% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 24216 % Primary Name: HORASAN % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Turkey % Latitude: 40.10000 +/- 0.05000 % Longitude: 42.20000 +/- 0.05000 % Elevation (m): 1540.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 228 % % IDs: ghcnm - 64917096003 % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v2 % Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v3 % % Site Hash: 4b88bcfb7c6765db21373f352a2ce04d % Raw Data Hash: 53d753798a1308f7485e8e0c47b0d676 % Adj Data Hash: 8f33e14f6418751ee4887f36c3d2c03a % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1971 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -8.070 0.885 1971 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -7.807 -0.286 1971 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -0.515 1.927 1971 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.186 0.341 1971 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.864 1.179 1971 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.135 -1.235 1971 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.784 0.982 1971 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.983 -0.978 1971 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.023 1.693 1971 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.042 -1.634 1971 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.692 0.033 1971 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -9.240 -3.855 1972 1 -20.500 -11.886 1 0 NaN NaN -15.059 -6.105 1972 2 -17.200 -10.018 0 0 -17.200 -10.018 -11.906 -4.384 1972 3 -4.900 -2.798 0 0 -4.900 -2.798 -4.428 -1.986 1972 4 8.400 3.215 0 0 8.400 3.215 6.229 1.384 1972 5 11.000 -0.026 0 0 11.000 -0.026 9.171 -1.514 1972 6 15.500 -0.211 0 0 15.500 -0.211 14.149 -1.222 1972 7 20.300 0.158 0 0 20.300 0.158 20.315 0.514 1972 8 19.900 -0.402 0 0 19.900 -0.402 19.582 -0.379 1972 9 15.800 0.130 0 0 15.800 0.130 15.604 0.274 1972 10 11.400 2.384 0 0 11.400 2.384 11.052 2.376 1972 11 -0.500 -2.499 0 0 -0.500 -2.499 0.288 -1.370 1972 12 -10.700 -5.656 0 0 -10.700 -5.656 -6.308 -0.923 1973 1 -14.500 -5.886 0 0 -14.500 -5.886 -10.646 -1.692 1973 2 -9.100 -1.918 0 0 -9.100 -1.918 -6.055 1.467 1973 3 -3.800 -1.698 0 0 -3.800 -1.698 -3.690 -1.248 1973 4 6.200 1.015 0 0 6.200 1.015 4.378 -0.467 1973 5 11.500 0.474 0 0 11.500 0.474 11.087 0.402 1973 6 14.500 -1.211 0 0 14.500 -1.211 13.981 -1.389 1973 7 18.600 -1.542 0 0 18.600 -1.542 19.303 -0.499 1973 8 21.400 1.098 0 0 21.400 1.098 20.850 0.889 1973 9 15.300 -0.370 0 0 15.300 -0.370 15.777 0.447 1973 10 9.900 0.884 0 0 9.900 0.884 9.850 1.174 1973 11 -5.300 -7.299 0 0 -5.300 -7.299 -3.226 -4.885 1973 12 -12.400 -7.356 0 0 -12.400 -7.356 -9.070 -3.685 1974 1 -15.600 -6.986 0 0 -15.600 -6.986 -12.021 -3.067 1974 2 -14.300 -7.118 0 0 -14.300 -7.118 -10.079 -2.557 1974 3 -0.200 1.902 0 0 -0.200 1.902 -1.085 1.357 1974 4 4.500 -0.685 0 0 4.500 -0.685 3.197 -1.648 1974 5 12.600 1.574 0 0 12.600 1.574 12.071 1.386 1974 6 16.800 1.089 0 0 16.800 1.089 16.264 0.893 1974 7 19.100 -1.042 0 0 19.100 -1.042 19.313 -0.489 1974 8 18.300 -2.002 0 0 18.300 -2.002 18.471 -1.490 1974 9 13.400 -2.270 0 0 13.400 -2.270 13.014 -2.316 1974 10 11.800 2.784 0 0 11.800 2.784 11.772 3.096 1974 11 2.600 0.601 0 0 2.600 0.601 2.121 0.462 1974 12 -6.400 -1.356 0 0 -6.400 -1.356 -6.120 -0.735 1975 1 -13.600 -4.986 0 0 -13.600 -4.986 -10.375 -1.421 1975 2 -10.100 -2.918 0 0 -10.100 -2.918 -8.894 -1.372 1975 3 -4.800 -2.698 0 0 -4.800 -2.698 -4.669 -2.227 1975 4 9.500 4.315 0 0 9.500 4.315 7.105 2.260 1975 5 11.800 0.774 0 0 11.800 0.774 10.577 -0.108 1975 6 16.400 0.689 0 0 16.400 0.689 15.981 0.611 1975 7 21.000 0.858 0 0 21.000 0.858 20.645 0.843 1975 8 20.400 0.098 0 0 20.400 0.098 20.125 0.164 1975 9 14.900 -0.770 0 0 14.900 -0.770 14.670 -0.660 1975 10 7.700 -1.316 0 0 7.700 -1.316 7.544 -1.132 1975 11 1.000 -0.999 0 0 1.000 -0.999 1.395 -0.264 1975 12 -10.900 -5.856 0 0 -10.900 -5.856 -8.612 -3.227 1976 1 -9.900 -1.286 0 0 -9.900 -1.286 -9.845 -0.891 1976 2 -17.200 -10.018 0 0 -17.200 -10.018 -12.755 -5.233 1976 3 -4.000 -1.898 0 0 -4.000 -1.898 -5.658 -3.216 1976 4 6.600 1.415 0 0 6.600 1.415 3.993 -0.852 1976 5 11.500 0.474 0 0 11.500 0.474 10.162 -0.523 1976 6 15.500 -0.211 0 0 15.500 -0.211 14.672 -0.699 1976 7 17.800 -2.342 0 0 17.800 -2.342 17.833 -1.969 1976 8 20.900 0.598 0 0 20.900 0.598 20.224 0.263 1976 9 14.400 -1.270 0 0 14.400 -1.270 14.091 -1.239 1976 10 9.100 0.084 0 0 9.100 0.084 8.801 0.125 1976 11 1.700 -0.299 0 0 1.700 -0.299 3.154 1.495 1976 12 -2.500 2.544 0 0 -2.500 2.544 -3.678 1.707 1977 1 -15.200 -6.586 0 0 -15.200 -6.586 -12.434 -3.480 1977 2 -9.000 -1.818 0 0 -9.000 -1.818 -4.466 3.056 1977 3 0.500 2.602 0 0 0.500 2.602 -1.216 1.226 1977 4 7.300 2.115 0 0 7.300 2.115 6.001 1.156 1977 5 12.100 1.074 0 0 12.100 1.074 10.748 0.062 1977 6 15.700 -0.011 0 0 15.700 -0.011 14.763 -0.607 1977 7 18.600 -1.542 0 0 18.600 -1.542 19.227 -0.575 1977 8 20.200 -0.102 0 0 20.200 -0.102 20.092 0.131 1977 9 16.100 0.430 0 0 16.100 0.430 15.825 0.495 1977 10 5.600 -3.416 0 0 5.600 -3.416 5.880 -2.795 1977 11 3.100 1.101 0 0 3.100 1.101 2.490 0.831 1977 12 -7.600 -2.556 0 0 -7.600 -2.556 -7.599 -2.214 1978 1 -10.000 -1.386 0 0 -10.000 -1.386 -8.231 0.723 1978 2 -7.000 0.182 0 0 -7.000 0.182 -4.717 2.805 1978 3 -1.900 0.202 0 0 -1.900 0.202 -1.567 0.875 1978 4 6.100 0.915 0 0 6.100 0.915 4.629 -0.216 1978 5 11.500 0.474 0 0 11.500 0.474 10.888 0.203 1978 6 14.400 -1.311 0 0 14.400 -1.311 13.691 -1.680 1978 7 20.900 0.758 0 0 20.900 0.758 20.912 1.110 1978 8 20.000 -0.302 0 0 20.000 -0.302 19.457 -0.505 1978 9 16.400 0.730 0 0 16.400 0.730 15.678 0.349 1978 10 10.500 1.484 0 0 10.500 1.484 10.025 1.349 1978 11 0.100 -1.899 0 0 0.100 -1.899 -0.542 -2.201 1978 12 -1.600 3.444 0 0 -1.600 3.444 -3.773 1.611 1979 1 -0.700 7.914 0 0 -0.700 7.914 -4.264 4.690 1979 2 0.100 7.282 0 0 0.100 7.282 -1.683 5.839 1979 3 4.000 6.102 0 0 4.000 6.102 0.338 2.780 1979 4 8.000 2.815 0 0 8.000 2.815 6.409 1.565 1979 5 12.400 1.374 0 0 12.400 1.374 11.352 0.667 1979 6 15.200 -0.511 0 0 15.200 -0.511 14.180 -1.190 1979 7 18.600 -1.542 0 0 18.600 -1.542 18.934 -0.867 1979 8 21.100 0.798 0 0 21.100 0.798 21.268 1.306 1979 9 17.200 1.530 0 0 17.200 1.530 17.071 1.741 1979 10 9.500 0.484 0 0 9.500 0.484 8.607 -0.069 1979 11 3.400 1.401 0 0 3.400 1.401 4.138 2.480 1979 12 -2.500 2.544 0 0 -2.500 2.544 -4.505 0.880 1980 1 -7.300 1.314 0 0 -7.300 1.314 -8.737 0.217 1980 2 -0.200 6.982 1 0 NaN NaN -6.192 1.330 1980 3 -1.100 1.002 0 0 -1.100 1.002 -2.558 -0.116 1980 4 7.500 2.315 0 0 7.500 2.315 4.756 -0.089 1980 5 12.400 1.374 0 0 12.400 1.374 11.024 0.338 1980 6 17.000 1.289 0 0 17.000 1.289 16.116 0.745 1980 7 22.900 2.758 0 0 22.900 2.758 22.440 2.638 1980 8 20.300 -0.002 0 0 20.300 -0.002 20.225 0.264 1980 9 15.000 -0.670 0 0 15.000 -0.670 14.599 -0.730 1980 10 8.900 -0.116 0 0 8.900 -0.116 8.363 -0.313 1980 11 4.600 2.601 0 0 4.600 2.601 2.794 1.136 1980 12 -1.800 3.244 0 0 -1.800 3.244 -2.577 2.808 1981 1 -8.800 -0.186 0 0 -8.800 -0.186 -5.578 3.377 1981 2 -1.400 5.782 0 0 -1.400 5.782 -3.516 4.006 1981 3 3.500 5.602 0 0 3.500 5.602 0.047 2.489 1981 4 6.100 0.915 0 0 6.100 0.915 4.466 -0.379 1981 5 10.200 -0.826 0 0 10.200 -0.826 8.751 -1.934 1981 6 15.900 0.189 0 0 15.900 0.189 14.835 -0.536 1981 7 20.800 0.658 0 0 20.800 0.658 20.287 0.486 1981 8 20.600 0.298 0 0 20.600 0.298 20.180 0.219 1981 9 16.500 0.830 0 0 16.500 0.830 16.258 0.928 1981 10 10.800 1.784 0 0 10.800 1.784 10.272 1.596 1981 11 1.700 -0.299 0 0 1.700 -0.299 0.427 -1.232 1981 12 0.600 5.644 0 0 0.600 5.644 -1.641 3.744 1982 1 -6.000 2.614 0 0 -6.000 2.614 -6.755 2.199 1982 2 -11.200 -4.018 0 0 -11.200 -4.018 -8.071 -0.549 1982 3 -3.000 -0.898 0 0 -3.000 -0.898 -4.148 -1.706 1982 4 7.800 2.615 0 0 7.800 2.615 5.706 0.861 1982 5 12.300 1.274 0 0 12.300 1.274 10.866 0.181 1982 6 15.600 -0.111 0 0 15.600 -0.111 14.629 -0.742 1982 7 18.800 -1.342 0 0 18.800 -1.342 18.254 -1.548 1982 8 18.800 -1.502 0 0 18.800 -1.502 18.570 -1.392 1982 9 15.700 0.030 0 0 15.700 0.030 15.432 0.103 1982 10 8.600 -0.416 0 0 8.600 -0.416 8.039 -0.637 1982 11 0.200 -1.799 0 0 0.200 -1.799 -0.350 -2.008 1982 12 -8.500 -3.456 0 0 -8.500 -3.456 -6.424 -1.040 1983 1 -11.000 -2.386 0 0 -11.000 -2.386 -9.169 -0.214 1983 2 -6.300 0.882 0 0 -6.300 0.882 -6.845 0.677 1983 3 0.800 2.902 0 0 0.800 2.902 -2.245 0.197 1983 4 7.900 2.715 0 0 7.900 2.715 5.924 1.079 1983 5 12.700 1.674 0 0 12.700 1.674 11.377 0.692 1983 6 15.300 -0.411 0 0 15.300 -0.411 14.147 -1.224 1983 7 19.700 -0.442 0 0 19.700 -0.442 19.436 -0.366 1983 8 19.600 -0.702 0 0 19.600 -0.702 19.027 -0.935 1983 9 15.000 -0.670 0 0 15.000 -0.670 14.962 -0.368 1983 10 8.400 -0.616 0 0 8.400 -0.616 8.229 -0.447 1983 11 4.800 2.801 0 0 4.800 2.801 3.635 1.977 1983 12 -1.600 3.444 0 0 -1.600 3.444 -2.288 3.097 1984 1 -3.300 5.314 0 0 -3.300 5.314 -4.065 4.890 1984 2 -5.900 1.282 0 0 -5.900 1.282 -4.455 3.067 1984 3 3.800 5.902 0 0 3.800 5.902 0.701 3.143 1984 4 7.100 1.915 0 0 7.100 1.915 5.456 0.611 1984 5 10.300 -0.726 0 0 10.300 -0.726 9.407 -1.278 1984 6 15.800 0.089 0 0 15.800 0.089 15.453 0.082 1984 7 21.200 1.058 0 0 21.200 1.058 20.628 0.826 1984 8 18.500 -1.802 0 0 18.500 -1.802 18.033 -1.928 1984 9 16.700 1.030 0 0 16.700 1.030 16.436 1.106 1984 10 9.200 0.184 0 0 9.200 0.184 8.709 0.033 1984 11 3.200 1.201 0 0 3.200 1.201 2.185 0.526 1984 12 -7.300 -2.256 0 0 -7.300 -2.256 -6.332 -0.947 1985 1 -6.200 2.414 0 0 -6.200 2.414 -4.666 4.289 1985 2 -4.500 2.682 0 0 -4.500 2.682 -6.561 0.961 1985 3 -4.200 -2.098 0 0 -4.200 -2.098 -5.686 -3.244 1985 4 9.100 3.915 0 0 9.100 3.915 6.514 1.669 1985 5 13.700 2.674 0 0 13.700 2.674 12.740 2.055 1985 6 17.200 1.489 0 0 17.200 1.489 16.234 0.864 1985 7 19.900 -0.242 0 0 19.900 -0.242 19.435 -0.366 1985 8 21.100 0.798 0 0 21.100 0.798 21.069 1.108 1985 9 15.900 0.230 0 0 15.900 0.230 15.415 0.086 1985 10 8.000 -1.016 0 0 8.000 -1.016 7.319 -1.357 1985 11 5.800 3.801 0 0 5.800 3.801 4.473 2.814 1985 12 -4.300 0.744 0 0 -4.300 0.744 -5.002 0.383 1986 1 -9.600 -0.986 0 0 -9.600 -0.986 -7.796 1.159 1986 2 -7.500 -0.318 0 0 -7.500 -0.318 -5.581 1.941 1986 3 -1.100 1.002 0 0 -1.100 1.002 -1.826 0.616 1986 4 9.400 4.215 0 0 9.400 4.215 7.791 2.946 1986 5 9.900 -1.126 0 0 9.900 -1.126 8.462 -2.223 1986 6 15.600 -0.111 0 0 15.600 -0.111 14.258 -1.113 1986 7 21.600 1.458 0 0 21.600 1.458 21.151 1.349 1986 8 22.100 1.798 0 0 22.100 1.798 21.342 1.381 1986 9 17.700 2.030 0 0 17.700 2.030 17.404 2.074 1986 10 9.800 0.784 0 0 9.800 0.784 8.854 0.178 1986 11 1.300 -0.699 0 0 1.300 -0.699 -0.421 -2.080 1986 12 -7.700 -2.656 0 0 -7.700 -2.656 -7.327 -1.942 1987 1 -3.200 5.414 0 0 -3.200 5.414 -5.889 3.065 1987 2 -3.500 3.682 0 0 -3.500 3.682 -4.795 2.727 1987 3 -4.300 -2.198 0 0 -4.300 -2.198 -6.340 -3.898 1987 4 4.900 -0.285 0 0 4.900 -0.285 2.719 -2.126 1987 5 13.400 2.374 0 0 13.400 2.374 12.404 1.719 1987 6 17.100 1.389 0 0 17.100 1.389 16.168 0.798 1987 7 20.500 0.358 0 0 20.500 0.358 20.355 0.553 1987 8 19.300 -1.002 0 0 19.300 -1.002 19.009 -0.953 1987 9 14.800 -0.870 0 0 14.800 -0.870 14.787 -0.542 1987 10 7.400 -1.616 0 0 7.400 -1.616 7.087 -1.589 1987 11 -4.000 -5.999 0 0 -4.000 -5.999 0.446 -1.213 1987 12 -5.100 -0.056 0 0 -5.100 -0.056 -5.146 0.239 1988 1 -12.100 -3.486 0 0 -12.100 -3.486 -9.947 -0.992 1988 2 -9.800 -2.618 0 0 -9.800 -2.618 -7.581 -0.059 1988 3 -1.000 1.102 0 0 -1.000 1.102 -3.306 -0.864 1988 4 7.000 1.815 0 0 7.000 1.815 4.490 -0.355 1988 5 12.200 1.174 0 0 12.200 1.174 10.692 0.006 1988 6 15.600 -0.111 0 0 15.600 -0.111 14.171 -1.199 1988 7 19.000 -1.142 0 0 19.000 -1.142 19.176 -0.625 1988 8 18.500 -1.802 0 0 18.500 -1.802 18.922 -1.039 1988 9 14.900 -0.770 0 0 14.900 -0.770 14.525 -0.805 1988 10 9.300 0.284 0 0 9.300 0.284 8.583 -0.093 1988 11 -1.600 -3.599 0 0 -1.600 -3.599 -1.875 -3.534 1988 12 -3.300 1.744 0 0 -3.300 1.744 -4.442 0.943 1989 1 -12.000 -3.386 0 0 -12.000 -3.386 -11.620 -2.666 1989 2 -8.200 -1.018 0 0 -8.200 -1.018 -9.025 -1.503 1989 3 4.000 6.102 0 0 4.000 6.102 1.315 3.757 1989 4 10.400 5.215 0 0 10.400 5.215 9.789 4.944 1989 5 12.800 1.774 0 0 12.800 1.774 12.097 1.412 1989 6 17.500 1.789 0 0 17.500 1.789 16.115 0.745 1989 7 22.900 2.758 0 0 22.900 2.758 21.903 2.102 1989 8 21.600 1.298 0 0 21.600 1.298 20.950 0.988 1989 9 15.200 -0.470 0 0 15.200 -0.470 14.640 -0.689 1989 10 9.200 0.184 0 0 9.200 0.184 8.468 -0.208 1989 11 2.700 0.701 0 0 2.700 0.701 1.372 -0.287 1989 12 -4.800 0.244 0 0 -4.800 0.244 -6.400 -1.015 1990 1 -15.100 -6.486 0 0 -15.100 -6.486 -12.039 -3.084 1990 2 -12.100 -4.918 0 0 -12.100 -4.918 -8.783 -1.261 1990 3 -3.200 -1.098 0 0 -3.200 -1.098 -2.049 0.393 1990 4 7.100 1.915 0 0 7.100 1.915 4.910 0.065 1990 5 12.200 1.174 0 0 12.200 1.174 10.909 0.224 1990 6 15.900 0.189 0 0 15.900 0.189 15.220 -0.150 1990 7 21.000 0.858 0 0 21.000 0.858 21.031 1.229 1990 8 20.000 -0.302 0 0 20.000 -0.302 19.713 -0.248 1990 9 15.600 -0.070 0 0 15.600 -0.070 15.417 0.088 1990 10 9.500 0.484 0 0 9.500 0.484 9.163 0.487 1990 11 1.800 -0.199 0 0 1.800 -0.199 2.587 0.929 1990 12 -1.600 3.444 0 0 -1.600 3.444 -2.843 2.542 1991 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -8.559 0.396 1991 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -8.932 -1.410 1991 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -1.848 0.594 1991 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.403 1.559 1991 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.709 -0.976 1991 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.985 0.614 1991 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.558 0.757 1991 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.940 0.978 1991 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.447 0.117 1991 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.774 1.098 1991 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 1.925 0.267 1991 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -6.740 -1.356