% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 24212 % Primary Name: GONEN % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Turkey % Latitude: 40.10000 +/- 0.05000 % Longitude: 27.70000 +/- 0.05000 % Elevation (m): 30.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 169 % % IDs: ghcnm - 64917115002 % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v2 % Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v3 % % Site Hash: b3bd047bf944b5f7cac2415a90b83ad2 % Raw Data Hash: f14327c5c579412df1349cc5560032d7 % Adj Data Hash: 940e044a9520b765cae45cda235ecde4 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1975 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.705 -1.976 1976 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.598 -0.088 1976 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.919 -1.936 1976 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.243 -1.311 1976 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.225 -0.303 1976 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.007 -0.475 1976 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.694 -1.189 1976 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.808 -1.557 1976 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.226 -2.972 1976 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.535 -1.870 1976 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.441 -0.156 1976 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.858 0.249 1976 12 7.000 0.172 0 0 7.000 0.172 8.640 -0.041 1977 1 5.700 0.867 0 0 5.700 0.867 7.211 0.525 1977 2 10.600 4.598 0 0 10.600 4.598 11.844 3.989 1977 3 7.900 0.200 0 0 7.900 0.200 9.488 -0.065 1977 4 11.600 -0.075 0 0 11.600 -0.075 13.409 -0.120 1977 5 16.200 -0.429 0 0 16.200 -0.429 19.073 0.591 1977 6 20.600 -0.429 0 0 20.600 -0.429 23.140 0.257 1977 7 22.900 -0.612 0 0 22.900 -0.612 25.400 0.034 1977 8 23.500 0.156 0 0 23.500 0.156 25.656 0.458 1977 9 18.900 -0.651 0 0 18.900 -0.651 20.312 -1.093 1977 10 12.100 -2.644 0 0 12.100 -2.644 13.749 -2.848 1977 11 13.000 2.244 0 0 13.000 2.244 14.356 1.747 1977 12 5.900 -0.928 0 0 5.900 -0.928 7.067 -1.615 1978 1 5.200 0.367 0 0 5.200 0.367 6.614 -0.072 1978 2 8.800 2.798 0 0 8.800 2.798 10.455 2.599 1978 3 9.100 1.400 0 0 9.100 1.400 10.654 1.101 1978 4 11.800 0.125 0 0 11.800 0.125 13.307 -0.222 1978 5 17.000 0.371 0 0 17.000 0.371 18.543 0.060 1978 6 21.000 -0.029 0 0 21.000 -0.029 23.007 0.124 1978 7 22.600 -0.912 0 0 22.600 -0.912 25.135 -0.230 1978 8 21.900 -1.444 0 0 21.900 -1.444 23.817 -1.380 1978 9 18.100 -1.451 0 0 18.100 -1.451 19.183 -2.222 1978 10 14.500 -0.244 0 0 14.500 -0.244 15.992 -0.605 1978 11 9.300 -1.456 0 0 9.300 -1.456 11.162 -1.447 1978 12 8.100 1.272 0 0 8.100 1.272 9.674 0.992 1979 1 6.500 1.667 0 0 6.500 1.667 7.569 0.883 1979 2 7.900 1.898 0 0 7.900 1.898 9.415 1.560 1979 3 10.200 2.500 0 0 10.200 2.500 11.449 1.896 1979 4 11.600 -0.075 0 0 11.600 -0.075 13.102 -0.427 1979 5 16.300 -0.329 0 0 16.300 -0.329 18.513 0.030 1979 6 21.700 0.671 0 0 21.700 0.671 23.949 1.066 1979 7 22.100 -1.412 0 0 22.100 -1.412 24.546 -0.819 1979 8 22.800 -0.544 0 0 22.800 -0.544 24.883 -0.315 1979 9 19.300 -0.251 0 0 19.300 -0.251 21.525 0.120 1979 10 14.800 0.056 0 0 14.800 0.056 16.101 -0.496 1979 11 11.000 0.244 0 0 11.000 0.244 12.628 0.019 1979 12 7.500 0.672 0 0 7.500 0.672 9.220 0.539 1980 1 3.900 -0.933 0 0 3.900 -0.933 5.275 -1.411 1980 2 4.900 -1.102 0 0 4.900 -1.102 6.963 -0.892 1980 3 6.600 -1.100 0 0 6.600 -1.100 8.417 -1.136 1980 4 11.000 -0.675 0 0 11.000 -0.675 12.515 -1.013 1980 5 16.100 -0.529 0 0 16.100 -0.529 17.677 -0.806 1980 6 20.200 -0.829 0 0 20.200 -0.829 22.157 -0.726 1980 7 22.500 -1.012 0 0 22.500 -1.012 25.249 -0.116 1980 8 22.500 -0.844 0 0 22.500 -0.844 24.878 -0.319 1980 9 17.500 -2.051 0 0 17.500 -2.051 19.861 -1.544 1980 10 16.800 2.056 0 0 16.800 2.056 17.840 1.243 1980 11 12.600 1.844 0 0 12.600 1.844 14.455 1.846 1980 12 7.700 0.872 0 0 7.700 0.872 9.578 0.896 1981 1 4.200 -0.633 0 0 4.200 -0.633 5.918 -0.768 1981 2 5.300 -0.702 0 0 5.300 -0.702 7.781 -0.074 1981 3 9.600 1.900 0 0 9.600 1.900 11.189 1.636 1981 4 11.500 -0.175 0 0 11.500 -0.175 13.716 0.188 1981 5 14.300 -2.329 0 0 14.300 -2.329 16.770 -1.712 1981 6 21.700 0.671 0 0 21.700 0.671 24.028 1.146 1981 7 22.000 -1.512 0 0 22.000 -1.512 24.167 -1.198 1981 8 22.700 -0.644 0 0 22.700 -0.644 24.742 -0.456 1981 9 19.500 -0.051 0 0 19.500 -0.051 21.349 -0.056 1981 10 17.500 2.756 0 0 17.500 2.756 18.624 2.027 1981 11 8.400 -2.356 0 0 8.400 -2.356 10.243 -2.366 1981 12 10.500 3.672 0 0 10.500 3.672 11.646 2.964 1982 1 6.500 1.667 0 0 6.500 1.667 7.470 0.784 1982 2 3.800 -2.202 0 0 3.800 -2.202 6.022 -1.833 1982 3 6.800 -0.900 0 0 6.800 -0.900 8.289 -1.264 1982 4 11.000 -0.675 0 0 11.000 -0.675 12.885 -0.644 1982 5 15.200 -1.429 0 0 15.200 -1.429 17.619 -0.864 1982 6 20.800 -0.229 0 0 20.800 -0.229 22.821 -0.062 1982 7 21.500 -2.012 0 0 21.500 -2.012 23.565 -1.800 1982 8 22.500 -0.844 0 0 22.500 -0.844 24.726 -0.472 1982 9 21.300 1.749 0 0 21.300 1.749 22.648 1.243 1982 10 15.900 1.156 0 0 15.900 1.156 16.880 0.283 1982 11 8.900 -1.856 0 0 8.900 -1.856 11.678 -0.931 1982 12 8.800 1.972 0 0 8.800 1.972 9.779 1.097 1983 1 4.200 -0.633 0 0 4.200 -0.633 5.837 -0.849 1983 2 5.600 -0.402 0 0 5.600 -0.402 6.939 -0.917 1983 3 8.400 0.700 0 0 8.400 0.700 9.641 0.087 1983 4 13.500 1.825 0 0 13.500 1.825 15.022 1.493 1983 5 17.400 0.771 0 0 17.400 0.771 19.351 0.868 1983 6 19.600 -1.429 0 0 19.600 -1.429 21.606 -1.277 1983 7 23.100 -0.412 0 0 23.100 -0.412 24.985 -0.380 1983 8 21.400 -1.944 0 0 21.400 -1.944 23.858 -1.339 1983 9 19.000 -0.551 0 0 19.000 -0.551 20.551 -0.854 1983 10 13.200 -1.544 0 0 13.200 -1.544 14.857 -1.740 1983 11 9.500 -1.256 0 0 9.500 -1.256 11.200 -1.409 1983 12 8.200 1.372 0 0 8.200 1.372 9.362 0.680 1984 1 7.100 2.267 0 0 7.100 2.267 8.334 1.647 1984 2 6.500 0.498 0 0 6.500 0.498 8.765 0.909 1984 3 7.400 -0.300 0 0 7.400 -0.300 9.006 -0.547 1984 4 9.700 -1.975 0 0 9.700 -1.975 11.788 -1.740 1984 5 17.500 0.871 0 0 17.500 0.871 19.315 0.833 1984 6 19.900 -1.129 0 0 19.900 -1.129 22.078 -0.805 1984 7 21.700 -1.812 0 0 21.700 -1.812 23.966 -1.399 1984 8 21.200 -2.144 0 0 21.200 -2.144 23.484 -1.714 1984 9 20.600 1.049 0 0 20.600 1.049 22.075 0.671 1984 10 16.400 1.656 0 0 16.400 1.656 17.888 1.291 1984 11 11.200 0.444 0 0 11.200 0.444 12.918 0.309 1984 12 5.800 -1.028 0 0 5.800 -1.028 7.723 -0.959 1985 1 7.500 2.667 0 0 7.500 2.667 8.780 2.094 1985 2 2.700 -3.302 0 0 2.700 -3.302 5.014 -2.841 1985 3 6.600 -1.100 0 0 6.600 -1.100 8.814 -0.739 1985 4 13.800 2.125 0 0 13.800 2.125 14.946 1.418 1985 5 18.100 1.471 0 0 18.100 1.471 20.217 1.735 1985 6 20.400 -0.629 0 0 20.400 -0.629 22.584 -0.299 1985 7 21.500 -2.012 0 0 21.500 -2.012 24.352 -1.014 1985 8 23.600 0.256 0 0 23.600 0.256 25.674 0.476 1985 9 18.800 -0.751 0 0 18.800 -0.751 21.048 -0.356 1985 10 12.300 -2.444 0 0 12.300 -2.444 14.104 -2.493 1985 11 12.300 1.544 0 0 12.300 1.544 13.903 1.294 1985 12 8.500 1.672 0 0 8.500 1.672 9.803 1.122 1986 1 7.800 2.967 0 0 7.800 2.967 9.061 2.374 1986 2 7.500 1.498 0 0 7.500 1.498 9.612 1.756 1986 3 7.200 -0.500 0 0 7.200 -0.500 9.084 -0.470 1986 4 13.300 1.625 0 0 13.300 1.625 15.607 2.078 1986 5 14.500 -2.129 0 0 14.500 -2.129 17.888 -0.595 1986 6 21.800 0.771 0 0 21.800 0.771 23.259 0.376 1986 7 23.100 -0.412 0 0 23.100 -0.412 25.180 -0.185 1986 8 24.300 0.956 0 0 24.300 0.956 26.465 1.268 1986 9 20.200 0.649 0 0 20.200 0.649 22.167 0.762 1986 10 14.300 -0.444 0 0 14.300 -0.444 15.570 -1.027 1986 11 7.200 -3.556 0 0 7.200 -3.556 9.964 -2.646 1986 12 5.300 -1.528 0 0 5.300 -1.528 7.465 -1.216 1987 1 6.400 1.567 0 0 6.400 1.567 7.757 1.071 1987 2 6.800 0.798 0 0 6.800 0.798 9.112 1.256 1987 3 3.900 -3.800 0 0 3.900 -3.800 5.610 -3.943 1987 4 10.300 -1.375 0 0 10.300 -1.375 12.024 -1.505 1987 5 15.300 -1.329 0 0 15.300 -1.329 16.944 -1.539 1987 6 20.400 -0.629 0 0 20.400 -0.629 22.883 0.001 1987 7 23.600 0.088 0 0 23.600 0.088 26.436 1.071 1987 8 21.600 -1.744 0 0 21.600 -1.744 24.643 -0.554 1987 9 20.300 0.749 0 0 20.300 0.749 22.395 0.990 1987 10 13.800 -0.944 0 0 13.800 -0.944 15.233 -1.364 1987 11 11.600 0.844 0 0 11.600 0.844 12.473 -0.136 1987 12 6.600 -0.228 0 0 6.600 -0.228 8.082 -0.600 1988 1 6.800 1.967 0 0 6.800 1.967 8.274 1.588 1988 2 5.800 -0.202 0 0 5.800 -0.202 8.156 0.301 1988 3 9.000 1.300 0 0 9.000 1.300 9.507 -0.046 1988 4 11.300 -0.375 0 0 11.300 -0.375 12.994 -0.535 1988 5 15.900 -0.729 0 0 15.900 -0.729 18.506 0.023 1988 6 21.700 0.671 0 0 21.700 0.671 23.253 0.370 1988 7 24.800 1.288 0 0 24.800 1.288 27.143 1.778 1988 8 23.600 0.256 0 0 23.600 0.256 25.951 0.754 1988 9 19.400 -0.151 0 0 19.400 -0.151 21.422 0.017 1988 10 14.400 -0.344 0 0 14.400 -0.344 15.475 -1.122 1988 11 7.200 -3.556 0 0 7.200 -3.556 9.107 -3.502 1988 12 6.800 -0.028 0 0 6.800 -0.028 8.052 -0.630 1989 1 2.700 -2.133 0 0 2.700 -2.133 5.186 -1.500 1989 2 6.000 -0.002 0 0 6.000 -0.002 8.687 0.831 1989 3 9.600 1.900 0 0 9.600 1.900 11.260 1.707 1989 4 15.700 4.025 0 0 15.700 4.025 16.794 3.265 1989 5 16.400 -0.229 0 0 16.400 -0.229 17.913 -0.569 1989 6 19.700 -1.329 0 0 19.700 -1.329 21.844 -1.039 1989 7 23.000 -0.512 0 0 23.000 -0.512 25.012 -0.353 1989 8 23.500 0.156 0 0 23.500 0.156 25.726 0.529 1989 9 19.900 0.349 0 0 19.900 0.349 21.354 -0.051 1989 10 13.900 -0.844 0 0 13.900 -0.844 15.181 -1.416 1989 11 9.200 -1.556 0 0 9.200 -1.556 11.126 -1.484 1989 12 6.600 -0.228 0 0 6.600 -0.228 8.068 -0.613 1990 1 3.500 -1.333 0 0 3.500 -1.333 5.447 -1.239 1990 2 6.400 0.398 0 0 6.400 0.398 8.591 0.735 1990 3 9.000 1.300 0 0 9.000 1.300 11.201 1.648 1990 4 13.000 1.325 0 0 13.000 1.325 14.399 0.870 1990 5 15.500 -1.129 0 0 15.500 -1.129 18.148 -0.335 1990 6 19.900 -1.129 0 0 19.900 -1.129 22.407 -0.476 1990 7 22.800 -0.712 0 0 22.800 -0.712 25.809 0.444 1990 8 22.900 -0.444 0 0 22.900 -0.444 25.269 0.072 1990 9 17.900 -1.651 0 0 17.900 -1.651 20.402 -1.003 1990 10 15.200 0.456 0 0 15.200 0.456 16.773 0.176 1990 11 13.900 3.144 0 0 13.900 3.144 15.075 2.466 1990 12 8.400 1.572 0 0 8.400 1.572 9.916 1.234 1991 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.346 -0.340 1991 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.632 -0.223 1991 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.570 0.017 1991 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.842 -0.687 1991 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.744 -1.738 1991 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.986 0.103 1991 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.874 -0.491 1991 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.456 0.259 1991 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.659 -0.746 1991 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.410 -0.187 1991 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.470 -0.140 1991 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 4.834 -3.848