% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 27628 % Primary Name: TROUP % Record Type: TAVG % Country: United States % State: TX % Latitude: 32.15000 +/- 0.00005 % Longitude: -95.11670 +/- 0.00005 % Elevation (m): 143.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 208 % % IDs: coop - 419147 % ghcnd - USC00419147 % ncdc - 20025272 % % Sources: US Cooperative Summary of the Day % Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % Multi-network Metadata System % % Site Hash: aca4449b456d983b2dcc780936c220d4 % Raw Data Hash: 6edccd2fd8fac9d6a7bcb9b6793a24cf % Adj Data Hash: 773a561145de0dedf506708d5a8c03e5 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1912 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 28.573 0.251 1912 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.962 -0.979 1912 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.834 0.333 1912 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.076 0.559 1912 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.445 -0.964 1912 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.562 -1.670 1913 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.117 0.584 1913 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.594 -2.283 1913 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.748 -2.236 1913 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.986 -0.992 1913 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.557 -0.667 1913 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.577 -0.609 1913 7 29.076 -0.326 0 0 28.854 -0.548 28.379 0.057 1913 8 29.358 0.337 0 0 29.162 0.142 28.602 0.661 1913 9 23.025 -2.556 0 0 22.857 -2.724 22.607 -1.894 1913 10 17.669 -1.927 0 0 17.493 -2.104 16.603 -1.913 1913 11 17.848 4.360 0 0 17.699 4.210 16.095 3.686 1913 12 8.298 -1.014 0 0 8.154 -1.158 7.526 -0.706 1914 1 11.897 4.283 0 0 11.626 4.012 9.354 2.820 1914 2 8.427 -1.530 0 0 8.020 -1.936 5.834 -3.043 1914 3 13.094 -0.970 0 0 12.769 -1.294 11.431 -1.553 1914 4 18.282 -0.775 0 0 18.185 -0.872 17.128 -0.850 1914 5 22.103 -1.201 0 0 22.089 -1.215 21.134 -1.090 1914 6 27.688 0.422 0 0 27.558 0.292 27.988 1.802 1914 7 29.640 0.239 0 0 29.418 0.017 29.495 1.173 1914 8 27.169 -1.851 0 0 26.974 -2.047 26.750 -1.191 1914 9 25.040 -0.541 0 0 24.872 -0.709 24.634 0.132 1914 10 19.321 -0.275 0 0 19.144 -0.452 18.386 -0.131 1914 11 13.960 0.471 0 0 13.810 0.322 12.636 0.227 1914 12 5.519 -3.793 0 0 5.375 -3.937 4.300 -3.933 1915 1 7.915 0.301 0 0 7.643 0.030 5.564 -0.970 1915 2 11.834 1.878 0 0 11.427 1.471 9.434 0.557 1915 3 9.184 -4.880 0 0 8.860 -5.204 6.890 -6.094 1915 4 19.240 0.183 0 0 19.143 0.086 18.292 0.314 1915 5 23.139 -0.165 0 0 23.124 -0.180 22.195 -0.029 1915 6 27.460 0.194 0 0 27.330 0.064 26.367 0.181 1915 7 27.615 -1.787 0 0 27.392 -2.009 26.807 -1.515 1915 8 26.310 -2.711 0 0 26.114 -2.907 25.396 -2.545 1915 9 25.408 -0.173 0 0 25.240 -0.341 24.844 0.342 1915 10 20.118 0.521 0 0 19.941 0.344 18.794 0.277 1915 11 15.699 2.211 1 0 NaN NaN 14.224 1.815 1915 12 11.073 1.761 0 0 10.928 1.616 9.406 1.173 1916 1 11.195 3.582 0 0 10.924 3.311 8.261 1.727 1916 2 11.083 1.126 0 0 10.676 0.720 8.363 -0.514 1916 3 17.339 3.275 0 0 17.015 2.951 14.776 1.792 1916 4 17.585 -1.472 0 0 17.488 -1.569 16.463 -1.514 1916 5 22.765 -0.539 0 0 22.750 -0.554 22.123 -0.101 1916 6 26.267 -0.999 0 0 26.137 -1.129 25.575 -0.611 1916 7 28.400 -1.002 0 0 28.178 -1.224 28.407 0.085 1916 8 28.411 -0.609 0 0 28.215 -0.805 28.257 0.316 1916 9 24.960 -0.621 0 0 24.792 -0.789 24.134 -0.367 1916 10 19.994 0.397 0 0 19.817 0.220 18.824 0.307 1916 11 13.813 0.325 0 0 13.664 0.175 12.089 -0.321 1916 12 10.456 1.144 0 0 10.312 1.000 8.225 -0.007 1917 1 10.331 2.717 0 0 10.059 2.446 8.153 1.619 1917 2 11.286 1.329 0 0 10.879 0.923 8.879 0.003 1917 3 14.784 0.720 0 0 14.460 0.396 13.043 0.059 1917 4 17.587 -1.470 0 0 17.490 -1.567 16.704 -1.273 1917 5 19.594 -3.710 0 0 19.579 -3.725 18.750 -3.475 1917 6 26.702 -0.564 0 0 26.572 -0.694 25.974 -0.212 1917 7 28.161 -1.240 0 0 27.939 -1.463 28.076 -0.246 1917 8 27.921 -1.100 0 0 27.725 -1.295 26.884 -1.057 1917 9 23.848 -1.733 0 0 23.680 -1.901 23.291 -1.210 1917 10 17.447 -2.150 0 0 17.270 -2.326 15.778 -2.739 1917 11 12.983 -0.505 0 0 12.834 -0.655 11.862 -0.547 1917 12 7.126 -2.186 0 0 6.982 -2.330 5.077 -3.155 1918 1 4.371 -3.242 0 0 4.100 -3.514 1.455 -5.079 1918 2 12.793 2.837 0 0 12.386 2.430 10.677 1.800 1918 3 17.218 3.154 0 0 16.894 2.830 15.485 2.501 1918 4 17.512 -1.545 0 0 17.415 -1.642 16.540 -1.438 1918 5 23.631 0.327 0 0 23.616 0.312 22.815 0.591 1918 6 28.525 1.259 0 0 28.395 1.129 28.160 1.973 1918 7 28.815 -0.587 0 0 28.592 -0.809 28.141 -0.181 1918 8 28.445 -0.575 0 4 28.526 -0.495 28.432 0.491 1918 9 22.228 -3.353 0 0 22.297 -3.284 21.807 -2.694 1918 10 20.473 0.876 0 0 20.545 0.949 19.593 1.076 1918 11 12.165 -1.324 0 0 12.227 -1.262 11.416 -0.994 1918 12 11.010 1.698 0 0 11.069 1.757 10.130 1.897 1919 1 7.748 0.135 0 0 7.860 0.247 6.018 -0.516 1919 2 9.614 -0.342 0 0 9.781 -0.175 8.128 -0.749 1919 3 14.181 0.117 0 0 14.314 0.250 12.901 -0.083 1919 4 18.608 -0.449 0 0 18.648 -0.409 17.784 -0.193 1919 5 21.211 -2.093 0 0 21.217 -2.087 20.433 -1.791 1919 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.062 -1.124 1919 7 27.297 -2.105 0 0 27.388 -2.014 27.794 -0.528 1919 8 27.368 -1.653 0 0 27.448 -1.572 27.612 -0.329 1919 9 24.593 -0.988 0 0 24.662 -0.919 23.998 -0.503 1919 10 21.834 2.237 0 0 21.907 2.310 20.611 2.094 1919 11 14.230 0.741 0 0 14.292 0.803 12.766 0.357 1919 12 9.124 -0.188 0 0 9.183 -0.129 7.464 -0.768 1920 1 7.687 0.074 0 0 7.799 0.185 5.768 -0.765 1920 2 11.440 1.483 0 0 11.607 1.650 9.464 0.587 1920 3 14.227 0.164 0 0 14.361 0.297 12.867 -0.117 1920 4 18.382 -0.675 0 0 18.421 -0.636 16.864 -1.113 1920 5 23.623 0.319 0 0 23.629 0.325 22.592 0.367 1920 6 25.490 -1.776 0 0 25.543 -1.722 24.915 -1.271 1920 7 27.250 -2.152 0 0 27.341 -2.060 27.215 -1.107 1920 8 25.860 -3.161 0 0 25.940 -3.080 25.562 -2.379 1920 9 25.623 0.042 0 0 25.692 0.111 24.888 0.386 1920 10 19.392 -0.204 0 0 19.465 -0.132 18.486 -0.031 1920 11 11.717 -1.772 0 0 11.778 -1.711 10.256 -2.153 1920 12 9.647 0.335 0 0 9.706 0.394 8.147 -0.085 1921 1 12.147 4.533 0 0 12.258 4.645 10.169 3.636 1921 2 12.155 2.199 0 0 12.322 2.366 10.473 1.596 1921 3 18.898 4.835 0 0 19.032 4.968 17.190 4.206 1921 4 16.875 -2.182 0 0 16.915 -2.142 16.340 -1.638 1921 5 22.682 -0.622 0 0 22.688 -0.616 22.083 -0.141 1921 6 25.920 -1.346 0 0 25.973 -1.292 26.118 -0.068 1921 7 27.513 -1.889 0 0 27.604 -1.798 27.788 -0.534 1921 8 28.306 -0.714 0 0 28.387 -0.634 28.512 0.571 1921 9 26.955 1.374 0 0 27.024 1.443 27.042 2.541 1921 10 19.094 -0.503 0 0 19.166 -0.430 18.324 -0.193 1921 11 16.657 3.168 0 0 16.718 3.229 15.587 3.178 1921 12 12.655 3.343 0 0 12.714 3.402 11.234 3.001 1922 1 7.103 -0.510 0 0 7.215 -0.399 5.454 -1.080 1922 2 12.634 2.678 0 0 12.801 2.845 11.072 2.196 1922 3 13.763 -0.301 0 0 13.896 -0.167 12.320 -0.664 1922 4 19.525 0.468 0 0 19.565 0.508 18.714 0.737 1922 5 23.535 0.232 0 0 23.541 0.238 22.847 0.623 1922 6 26.592 -0.674 0 0 26.645 -0.621 26.259 0.073 1922 7 27.527 -1.874 0 0 27.619 -1.783 27.554 -0.768 1922 8 27.873 -1.148 1 0 NaN NaN 27.822 -0.119 1922 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.406 0.905 1922 10 19.484 -0.113 0 0 19.557 -0.040 18.591 0.074 1922 11 14.537 1.048 0 0 14.598 1.109 13.241 0.832 1922 12 13.353 4.041 0 0 13.412 4.100 11.501 3.269 1923 1 13.885 6.272 0 0 13.997 6.384 11.205 4.671 1923 2 9.566 -0.390 0 0 9.733 -0.223 7.625 -1.252 1923 3 12.384 -1.680 0 0 12.517 -1.546 10.686 -2.298 1923 4 18.960 -0.097 0 0 19.000 -0.057 17.519 -0.459 1923 5 22.613 -0.691 0 0 22.619 -0.685 20.986 -1.238 1923 6 26.513 -0.752 0 0 26.567 -0.699 26.147 -0.040 1923 7 28.177 -1.224 0 0 28.269 -1.133 27.970 -0.352 1923 8 28.806 -0.214 0 0 28.887 -0.134 28.720 0.779 1923 9 24.616 -0.965 0 0 24.685 -0.896 24.048 -0.454 1923 10 18.516 -1.080 0 0 18.589 -1.008 16.960 -1.557 1923 11 12.703 -0.785 0 0 12.765 -0.724 11.496 -0.913 1923 12 12.158 2.846 0 0 12.217 2.905 10.965 2.732 1924 1 6.084 -1.529 0 0 6.195 -1.418 4.088 -2.446 1924 2 9.405 -0.551 0 0 9.572 -0.384 7.653 -1.224 1924 3 11.589 -2.475 0 0 11.722 -2.342 9.853 -3.131 1924 4 18.553 -0.504 0 0 18.593 -0.464 17.485 -0.493 1924 5 20.082 -3.222 0 0 20.088 -3.216 19.145 -3.079 1924 6 27.101 -0.165 0 0 27.155 -0.111 27.265 1.079 1924 7 28.000 -1.402 0 0 28.091 -1.310 27.701 -0.622 1924 8 29.850 0.829 0 0 29.930 0.910 29.513 1.572 1924 9 23.617 -1.964 0 0 23.686 -1.895 23.284 -1.217 1924 10 20.390 0.794 0 0 20.463 0.867 19.453 0.936 1924 11 15.867 2.378 0 0 15.928 2.439 13.754 1.345 1924 12 9.437 0.125 0 0 9.496 0.184 7.247 -0.985 1925 1 7.724 0.111 0 0 7.836 0.222 5.582 -0.952 1925 2 13.354 3.397 0 0 13.521 3.564 11.421 2.544 1925 3 16.027 1.964 0 0 16.161 2.097 14.376 1.392 1925 4 21.155 2.098 0 0 21.195 2.138 20.272 2.295 1925 5 22.450 -0.854 0 0 22.456 -0.848 21.223 -1.001 1925 6 28.903 1.638 0 0 28.957 1.691 28.646 2.460 1925 7 29.990 0.589 0 0 30.082 0.680 29.250 0.928 1925 8 28.602 -0.419 0 0 28.682 -0.339 27.986 0.045 1925 9 27.642 2.061 0 0 27.711 2.130 27.256 2.755 1925 10 18.489 -1.108 0 0 18.561 -1.035 16.825 -1.692 1925 11 12.922 -0.567 0 0 12.983 -0.506 11.537 -0.872 1925 12 7.456 -1.856 0 0 7.516 -1.796 6.312 -1.920 1926 1 7.532 -0.081 0 0 7.644 0.030 5.750 -0.784 1926 2 13.286 3.329 0 0 13.453 3.496 11.167 2.291 1926 3 12.079 -1.985 0 0 12.212 -1.851 10.607 -2.377 1926 4 16.705 -2.352 0 0 16.745 -2.312 15.437 -2.540 1926 5 21.802 -1.502 0 0 21.808 -1.496 21.341 -0.883 1926 6 26.102 -1.164 0 0 26.155 -1.111 25.801 -0.385 1926 7 26.721 -2.681 0 0 26.812 -2.590 26.386 -1.936 1926 8 28.161 -0.859 0 0 28.242 -0.779 27.578 -0.363 1926 9 27.228 1.647 0 0 27.297 1.716 26.060 1.559 1926 10 22.010 2.413 0 0 22.082 2.486 20.340 1.823 1926 11 12.498 -0.990 0 0 12.560 -0.929 10.660 -1.749 1926 12 10.490 1.178 0 0 10.550 1.238 8.596 0.363 1927 1 10.639 3.025 0 0 10.750 3.137 8.024 1.490 1927 2 14.413 4.456 0 0 14.580 4.623 12.386 3.509 1927 3 14.645 0.582 0 0 14.778 0.715 12.985 0.001 1927 4 20.612 1.555 0 0 20.651 1.594 19.771 1.794 1927 5 24.356 1.053 0 0 24.362 1.059 23.334 1.110 1927 6 26.078 -1.187 0 0 26.132 -1.134 25.780 -0.406 1927 7 27.508 -1.894 0 0 27.599 -1.802 27.117 -1.205 1927 8 28.619 -0.401 0 0 28.700 -0.321 27.293 -0.648 1927 9 25.940 0.359 0 0 26.009 0.428 25.039 0.538 1927 10 21.005 1.408 0 0 21.078 1.481 19.844 1.327 1927 11 17.902 4.413 0 0 17.963 4.474 16.515 4.106 1927 12 7.698 -1.614 0 0 7.758 -1.554 6.417 -1.816 1928 1 9.273 1.659 0 0 9.384 1.771 7.238 0.704 1928 2 10.062 0.106 0 0 10.229 0.273 8.737 -0.140 1928 3 14.910 0.846 0 0 15.043 0.979 13.645 0.661 1928 4 15.507 -3.550 0 0 15.546 -3.511 15.245 -2.732 1928 5 22.426 -0.878 0 0 22.432 -0.872 22.058 -0.166 1928 6 25.135 -2.131 0 0 25.188 -2.077 25.046 -1.140 1928 7 27.160 -2.242 0 0 27.251 -2.151 27.579 -0.743 1928 8 28.198 -0.822 0 0 28.279 -0.742 28.523 0.582 1928 9 23.458 -2.123 0 0 23.527 -2.054 23.642 -0.859 1928 10 19.932 0.336 0 0 20.005 0.409 20.349 1.832 1928 11 13.072 -0.417 0 0 13.133 -0.356 11.684 -0.725 1928 12 9.502 0.190 0 0 9.561 0.249 7.991 -0.242 1929 1 9.519 1.906 0 0 9.631 2.017 6.516 -0.018 1929 2 5.286 -4.671 0 0 5.453 -4.504 3.721 -5.156 1929 3 16.366 2.303 0 0 16.499 2.436 14.724 1.740 1929 4 20.813 1.756 0 0 20.853 1.796 19.552 1.574 1929 5 22.369 -0.935 0 0 22.375 -0.929 21.201 -1.023 1929 6 26.213 -1.052 0 0 26.267 -0.999 26.075 -0.111 1929 7 27.500 -1.902 0 0 27.591 -1.810 27.894 -0.428 1929 8 28.547 -0.474 0 0 28.627 -0.393 28.650 0.709 1929 9 25.065 -0.516 0 0 25.134 -0.447 24.535 0.034 1929 10 19.873 0.276 0 0 19.945 0.349 18.789 0.272 1929 11 9.842 -3.647 0 0 9.903 -3.586 8.869 -3.540 1929 12 9.756 0.444 0 0 9.816 0.504 8.498 0.265 1930 1 3.805 -3.808 0 0 3.916 -3.697 2.187 -4.347 1930 2 13.938 3.981 0 0 14.105 4.148 12.441 3.564 1930 3 12.639 -1.425 0 0 12.772 -1.292 11.453 -1.531 1930 4 21.178 2.121 0 0 21.218 2.161 20.311 2.333 1930 5 21.950 -1.354 0 0 21.956 -1.348 21.532 -0.693 1930 6 26.420 -0.846 0 0 26.473 -0.792 26.129 -0.057 1930 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 29.731 1.409 1930 8 28.232 -0.788 0 0 28.313 -0.708 28.786 0.845 1930 9 25.262 -0.319 0 0 25.331 -0.250 25.491 0.990 1930 10 18.250 -1.346 0 0 18.323 -1.274 17.210 -1.307 1930 11 12.923 -0.565 0 0 12.985 -0.504 11.947 -0.462 1930 12 7.805 -1.507 0 0 7.864 -1.448 6.718 -1.515 1931 1 8.976 1.363 0 0 9.087 1.474 7.212 0.679 1931 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.489 1.613 1931 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.464 -3.520 1931 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.998 -1.980 1931 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.325 -2.900 1931 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.785 0.599 1931 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 28.460 0.138 1931 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.260 -1.681 1931 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.783 2.281 1931 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.184 2.667 1931 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.345 2.936 1931 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.233 2.001 1932 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.771 2.237