% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 28534 % Primary Name: KNOX CITY % Record Type: TAVG % Country: United States % State: TX % Latitude: 33.41670 +/- 0.00005 % Longitude: -99.81670 +/- 0.00005 % Elevation (m): 467.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 286 % % IDs: coop - 414852 % ghcnd - USC00414852 % ncdc - 20025636 % % Sources: US Cooperative Summary of the Day % Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % US Cooperative Summary of the Month % Multi-network Metadata System % % Site Hash: 8ff64eca8fa1bfaa57c58c8331e86803 % Raw Data Hash: d470f23b9fd65e195a77cdd5d936cf0c % Adj Data Hash: 5bda416d402acbf2bda570c3f51df0ef % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1941 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.142 -0.638 1941 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.904 -3.092 1941 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.648 -0.857 1941 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.339 -0.615 1941 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.439 -2.024 1941 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.646 -1.658 1941 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.953 -0.651 1941 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.346 -0.265 1941 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.836 1.078 1941 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.402 0.413 1941 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.516 1.576 1942 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.569 -0.735 1942 2 9.222 0.421 0 0 9.292 0.491 7.604 -0.176 1942 3 13.333 0.316 0 0 13.387 0.370 11.280 -0.717 1942 4 18.778 0.252 0 0 18.875 0.350 17.491 -0.014 1942 5 22.556 -0.419 0 0 22.712 -0.263 20.641 -1.313 1942 6 27.444 -0.039 0 0 27.608 0.124 26.416 -0.047 1942 7 28.056 -1.270 0 0 28.257 -1.069 27.353 -0.952 1942 8 27.667 -0.959 0 0 28.026 -0.599 26.818 -0.786 1942 9 22.500 -2.132 0 0 23.005 -1.627 21.536 -2.075 1942 10 17.889 -0.890 0 0 18.334 -0.445 17.035 -0.723 1942 11 14.278 2.268 0 0 14.516 2.507 13.180 2.191 1942 12 7.500 -0.460 0 0 7.602 -0.359 7.527 0.587 1943 1 7.278 0.954 0 0 7.359 1.035 5.690 0.387 1943 2 11.444 2.643 0 0 11.514 2.713 9.763 1.982 1943 3 11.333 -1.684 0 0 11.387 -1.630 9.564 -2.432 1943 4 20.333 1.808 0 0 20.431 1.905 19.548 2.043 1943 5 21.778 -1.197 0 0 21.934 -1.040 20.436 -1.518 1943 6 27.500 0.016 0 0 27.663 0.180 26.784 0.321 1943 7 29.444 0.119 0 0 29.645 0.320 28.263 -0.042 1943 8 31.889 3.264 0 0 32.248 3.623 30.485 2.881 1943 9 24.556 -0.076 0 0 25.061 0.429 23.246 -0.365 1943 10 18.000 -0.778 0 0 18.445 -0.333 16.918 -0.840 1943 11 11.444 -0.565 0 0 11.683 -0.327 10.717 -0.272 1943 12 5.389 -2.571 0 0 5.491 -2.470 5.254 -1.685 1944 1 7.056 0.732 0 0 7.137 0.813 5.822 0.519 1944 2 9.389 0.588 0 0 9.458 0.657 8.732 0.951 1944 3 12.222 -0.795 0 0 12.276 -0.741 10.590 -1.407 1944 4 17.833 -0.692 0 0 17.931 -0.595 16.685 -0.820 1944 5 22.444 -0.530 0 0 22.601 -0.374 21.318 -0.636 1944 6 28.222 0.739 0 0 28.386 0.902 27.526 1.063 1944 7 28.889 -0.436 0 0 29.090 -0.235 28.251 -0.054 1944 8 29.389 0.764 0 0 29.748 1.123 28.268 0.664 1944 9 23.722 -0.910 0 0 24.227 -0.404 22.699 -0.912 1944 10 19.000 0.222 0 0 19.445 0.667 18.182 0.424 1944 11 12.722 0.713 0 0 12.961 0.951 11.872 0.883 1944 12 5.389 -2.571 0 0 5.491 -2.470 5.306 -1.633 1945 1 6.778 0.454 0 0 6.859 0.535 6.191 0.888 1945 2 9.611 0.810 0 0 9.681 0.880 8.349 0.569 1945 3 15.000 1.983 0 0 15.054 2.037 13.813 1.816 1945 4 16.111 -2.414 0 0 16.208 -2.317 15.338 -2.167 1945 5 23.278 0.303 0 0 23.434 0.460 22.010 0.056 1945 6 27.444 -0.039 0 0 27.608 0.124 26.239 -0.224 1945 7 27.444 -1.881 0 0 27.645 -1.680 26.154 -2.151 1945 8 28.778 0.153 0 0 29.137 0.512 27.416 -0.188 1945 9 25.500 0.868 0 0 26.005 1.373 24.128 0.517 1945 10 17.444 -1.334 0 0 17.889 -0.889 16.705 -1.053 1945 11 13.389 1.379 0 0 13.627 1.618 12.889 1.900 1945 12 7.111 -0.849 0 0 7.213 -0.747 6.011 -0.929 1946 1 6.111 -0.213 0 0 6.192 -0.132 4.808 -0.495 1946 2 10.444 1.643 0 0 10.514 1.713 9.105 1.325 1946 3 15.333 2.316 0 0 15.387 2.370 13.788 1.792 1946 4 20.944 2.419 0 0 21.042 2.516 20.072 2.567 1946 5 21.556 -1.419 0 0 21.712 -1.263 20.702 -1.252 1946 6 26.278 -1.206 0 0 26.441 -1.042 26.089 -0.374 1946 7 29.444 0.119 0 0 29.645 0.320 28.946 0.641 1946 8 28.889 0.264 0 0 29.248 0.623 28.621 1.016 1946 9 22.444 -2.187 0 0 22.950 -1.682 23.019 -0.592 1946 10 18.278 -0.501 0 0 18.723 -0.056 19.069 1.311 1946 11 11.444 -0.565 0 0 11.683 -0.327 11.193 0.204 1946 12 8.833 0.873 0 0 8.935 0.975 9.217 2.277 1947 1 4.611 -1.713 0 0 4.692 -1.632 4.249 -1.054 1947 2 5.000 -3.801 0 0 5.069 -3.731 4.671 -3.109 1947 3 9.556 -3.462 0 0 9.609 -3.408 8.768 -3.229 1947 4 16.778 -1.748 0 0 16.875 -1.650 16.362 -1.143 1947 5 21.000 -1.975 0 0 21.156 -1.818 20.620 -1.334 1947 6 27.556 0.072 0 0 27.719 0.235 27.239 0.776 1947 7 28.111 -1.214 0 0 28.312 -1.013 28.424 0.119 1947 8 28.121 -0.504 0 0 28.480 -0.145 28.030 0.426 1947 9 24.778 0.146 0 0 25.283 0.651 25.128 1.517 1947 10 20.444 1.666 0 0 20.889 2.111 21.342 3.585 1947 11 9.389 -2.621 0 0 9.627 -2.382 8.637 -2.352 1947 12 8.000 0.040 0 0 8.102 0.141 7.700 0.761 1948 1 4.000 -2.324 0 0 4.081 -2.243 2.443 -2.860 1948 2 6.333 -2.468 0 0 6.403 -2.398 5.720 -2.060 1948 3 10.778 -2.240 0 0 10.832 -2.186 9.452 -2.545 1948 4 21.333 2.808 0 0 21.431 2.905 20.580 3.075 1948 5 23.056 0.081 0 0 23.212 0.237 22.773 0.819 1948 6 27.556 0.072 0 0 27.719 0.235 28.043 1.580 1948 7 28.278 -1.047 0 0 28.479 -0.846 28.034 -0.270 1948 8 28.278 -0.347 0 0 28.637 0.012 28.202 0.598 1948 9 23.611 -1.021 0 0 24.116 -0.515 23.487 -0.124 1948 10 17.111 -1.667 0 0 17.556 -1.222 17.165 -0.593 1948 11 11.333 -0.676 0 0 11.572 -0.438 10.098 -0.891 1948 12 9.944 1.984 0 0 10.046 2.086 9.025 2.085 1949 1 1.722 -4.602 0 0 1.803 -4.521 0.829 -4.474 1949 2 7.944 -0.857 0 0 8.014 -0.787 7.434 -0.346 1949 3 12.778 -0.240 0 0 12.832 -0.186 11.483 -0.513 1949 4 16.389 -2.136 0 0 16.486 -2.039 15.205 -2.300 1949 5 23.111 0.136 0 0 23.268 0.293 21.640 -0.314 1949 6 27.056 -0.428 0 0 27.219 -0.265 26.128 -0.335 1949 7 30.000 0.675 0 0 30.201 0.876 28.487 0.182 1949 8 27.611 -1.014 0 0 27.971 -0.655 26.501 -1.104 1949 9 23.222 -1.410 0 0 23.727 -0.904 22.626 -0.985 1949 10 17.722 -1.056 0 0 18.167 -0.611 17.173 -0.584 1949 11 14.389 2.379 0 0 14.627 2.618 13.428 2.439 1949 12 9.333 1.373 0 0 9.435 1.475 7.836 0.897 1950 1 7.778 1.454 0 0 7.859 1.535 7.640 2.337 1950 2 11.278 2.477 0 0 11.347 2.546 10.148 2.368 1950 3 13.111 0.094 0 0 13.165 0.148 11.652 -0.345 1950 4 18.056 -0.470 0 0 18.153 -0.373 17.419 -0.086 1950 5 22.000 -0.975 0 0 22.156 -0.818 21.342 -0.612 1950 6 26.389 -1.095 0 0 26.552 -0.931 26.202 -0.261 1950 7 27.000 -2.325 0 0 27.201 -2.124 26.325 -1.979 1950 8 26.278 -2.347 0 0 26.637 -1.988 26.072 -1.532 1950 9 22.611 -2.021 0 0 23.116 -1.515 22.395 -1.217 1950 10 20.722 1.944 0 0 21.167 2.389 20.580 2.822 1950 11 12.222 0.213 0 0 12.461 0.451 11.007 0.018 1950 12 7.389 -0.571 0 0 7.491 -0.470 6.569 -0.371 1951 1 7.444 1.121 0 0 7.525 1.202 5.693 0.390 1951 2 10.167 1.366 0 0 10.236 1.435 8.462 0.682 1951 3 13.056 0.038 0 0 13.109 0.092 11.487 -0.510 1951 4 17.833 -0.692 0 0 17.931 -0.595 16.773 -0.732 1951 5 23.056 0.081 0 0 23.212 0.237 22.109 0.155 1951 6 26.667 -0.817 0 0 26.830 -0.654 26.594 0.131 1951 7 30.000 0.675 0 0 30.201 0.876 29.367 1.063 1951 8 30.167 1.541 0 0 30.526 1.901 29.327 1.723 1951 9 24.500 -0.132 0 0 25.005 0.373 24.468 0.857 1951 10 19.611 0.833 0 0 20.056 1.278 19.404 1.646 1951 11 10.611 -1.398 0 0 10.850 -1.160 9.154 -1.835 1951 12 9.667 1.706 0 0 9.768 1.808 8.332 1.392 1952 1 10.722 4.398 0 0 10.803 4.479 9.311 4.008 1952 2 11.500 2.699 0 0 11.569 2.769 9.933 2.152 1952 3 12.833 -0.184 0 4 12.794 -0.224 11.018 -0.978 1952 4 17.778 -0.748 0 0 17.707 -0.819 16.612 -0.893 1952 5 23.333 0.359 0 0 23.219 0.244 21.732 -0.222 1952 6 29.944 2.461 0 0 29.825 2.341 28.918 2.455 1952 7 29.667 0.342 0 0 29.519 0.194 28.172 -0.133 1952 8 32.667 4.041 0 0 32.403 3.778 30.954 3.350 1952 9 25.111 0.479 0 0 24.741 0.109 23.420 -0.191 1952 10 17.944 -0.834 0 0 17.618 -1.160 16.841 -0.917 1952 11 11.556 -0.454 0 0 11.381 -0.629 10.123 -0.866 1952 12 7.722 -0.238 0 0 7.648 -0.313 6.946 0.006 1953 1 11.056 4.732 0 0 10.996 4.672 9.897 4.594 1953 2 9.833 1.032 0 0 9.782 0.981 7.964 0.184 1953 3 16.056 3.038 0 0 16.016 2.999 14.712 2.715 1953 4 18.111 -0.414 0 0 18.040 -0.486 17.085 -0.420 1953 5 23.111 0.136 0 0 22.996 0.022 21.707 -0.247 1953 6 31.778 4.294 0 0 31.658 4.174 30.614 4.151 1953 7 29.000 -0.325 0 0 28.853 -0.472 28.573 0.268 1953 8 27.778 -0.847 0 0 27.514 -1.111 27.331 -0.273 1953 9 25.500 0.868 0 0 25.130 0.498 24.555 0.944 1953 10 19.389 0.610 0 0 19.063 0.284 18.440 0.682 1953 11 12.056 0.046 0 0 11.881 -0.129 10.792 -0.197 1953 12 7.222 -0.738 0 0 7.148 -0.813 6.141 -0.799 1954 1 7.611 1.287 0 0 7.552 1.228 6.755 1.452 1954 2 13.778 4.977 0 0 13.727 4.926 11.989 4.209 1954 3 12.778 -0.240 0 0 12.738 -0.279 11.094 -0.902 1954 4 21.222 2.697 0 0 21.151 2.626 20.213 2.708 1954 5 19.944 -3.030 0 0 19.830 -3.145 19.263 -2.691 1954 6 28.500 1.016 0 0 28.380 0.897 27.331 0.868 1954 7 31.667 2.342 0 0 31.519 2.194 30.079 1.774 1954 8 30.889 2.264 0 0 30.625 2.000 29.370 1.765 1954 9 28.056 3.424 0 0 27.685 3.053 25.998 2.387 1954 10 20.556 1.777 0 0 20.229 1.451 19.320 1.562 1954 11 13.944 1.935 0 0 13.769 1.760 12.062 1.073 1954 12 9.444 1.484 0 0 9.370 1.410 8.888 1.949 1955 1 7.278 0.954 0 0 7.218 0.895 5.851 0.547 1955 2 8.444 -0.357 0 0 8.394 -0.407 7.219 -0.561 1955 3 14.222 1.205 0 0 14.183 1.165 12.669 0.672 1955 4 20.611 2.086 0 0 20.540 2.014 19.835 2.330 1955 5 24.111 1.136 0 0 23.996 1.022 22.822 0.868 1955 6 26.333 -1.150 0 0 26.214 -1.270 26.059 -0.404 1955 7 29.944 0.619 0 0 29.797 0.472 28.104 -0.201 1955 8 29.778 1.153 0 0 29.514 0.889 27.902 0.297 1955 9 26.389 1.757 0 0 26.018 1.387 24.840 1.229 1955 10 19.278 0.499 0 0 18.951 0.173 18.664 0.907 1955 11 12.333 0.324 0 0 12.158 0.149 10.926 -0.063 1955 12 8.333 0.373 0 0 8.259 0.299 8.120 1.181 1956 1 6.444 0.121 0 0 6.385 0.061 5.783 0.480 1956 2 8.611 -0.190 0 0 8.560 -0.241 6.956 -0.824 1956 3 14.833 1.816 0 0 14.794 1.776 13.061 1.064 1956 4 18.444 -0.081 0 0 18.373 -0.152 17.229 -0.276 1956 5 25.500 2.525 0 0 25.385 2.411 23.985 2.031 1956 6 30.111 2.628 0 0 29.991 2.508 28.836 2.373 1956 7 31.000 1.675 0 0 30.853 1.528 29.162 0.857 1956 8 30.278 1.653 0 0 30.014 1.389 28.602 0.998 1956 9 26.611 1.979 0 0 26.241 1.609 25.235 1.624 1956 10 21.444 2.666 0 0 21.118 2.340 20.063 2.305 1956 11 11.556 -0.454 0 0 11.381 -0.629 9.929 -1.060 1956 12 9.889 1.929 0 0 9.814 1.854 8.972 2.032 1957 1 7.000 0.676 0 0 6.941 0.617 5.709 0.406 1957 2 11.278 2.477 0 0 11.227 2.426 10.794 3.013 1957 3 12.111 -0.906 0 0 12.072 -0.946 11.296 -0.701 1957 4 16.778 -1.748 0 0 16.707 -1.819 15.803 -1.701 1957 5 21.167 -1.808 0 0 21.052 -1.923 19.543 -2.411 1957 6 26.222 -1.261 0 0 26.102 -1.381 25.206 -1.256 1957 7 30.611 1.286 0 0 30.464 1.139 29.179 0.875 1957 8 29.278 0.653 0 0 29.014 0.389 28.251 0.646 1957 9 23.667 -0.965 0 0 23.296 -1.336 22.452 -1.159 1957 10 16.889 -1.890 0 0 16.563 -2.216 16.155 -1.603 1957 11 9.611 -2.398 0 0 9.436 -2.573 8.285 -2.704 1957 12 9.889 1.929 0 0 9.814 1.854 9.240 2.300 1958 1 6.833 0.509 0 0 6.774 0.450 5.260 -0.043 1958 2 6.167 -2.634 0 0 6.116 -2.685 5.541 -2.240 1958 3 8.278 -4.740 0 0 8.238 -4.779 7.012 -4.984 1958 4 16.389 -2.136 0 0 16.318 -2.208 15.306 -2.199 1958 5 23.000 0.025 0 0 22.885 -0.089 21.386 -0.568 1958 6 28.333 0.850 0 0 28.214 0.730 27.626 1.163 1958 7 29.722 0.397 0 0 29.575 0.250 28.735 0.431 1958 8 29.722 1.097 0 0 29.459 0.833 28.452 0.847 1958 9 25.389 0.757 0 0 25.018 0.387 23.841 0.230 1958 10 18.444 -0.334 0 0 18.118 -0.660 17.194 -0.563 1958 11 13.222 1.213 0 0 13.047 1.038 11.701 0.712 1958 12 6.944 -1.016 0 0 6.870 -1.090 6.186 -0.754 1959 1 6.000 -0.324 0 0 5.941 -0.383 4.675 -0.628 1959 2 8.944 0.143 0 0 8.894 0.093 7.263 -0.518 1959 3 13.000 -0.017 0 0 12.960 -0.057 11.762 -0.235 1959 4 18.500 -0.025 0 0 18.429 -0.097 16.972 -0.533 1959 5 24.056 1.081 0 0 23.941 0.966 22.805 0.851 1959 6 26.778 -0.706 0 0 26.658 -0.826 26.280 -0.183 1959 7 27.444 -1.881 0 0 27.297 -2.028 26.284 -2.021 1959 8 29.444 0.819 0 0 29.181 0.556 27.930 0.325 1959 9 26.500 1.868 0 0 26.130 1.498 24.957 1.346 1959 10 17.611 -1.167 0 0 17.285 -1.494 16.648 -1.110 1959 11 9.222 -2.787 0 0 9.047 -2.962 8.039 -2.950 1959 12 9.000 1.040 0 0 8.925 0.965 8.503 1.563 1960 1 6.167 -0.157 0 0 6.107 -0.217 5.209 -0.094 1960 2 5.556 -3.245 0 0 5.505 -3.296 4.976 -2.804 1960 3 8.944 -4.073 0 0 8.905 -4.112 8.339 -3.657 1960 4 20.056 1.530 0 0 19.984 1.459 18.839 1.334 1960 5 23.111 0.136 0 0 22.996 0.022 21.539 -0.415 1960 6 28.889 1.405 0 0 28.769 1.286 28.041 1.578 1960 7 28.556 -0.770 0 0 28.408 -0.917 27.777 -0.527 1960 8 28.889 0.264 0 0 28.625 0.000 27.657 0.052 1960 9 25.833 1.202 0 0 25.463 0.831 24.451 0.840 1960 10 19.944 1.166 0 0 19.618 0.840 19.323 1.565 1960 11 13.944 1.935 0 0 13.769 1.760 12.459 1.470 1960 12 5.444 -2.516 0 0 5.370 -2.590 4.647 -2.293 1961 1 5.000 -1.324 0 0 4.941 -1.383 3.759 -1.545 1961 2 8.444 -0.357 0 0 8.394 -0.407 7.605 -0.175 1961 3 14.167 1.149 0 0 14.127 1.110 12.555 0.558 1961 4 19.111 0.586 0 0 19.040 0.514 17.572 0.068 1961 5 23.833 0.859 0 0 23.719 0.744 22.418 0.464 1961 6 25.389 -2.095 0 0 25.269 -2.214 24.842 -1.621 1961 7 26.778 -2.547 0 0 26.630 -2.695 25.876 -2.428 1961 8 27.389 -1.236 0 0 27.125 -1.500 26.186 -1.419 1961 9 23.944 -0.687 0 0 23.574 -1.058 22.858 -0.753 1961 10 19.167 0.388 0 0 18.840 0.062 18.082 0.325 1961 11 10.611 -1.398 0 0 10.436 -1.573 9.031 -1.958 1961 12 6.778 -1.182 0 0 6.703 -1.257 6.460 -0.479 1962 1 4.111 -2.213 0 0 4.052 -2.272 2.836 -2.467 1962 2 12.222 3.421 0 0 12.171 3.370 11.151 3.371 1962 3 12.278 -0.740 0 0 12.238 -0.779 10.233 -1.764 1962 4 17.944 -0.581 0 0 17.873 -0.652 17.224 -0.280 1962 5 25.611 2.636 0 0 25.496 2.522 24.535 2.581 1962 6 25.500 -1.984 0 0 25.380 -2.103 25.353 -1.109 1962 7 29.500 0.175 0 0 29.353 0.028 28.075 -0.229 1962 8 29.667 1.041 0 0 29.403 0.778 28.589 0.984 1962 9 23.944 -0.687 0 0 23.574 -1.058 23.147 -0.464 1962 10 20.667 1.888 0 0 20.340 1.562 19.830 2.072 1962 11 12.944 0.935 0 0 12.769 0.760 11.814 0.825 1962 12 8.389 0.429 0 0 8.314 0.354 7.699 0.759 1963 1 3.722 -2.602 0 0 3.663 -2.661 2.562 -2.741 1963 2 9.333 0.532 0 0 9.282 0.481 7.543 -0.238 1963 3 15.722 2.705 0 0 15.683 2.665 13.808 1.811 1963 4 21.611 3.086 0 0 21.540 3.014 20.704 3.200 1963 5 24.167 1.192 0 0 24.052 1.077 22.856 0.902 1963 6 27.167 -0.317 0 0 27.047 -0.437 26.121 -0.342 1963 7 30.389 1.064 0 0 30.242 0.916 29.151 0.846 1963 8 29.944 1.319 0 0 29.681 1.056 28.456 0.852 1963 9 26.000 1.368 0 0 25.630 0.998 24.660 1.048 1963 10 22.833 4.055 0 0 22.507 3.729 21.220 3.462 1963 11 13.556 1.546 0 0 13.381 1.371 12.312 1.323 1963 12 4.278 -3.682 0 0 4.203 -3.757 3.971 -2.968 1964 1 7.389 1.065 0 0 7.330 1.006 5.964 0.661 1964 2 6.500 -2.301 0 0 6.449 -2.352 5.222 -2.558 1964 3 13.167 0.149 0 0 13.127 0.110 11.365 -0.632 1964 4 20.111 1.586 0 0 20.040 1.514 19.002 1.497 1964 5 24.333 1.359 0 0 24.219 1.244 23.181 1.227 1964 6 27.222 -0.261 0 0 27.102 -0.381 26.649 0.186 1964 7 30.667 1.342 0 0 30.519 1.194 29.550 1.245 1964 8 29.722 1.097 0 0 29.459 0.833 28.891 1.286 1964 9 24.111 -0.521 0 0 23.741 -0.891 23.109 -0.502 1964 10 18.500 -0.278 0 0 18.174 -0.605 17.648 -0.109 1964 11 13.278 1.268 0 0 13.103 1.093 12.181 1.192 1964 12 8.389 0.429 0 0 8.314 0.354 7.505 0.565 1965 1 9.056 2.732 0 0 8.996 2.672 7.828 2.525 1965 2 7.944 -0.857 0 0 7.894 -0.907 6.300 -1.480 1965 3 8.222 -4.795 0 0 8.183 -4.835 7.069 -4.928 1965 4 20.278 1.752 0 0 20.207 1.681 19.556 2.051 1965 5 23.000 0.025 0 0 22.885 -0.089 21.767 -0.187 1965 6 26.611 -0.872 0 0 26.491 -0.992 26.031 -0.432 1965 7 30.000 0.675 0 0 29.853 0.528 28.878 0.573 1965 8 28.222 -0.403 0 0 27.959 -0.667 27.228 -0.376 1965 9 26.056 1.424 0 0 25.685 1.053 24.310 0.699 1965 10 18.667 -0.112 0 0 18.340 -0.438 17.552 -0.206 1965 11 15.444 3.435 0 0 15.269 3.260 14.379 3.390 1965 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.677 2.737 1966 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.336 -2.968 1966 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.256 -2.524 1966 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.067 1.070 1966 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.627 -0.878 1966 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.920 -1.034 1966 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.228 -0.235 1966 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 29.656 1.351 1966 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.831 -1.773 1966 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.305 -1.306 1966 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.481 -1.276 1966 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.825 2.836