% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 34424 % Primary Name: LUTHERSVILLE % Record Type: TAVG % Country: United States % State: MD % Latitude: 39.41670 +/- 0.00005 % Longitude: -76.63330 +/- 0.00005 % Elevation (m): 103.63 +/- 0.15 % # of Months: 175 % % Alternate Names: Missing Station ID - 185590 % % IDs: coop - 185590 % ghcnd - USC00185590 % ncdc - 12002337 % % Sources: US Cooperative Summary of the Day % Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % Multi-network Metadata System % % Site Hash: 589778129000361c499e9adf91011efb % Raw Data Hash: 837e03392b843c00acb6ca7726f7dfe1 % Adj Data Hash: 12e29ff56743eb9c110f097cc13e1a2c % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1925 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.094 -0.515 1926 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.720 -0.251 1926 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.261 -0.540 1926 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.382 -2.419 1926 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.079 -1.709 1926 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.570 -0.598 1926 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.533 -2.284 1926 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.956 -0.348 1926 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.779 0.217 1926 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.951 0.214 1926 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.623 -0.438 1926 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.156 -1.135 1926 12 -0.765 -2.172 0 0 -0.765 -2.172 -0.920 -2.530 1927 1 0.016 0.687 0 0 0.016 0.687 -0.482 -0.013 1927 2 3.663 3.064 0 0 3.663 3.064 3.334 2.533 1927 3 6.692 1.093 0 0 6.692 1.093 7.226 1.424 1927 4 9.765 -1.821 0 0 9.765 -1.821 9.974 -1.814 1927 5 15.971 -0.994 0 0 15.971 -0.994 16.091 -1.077 1927 6 19.170 -2.445 0 0 19.170 -2.445 19.109 -2.708 1927 7 23.390 -0.712 0 0 23.390 -0.712 23.486 -0.818 1927 8 20.221 -3.139 0 0 20.221 -3.139 20.302 -3.259 1927 9 19.482 -0.054 0 0 19.482 -0.054 19.978 0.241 1927 10 14.226 1.367 0 0 14.226 1.367 14.251 1.190 1927 11 9.465 2.377 0 0 9.465 2.377 9.924 2.633 1927 12 2.798 1.391 0 0 2.798 1.391 2.082 0.473 1928 1 0.572 1.243 0 0 0.572 1.243 0.571 1.040 1928 2 1.638 1.039 1 0 NaN NaN 1.098 0.297 1928 3 5.106 -0.493 0 0 5.106 -0.493 5.297 -0.505 1928 4 9.533 -2.052 0 0 9.533 -2.052 9.977 -1.811 1928 5 15.285 -1.680 0 0 15.285 -1.680 15.731 -1.436 1928 6 20.098 -1.516 0 0 20.098 -1.516 20.243 -1.574 1928 7 23.660 -0.442 0 0 23.660 -0.442 24.181 -0.123 1928 8 24.123 0.763 0 0 24.123 0.763 24.018 0.457 1928 9 17.022 -2.514 0 0 17.022 -2.514 17.399 -2.338 1928 10 13.535 0.676 0 0 13.535 0.676 13.683 0.622 1928 11 8.040 0.952 0 0 8.040 0.952 8.541 1.250 1928 12 2.332 0.925 0 0 2.332 0.925 2.105 0.496 1929 1 -0.400 0.271 0 0 -0.400 0.271 -0.468 0.000 1929 2 -0.279 -0.877 0 0 -0.279 -0.877 -0.587 -1.388 1929 3 8.136 2.537 0 0 8.136 2.537 8.718 2.917 1929 4 12.468 0.883 0 0 12.468 0.883 13.082 1.295 1929 5 15.987 -0.978 0 0 15.987 -0.978 16.328 -0.840 1929 6 20.700 -0.915 0 0 20.700 -0.915 21.218 -0.599 1929 7 22.981 -1.121 0 0 22.981 -1.121 23.458 -0.846 1929 8 21.255 -2.104 0 0 21.255 -2.104 22.034 -1.528 1929 9 19.453 -0.082 0 0 19.453 -0.082 20.349 0.612 1929 10 11.174 -1.685 0 0 11.174 -1.685 11.442 -1.619 1929 11 7.447 0.358 0 0 7.447 0.358 7.939 0.649 1929 12 1.316 -0.091 0 0 1.316 -0.091 1.689 0.080 1930 1 -0.097 0.574 0 0 -0.097 0.574 0.086 0.555 1930 2 3.105 2.506 0 0 3.105 2.506 3.211 2.410 1930 3 5.642 0.043 0 0 5.642 0.043 5.884 0.083 1930 4 9.162 -2.424 0 0 9.162 -2.424 10.405 -1.383 1930 5 17.574 0.609 0 0 17.574 0.609 18.055 0.887 1930 6 22.040 0.425 0 0 22.040 0.425 22.318 0.501 1930 7 24.847 0.745 0 0 24.847 0.745 25.325 1.021 1930 8 22.996 -0.364 0 0 22.996 -0.364 23.688 0.126 1930 9 22.305 2.770 0 0 22.305 2.770 23.117 3.380 1930 10 11.963 -0.896 0 0 11.963 -0.896 11.918 -1.144 1930 11 6.673 -0.415 1 0 NaN NaN 7.157 -0.133 1930 12 0.682 -0.725 0 0 0.682 -0.725 0.106 -1.504 1931 1 0.787 1.458 0 0 0.787 1.458 0.757 1.226 1931 2 2.355 1.756 0 0 2.355 1.756 1.783 0.982 1931 3 4.274 -1.325 0 0 4.274 -1.325 4.151 -1.651 1931 4 10.377 -1.209 0 0 10.377 -1.209 11.075 -0.713 1931 5 16.676 -0.290 0 0 16.676 -0.290 16.803 -0.364 1931 6 21.373 -0.241 0 0 21.373 -0.241 21.557 -0.260 1931 7 25.069 0.967 0 0 25.069 0.967 25.438 1.134 1931 8 23.226 -0.134 0 0 23.226 -0.134 23.279 -0.282 1931 9 22.368 2.833 0 0 22.368 2.833 22.614 2.877 1931 10 14.652 1.793 0 0 14.652 1.793 14.674 1.613 1931 11 10.652 3.563 0 0 10.652 3.563 11.160 3.870 1931 12 5.469 4.062 0 0 5.469 4.062 5.169 3.560 1932 1 6.918 7.589 0 0 6.918 7.589 6.379 6.848 1932 2 4.341 3.742 0 0 4.341 3.742 3.917 3.116 1932 3 3.547 -2.052 0 0 3.547 -2.052 3.503 -2.298 1932 4 9.935 -1.651 0 0 9.935 -1.651 10.458 -1.329 1932 5 17.017 0.051 0 0 17.017 0.051 16.705 -0.463 1932 6 21.407 -0.208 0 0 21.407 -0.208 21.590 -0.226 1932 7 24.102 -0.000 0 0 24.102 -0.000 24.003 -0.301 1932 8 23.584 0.224 0 0 23.584 0.224 24.023 0.462 1932 9 19.743 0.208 0 0 19.743 0.208 20.290 0.553 1932 10 13.121 0.262 0 0 13.121 0.262 13.139 0.078 1932 11 5.888 -1.200 0 0 5.888 -1.200 6.271 -1.020 1932 12 2.290 0.883 0 0 2.290 0.883 2.237 0.627 1933 1 4.605 5.276 0 0 4.605 5.276 4.284 4.753 1933 2 2.023 1.424 0 0 2.023 1.424 1.439 0.638 1933 3 4.629 -0.970 0 0 4.629 -0.970 4.704 -1.098 1933 4 11.567 -0.019 0 0 11.567 -0.019 11.921 0.134 1933 5 17.987 1.022 0 0 17.987 1.022 18.150 0.983 1933 6 22.407 0.792 0 0 22.407 0.792 22.502 0.685 1933 7 23.231 -0.871 0 0 23.231 -0.871 23.488 -0.816 1933 8 23.474 0.115 0 0 23.474 0.115 23.411 -0.150 1933 9 20.968 1.433 0 0 20.968 1.433 21.285 1.548 1933 10 12.540 -0.319 0 0 12.540 -0.319 12.134 -0.927 1933 11 5.510 -1.578 0 0 5.510 -1.578 6.057 -1.233 1933 12 1.429 0.022 0 0 1.429 0.022 1.522 -0.087 1934 1 2.498 3.169 0 0 2.498 3.169 2.197 2.666 1934 2 -6.296 -6.895 0 0 -6.296 -6.895 -6.032 -6.833 1934 3 3.382 -2.217 0 0 3.382 -2.217 3.830 -1.971 1934 4 10.793 -0.792 0 0 10.793 -0.792 11.295 -0.493 1934 5 17.629 0.664 0 0 17.629 0.664 17.729 0.561 1934 6 23.312 1.697 0 0 23.312 1.697 23.632 1.815 1934 7 25.955 1.852 0 0 25.955 1.852 25.939 1.635 1934 8 22.053 -1.306 0 0 22.053 -1.306 22.260 -1.302 1934 9 20.045 0.510 0 0 20.045 0.510 20.518 0.781 1934 10 12.034 -0.825 0 0 12.034 -0.825 12.150 -0.912 1934 11 8.088 1.000 0 0 8.088 1.000 8.934 1.643 1934 12 1.148 -0.259 0 0 1.148 -0.259 1.089 -0.521 1935 1 -1.173 -0.502 0 0 -1.173 -0.502 -1.352 -0.883 1935 2 -0.018 -0.617 0 0 -0.018 -0.617 -0.294 -1.095 1935 3 8.037 2.438 0 0 8.037 2.438 8.556 2.755 1935 4 9.380 -2.206 0 0 9.380 -2.206 10.175 -1.612 1935 5 14.863 -2.103 0 0 14.863 -2.103 14.995 -2.173 1935 6 20.864 -0.750 0 0 20.864 -0.750 21.330 -0.487 1935 7 24.818 0.716 0 0 24.818 0.716 25.170 0.865 1935 8 23.368 0.008 0 0 23.368 0.008 23.710 0.149 1935 9 17.878 -1.657 0 0 17.878 -1.657 18.474 -1.263 1935 10 12.521 -0.338 0 0 12.521 -0.338 13.000 -0.061 1935 11 8.810 1.722 0 0 8.810 1.722 9.357 2.066 1935 12 -1.542 -2.949 0 0 -1.542 -2.949 -1.772 -3.381 1936 1 -2.510 -1.839 0 0 -2.510 -1.839 -2.892 -2.423 1936 2 -3.836 -4.435 0 0 -3.836 -4.435 -4.036 -4.837 1936 3 7.635 2.036 0 0 7.635 2.036 8.421 2.620 1936 4 9.667 -1.919 0 0 9.667 -1.919 10.108 -1.680 1936 5 17.826 0.860 0 0 17.826 0.860 18.250 1.082 1936 6 21.085 -0.530 0 0 21.085 -0.530 21.479 -0.338 1936 7 24.079 -0.023 0 0 24.079 -0.023 24.596 0.292 1936 8 23.752 0.392 0 0 23.752 0.392 24.401 0.839 1936 9 20.210 0.675 0 0 20.210 0.675 20.888 1.151 1936 10 13.535 0.676 0 0 13.535 0.676 13.885 0.824 1936 11 5.477 -1.612 0 0 5.477 -1.612 6.208 -1.083 1936 12 2.576 1.169 0 0 2.576 1.169 2.301 0.692 1937 1 5.015 5.685 0 0 5.015 5.685 4.562 5.031 1937 2 1.218 0.619 0 0 1.218 0.619 0.945 0.144 1937 3 3.695 -1.904 0 0 3.695 -1.904 4.275 -1.526 1937 4 10.823 -0.762 0 0 10.823 -0.762 10.883 -0.904 1937 5 17.256 0.291 0 0 17.256 0.291 17.315 0.147 1937 6 22.517 0.902 0 0 22.517 0.902 22.581 0.764 1937 7 23.931 -0.171 0 0 23.931 -0.171 23.951 -0.353 1937 8 24.150 0.790 0 0 24.150 0.790 24.359 0.798 1937 9 17.433 -2.102 0 0 17.433 -2.102 18.027 -1.710 1937 10 12.013 -0.846 0 0 12.013 -0.846 11.624 -1.437 1937 11 6.460 -0.628 0 0 6.460 -0.628 7.087 -0.203 1937 12 0.997 -0.410 0 0 0.997 -0.410 0.739 -0.870 1938 1 0.427 1.098 0 0 0.427 1.098 0.147 0.616 1938 2 3.371 2.773 0 0 3.371 2.773 2.944 2.143 1938 3 7.665 2.065 0 0 7.665 2.065 8.100 2.299 1938 4 11.937 0.351 0 0 11.937 0.351 12.775 0.987 1938 5 16.231 -0.735 0 0 16.231 -0.735 16.273 -0.895 1938 6 21.155 -0.460 0 0 21.155 -0.460 21.222 -0.595 1938 7 24.166 0.064 0 0 24.166 0.064 24.588 0.284 1938 8 24.432 1.073 0 0 24.432 1.073 24.752 1.190 1938 9 18.583 -0.952 0 0 18.583 -0.952 18.842 -0.895 1938 10 13.194 0.334 0 0 13.194 0.334 13.175 0.114 1938 11 8.360 1.272 0 0 8.360 1.272 8.756 1.466 1938 12 1.977 0.569 0 0 1.977 0.569 1.454 -0.156 1939 1 1.032 1.703 0 0 1.032 1.703 0.813 1.281 1939 2 3.664 3.065 0 0 3.664 3.065 3.181 2.380 1939 3 6.187 0.588 0 0 6.187 0.588 6.668 0.867 1939 4 10.293 -1.292 0 0 10.293 -1.292 10.667 -1.120 1939 5 17.734 0.768 0 0 17.734 0.768 18.245 1.078 1939 6 22.647 1.032 0 0 22.647 1.032 22.614 0.798 1939 7 22.844 -1.259 0 0 22.844 -1.259 23.290 -1.015 1939 8 25.034 1.674 0 0 25.034 1.674 24.767 1.206 1939 9 19.702 0.166 0 0 19.702 0.166 20.480 0.742 1939 10 13.198 0.339 0 0 13.198 0.339 13.117 0.055 1939 11 5.755 -1.333 0 0 5.755 -1.333 6.498 -0.792 1939 12 2.331 0.923 0 0 2.331 0.923 2.413 0.803 1940 1 -6.108 -5.437 0 0 -6.108 -5.437 -6.055 -5.586 1940 2 1.238 0.639 0 0 1.238 0.639 0.516 -0.285 1940 3 3.055 -2.544 0 0 3.055 -2.544 3.247 -2.554 1940 4 8.642 -2.944 0 0 8.642 -2.944 9.124 -2.664 1940 5 16.295 -0.670 0 0 16.295 -0.670 16.688 -0.480 1940 6 21.540 -0.075 0 0 21.540 -0.075 21.877 0.060 1940 7 23.480 -0.622 0 0 23.480 -0.622 24.002 -0.302 1940 8 21.812 -1.548 0 0 21.812 -1.548 21.843 -1.718 1940 9 17.677 -1.858 0 0 17.677 -1.858 18.177 -1.560 1940 10 11.245 -1.614 0 0 11.245 -1.614 11.274 -1.787 1940 11 6.952 -0.136 0 0 6.952 -0.136 7.556 0.265 1940 12 1.347 -0.061 0 0 1.347 -0.061 3.736 2.126 1941 1 -0.492 0.179 0 0 -0.492 0.179 -0.821 -0.352 1941 2 -0.646 -1.245 0 0 -0.646 -1.245 -1.066 -1.867 1941 3 2.453 -3.146 0 0 2.453 -3.146 2.840 -2.961 1941 4 13.553 1.968 0 0 13.553 1.968 14.300 2.513 1941 5 17.426 0.460 0 0 17.426 0.460 17.805 0.637 1941 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.330 -0.487 1941 7 23.902 -0.200 0 0 23.902 -0.200 24.133 -0.171 1941 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.781 -0.780 1941 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.276 1.539 1941 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.046 2.985 1941 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.824 1.534 1941 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 3.309 1.699 1942 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.500 -0.031 1942 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.894 -1.695 1942 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.057 1.256 1942 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.606 1.818 1942 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.849 1.681 1942 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.096 0.279 1942 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.398 0.094