19.546     1.411
  2002    10       9.588    -1.541       0         0         9.588    -1.541      12.415    -0.279
  2002    11       4.346    -1.757       0         0         4.346    -1.757       7.912     0.243
  2002    12      -0.729    -0.912       0         0        -0.729    -0.912       1.551    -0.197
  2003     1      -5.918    -3.636       0         0        -5.918    -3.636      -2.543    -1.827
  2003     2      -4.294    -2.333       0         0        -4.294    -2.333      -2.309    -1.914
  2003     3       2.677     0.972       0         0         2.677     0.972       3.542     0.270
  2003     4       6.674     0.036       0         0         6.674     0.036       7.270    -0.934
  2003     5      12.409     0.498       0         0        12.409     0.498      11.948    -1.528
  2003     6      17.813     0.850       0         0        17.813     0.850      17.514    -1.015
  2003     7      21.137     0.906       0         0        21.137     0.906      22.046     0.250
  2003     8      21.774     1.795       0         0        21.774     1.795      23.212     1.667
  2003     9      17.000     0.431       0         0        17.000     0.431      19.239     1.104
  2003    10       9.050    -2.079       0         0         9.050    -2.079      12.047    -0.648
  2003    11       6.748     0.644       0         0         6.748     0.644       9.809     2.139
  2003    12       0.203     0.020       0         0         0.203     0.020       2.852     1.104
  2004     1      -7.409    -5.127       0         0        -7.409    -5.127      -4.310    -3.594
  2004     2      -1.895     0.066       0         0        -1.895     0.066       0.269     0.664
  2004     3       3.194     1.488       0         0         3.194     1.488       4.167     0.896
  2004     4       8.680     2.042       0         0         8.680     2.042       8.913     0.709
  2004     5      15.057     3.147       0         0        15.057     3.147      14.429     0.953
  2004     6      18.050     1.087       0         0        18.050     1.087      18.165    -0.364
  2004     7      20.599     0.368       0         0        20.599     0.368      21.379    -0.418
  2004     8      20.133     0.154       0         0        20.133     0.154      21.454    -0.090
  2004     9      17.237     0.668       0         0        17.237     0.668      19.251     1.117
  2004    10      10.056    -1.074       0         0        10.056    -1.074      12.438    -0.257
  2004    11       5.802    -0.302       0         0         5.802    -0.302       8.693     1.024
  2004    12      -0.538    -0.720       0         0        -0.538    -0.720       2.602     0.854
  2005     1      -4.365    -2.083       0         0        -4.365    -2.083      -1.180    -0.464
  2005     2      -0.966     0.995       0         0        -0.966     0.995       0.280     0.675
  2005     3       0.113    -1.593       0         0         0.113    -1.593       1.980    -1.291
  2005     4       9.615     2.977       0         0         9.615     2.977       9.060     0.856
  2005     5      11.240    -0.670       0         0        11.240    -0.670      11.408    -2.068
  2005     6      20.004     3.040       0         0        20.004     3.040      19.311     0.782
  2005     7      21.674     1.443       0         0        21.674     1.443      22.234     0.437
  2005     8      22.220     2.241       0         0        22.220     2.241      23.627     2.083
  2005     9      18.413     1.844       0         0        18.413     1.844      20.499     2.364
  2005    10      10.806    -0.323       0         0        10.806    -0.323      13.601     0.906
  2005    11       6.407     0.304       0         0         6.407     0.304       9.727     2.058
  2005    12      -1.959    -2.142       0         0        -1.959    -2.142       1.421    -0.327
  2006     1       1.030     3.312       0         0         1.030     3.312       3.653     4.369
  2006     2      -1.482     0.479       0         0        -1.482     0.479       0.772     1.167
  2006     3       2.414     0.708       0         0         2.414     0.708       3.871     0.600
  2006     4       8.976     2.338       0         0         8.976     2.338       9.643     1.440
  2006     5      13.498     1.588       0         0        13.498     1.588      13.575     0.099
  2006     6      18.828     1.864       0         0        18.828     1.864      18.840     0.311
  2006     7      22.668     2.438       0         0        22.668     2.438      23.215     1.419
  2006     8      20.478     0.499       0         0        20.478     0.499      22.186     0.641
  2006     9      15.670    -0.898       0         0        15.670    -0.898      17.884    -0.251
  2006    10      10.213    -0.916       0         0        10.213    -0.916      12.576    -0.119
  2006    11       7.928     1.824       0         0         7.928     1.824      10.866     3.197
  2006    12       3.577     3.394       0         0         3.577     3.394       5.813     4.064
  2007     1      -0.204     2.078       0         0        -0.204     2.078       2.343     3.059
  2007     2      -5.188    -3.227       0         0        -5.188    -3.227      -2.321    -1.926
  2007     3       1.674    -0.032       0         0         1.674    -0.032       3.353     0.081
  2007     4       6.900     0.262       0         0         6.900     0.262       7.509    -0.695
  2007     5      15.211     3.301       0         0        15.211     3.301      14.451     0.975
  2007     6      18.839     1.876       0         0        18.839     1.876      18.690     0.161
  2007     7      20.806     0.576       0         0        20.806     0.576      21.785    -0.011
  2007     8      20.548     0.569       0         0        20.548     0.569      21.862     0.317
  2007     9      17.843     1.274       0         0        17.843     1.274      19.408     1.274
  2007    10      14.435     3.306       0         0        14.435     3.306      16.089     3.394
  2007    11       4.220    -1.883       1         0           NaN       NaN       7.837     0.168
  2007    12      -1.095    -1.278       0         0        -1.095    -1.278       2.010     0.262
  2008     1      -0.987     1.295       0         0        -0.987     1.295       1.761     2.477
  2008     2      -1.044     0.917       0         0        -1.044     0.917       1.128     1.524
  2008     3       2.179     0.473       0         0         2.179     0.473       4.182     0.910
  2008     4       9.802     3.164       0         0         9.802     3.164       9.805     1.601
  2008     5      12.353     0.443       0         0        12.353     0.443      12.652    -0.823
  2008     6      20.004     3.040       0         0        20.004     3.040      20.243     1.714
  2008     7      22.237     2.006       0         0        22.237     2.006      23.125     1.328
  2008     8      19.047    -0.933       0         0        19.047    -0.933      20.900    -0.645
  2008     9      17.004     0.435       0         0        17.004     0.435      19.074     0.940
  2008    10       9.168    -1.961       0         0         9.168    -1.961      12.080    -0.615
  2008    11       4.572    -1.531       0         0         4.572    -1.531       7.924     0.254
  2008    12       0.018    -0.165       0         0         0.018    -0.165       3.196     1.447
  2009     1      -5.738    -3.457       0         0        -5.738    -3.457      -2.783    -2.067
  2009     2      -0.669     1.292       0         0        -0.669     1.292       1.118     1.513
  2009     3       2.446     0.740       0         0         2.446     0.740       3.558     0.287
  2009     4      10.039     3.401       0         0        10.039     3.401       9.623     1.420
  2009     5      13.509     1.599       1         0           NaN       NaN      13.723     0.248
  2009     6      17.087     0.124       0         0        17.087     0.124      17.168    -1.361
  2009     7      19.812    -0.419       0         0        19.812    -0.419      20.696    -1.101
  2009     8      21.324     1.345       0         0        21.324     1.345      22.813     1.268
  2009     9      15.581    -0.987       0         0        15.581    -0.987      17.756    -0.378
  2009    10       9.435    -1.694       0         0         9.435    -1.694      11.890    -0.805
  2009    11       7.580     1.476       0         0         7.580     1.476      10.815     3.146
  2009    12      -1.341    -1.523       0         0        -1.341    -1.523       1.686    -0.062
  2010     1      -2.989    -0.708       0         0        -2.989    -0.708      -0.470     0.246
  2010     2      -1.849     0.112       0         0        -1.849     0.112       0.236     0.632
  2010     3       6.127     4.421       0         0         6.127     4.421       6.878     3.607
  2010     4      10.941     4.303       0         0        10.941     4.303      11.194     2.990
  2010     5      15.964     4.054       0         0        15.964     4.054      15.335     1.859
  2010     6      19.928     2.964       0         0        19.928     2.964      20.439     1.910
  2010     7      23.312     3.081       0         0        23.312     3.081      24.176     2.379
  2010     8      22.217     2.238       0         0        22.217     2.238      22.622     1.077
  2010     9      18.585     2.016       0         0        18.585     2.016      20.017     1.883
  2010    10      11.290     0.161       0         0        11.290     0.161      13.471     0.776
  2010    11       5.344    -0.759       0         0         5.344    -0.759       8.663     0.993
  2010    12      -2.391    -2.573       0         0        -2.391    -2.573       0.310    -1.439
  2011     1      -4.477    -2.195       0         0        -4.477    -2.195      -1.906    -1.190
  2011     2      -1.893     0.068       0         0        -1.893     0.068       0.025     0.420
  2011     3       2.459     0.753       0         0         2.459     0.753       4.227     0.955
  2011     4       8.998     2.360       0         0         8.998     2.360       9.479     1.276
  2011     5      14.984     3.074       0         0        14.984     3.074      14.724     1.248
  2011     6      19.074     2.111       0         0        19.074     2.111      19.224     0.695
  2011     7      22.853     2.622       0         0        22.853     2.622      23.556     1.760
  2011     8      21.018     1.039       1         0           NaN       NaN      22.419     0.874
  2011     9      18.357     1.789       0         0        18.357     1.789      20.063     1.928
  2011    10      11.766     0.637       0         0        11.766     0.637      13.780     1.085
  2011    11       8.479     2.375       0         0         8.479     2.375      10.696     3.027
  2011    12       2.978     2.796       0         0         2.978     2.796       5.240     3.492
  2012     1      -0.281     2.000       0         0        -0.281     2.000       2.512     3.228
  2012     2       1.500     3.461       0         0         1.500     3.461       3.395     3.791
  2012     3       7.278     5.572       0         0         7.278     5.572       8.111     4.840
  2012     4       9.670     3.032       0         0         9.670     3.032      10.645     2.441
  2012     5      15.835     3.925       0         0        15.835     3.925      15.753     2.278
  2012     6      18.709     1.746       0         0        18.709     1.746      19.052     0.523
  2012     7      22.491     2.260       0         0        22.491     2.260      23.504     1.708
  2012     8      21.455     1.476       0         0        21.455     1.476      22.969     1.424
  2012     9      16.776     0.207       0         0        16.776     0.207      18.935     0.800
  2012    10      12.059     0.930       0         0        12.059     0.930      14.361     1.667
  2012    11       3.944    -2.159       0         0         3.944    -2.159       6.990    -0.680
  2012    12       2.306     2.123       0         0         2.306     2.123       4.747     2.999
  2013     1      -1.382     0.900       0         0        -1.382     0.900       1.088     1.804
  2013     2      -1.597     0.364       0         0        -1.597     0.364       0.228     0.624
  2013     3       1.928     0.223       0         0         1.928     0.223       3.516     0.245
  2013     4       8.544     1.906       0         0         8.544     1.906       8.876     0.672
  2013     5      14.335     2.425       0         0        14.335     2.425      13.865     0.390
  2013     6      19.776     2.813       0         0        19.776     2.813      19.388     0.859
  2013     7      23.615     3.384       0         0        23.615     3.384      24.402     2.606
  2013     8      20.201     0.222       0         0        20.201     0.222      21.245    -0.300
  2013     9      16.031    -0.537       0         0        16.031    -0.537      17.797    -0.337
  2013    10      11.871     0.742       0         0        11.871     0.742      13.928     1.233
  2013    11       8.820     2.716       1         0           NaN       NaN         NaN       NaN