% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 2 % Primary Name: GMCC:AMUNDSEN-SCOTT % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Antarctica % Latitude: -90.00000 +/- 5.00000 % Longitude: 0.00000 +/- 5.00000 % Elevation (m): 2850.00 +/- 0.50 % # of Months: 60 % % IDs: wmssc - 890091 % % Sources: World Monthly Surface Station Climatology % % Site Hash: 840342e43c58f94a937cb0148209d059 % Raw Data Hash: 0ddccf3383c6b03225d7693a4c0c91d6 % Adj Data Hash: fb47fd148f7497f1ad4945ddff74cd44 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1977 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -23.380 2.698 1977 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -39.548 -0.820 1977 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -53.863 -1.464 1977 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -56.864 -0.019 1977 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -54.261 2.805 1977 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -55.235 1.811 1977 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -56.492 2.261 1977 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -57.917 0.953 1977 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -61.480 -3.891 1977 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -52.220 -3.124 1977 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -37.283 -1.480 1977 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -27.109 -1.829 1978 1 -28.000 -0.546 0 0 -28.000 -0.546 -27.279 -1.201 1978 2 -39.200 0.905 0 0 -39.200 0.905 -37.965 0.763 1978 3 -53.600 0.177 0 0 -53.600 0.177 -53.040 -0.640 1978 4 -50.600 7.622 0 0 -50.600 7.622 -50.342 6.503 1978 5 -56.400 2.043 0 0 -56.400 2.043 -54.486 2.580 1978 6 -60.200 -1.777 0 0 -60.200 -1.777 -58.643 -1.597 1978 7 -60.100 0.030 0 0 -60.100 0.030 -59.147 -0.394 1978 8 -62.100 -1.854 0 0 -62.100 -1.854 -61.055 -2.185 1978 9 -59.900 -0.934 0 0 -59.900 -0.934 -58.568 -0.979 1978 10 -48.500 1.973 0 0 -48.500 1.973 -47.372 1.724 1978 11 -36.200 0.980 0 0 -36.200 0.980 -35.601 0.202 1978 12 -25.800 0.856 0 0 -25.800 0.856 -25.694 -0.415 1979 1 -25.700 1.754 0 0 -25.700 1.754 -25.022 1.055 1979 2 -41.400 -1.295 0 0 -41.400 -1.295 -39.306 -0.579 1979 3 -51.200 2.577 0 0 -51.200 2.577 -51.414 0.986 1979 4 -53.500 4.722 0 0 -53.500 4.722 -52.343 4.502 1979 5 -62.000 -3.557 0 0 -62.000 -3.557 -60.714 -3.648 1979 6 -57.200 1.223 0 0 -57.200 1.223 -56.027 1.020 1979 7 -63.900 -3.770 0 0 -63.900 -3.770 -63.058 -4.305 1979 8 -61.600 -1.354 0 0 -61.600 -1.354 -60.257 -1.388 1979 9 -56.000 2.966 0 0 -56.000 2.966 -54.625 2.964 1979 10 -52.200 -1.727 0 0 -52.200 -1.727 -50.350 -1.254 1979 11 -36.400 0.780 0 0 -36.400 0.780 -35.173 0.630 1979 12 -26.100 0.556 0 0 -26.100 0.556 -25.379 -0.100 1980 1 -26.300 1.154 0 0 -26.300 1.154 -25.121 0.956 1980 2 -39.600 0.505 0 0 -39.600 0.505 -37.980 0.748 1980 3 -55.000 -1.223 0 0 -55.000 -1.223 -53.264 -0.865 1980 4 -57.800 0.422 0 0 -57.800 0.422 -55.651 1.194 1980 5 -56.900 1.543 0 0 -56.900 1.543 -55.715 1.351 1980 6 -58.700 -0.277 0 0 -58.700 -0.277 -56.789 0.257 1980 7 -60.900 -0.770 0 0 -60.900 -0.770 -58.386 0.367 1980 8 -63.600 -3.354 0 0 -63.600 -3.354 -60.207 -1.337 1980 9 -60.700 -1.734 0 0 -60.700 -1.734 -58.904 -1.314 1980 10 -51.600 -1.127 0 0 -51.600 -1.127 -49.233 -0.137 1980 11 -34.000 3.180 0 0 -34.000 3.180 -32.517 3.286 1980 12 -25.500 1.156 0 0 -25.500 1.156 -24.430 0.849 1981 1 -26.500 0.954 0 0 -26.500 0.954 -24.405 1.672 1981 2 -39.400 0.705 0 0 -39.400 0.705 -37.625 1.103 1981 3 -53.300 0.477 0 0 -53.300 0.477 -51.991 0.409 1981 4 -59.500 -1.278 0 0 -59.500 -1.278 -57.959 -1.114 1981 5 -54.500 3.943 0 0 -54.500 3.943 -54.137 2.929 1981 6 -58.800 -0.377 0 0 -58.800 -0.377 -57.204 -0.157 1981 7 -56.200 3.930 0 0 -56.200 3.930 -54.259 4.494 1981 8 -54.600 5.646 0 0 -54.600 5.646 -54.501 4.369 1981 9 -61.400 -2.434 0 0 -61.400 -2.434 -58.007 -0.418 1981 10 -54.100 -3.627 0 0 -54.100 -3.627 -51.392 -2.296 1981 11 -39.500 -2.320 0 0 -39.500 -2.320 -37.428 -1.625 1981 12 -25.800 0.856 0 0 -25.800 0.856 -25.677 -0.398 1982 1 -26.800 0.654 0 0 -26.800 0.654 -26.157 -0.080 1982 2 -39.900 0.205 0 0 -39.900 0.205 -38.924 -0.196 1982 3 -54.000 -0.223 0 0 -54.000 -0.223 -54.142 -1.742 1982 4 -54.100 4.122 0 0 -54.100 4.122 -54.464 2.381 1982 5 -56.400 2.043 0 0 -56.400 2.043 -56.399 0.667 1982 6 -60.300 -1.877 0 0 -60.300 -1.877 -58.982 -1.935 1982 7 -57.900 2.230 0 0 -57.900 2.230 -57.244 1.509 1982 8 -61.600 -1.354 0 0 -61.600 -1.354 -59.716 -0.846 1982 9 -61.400 -2.434 0 0 -61.400 -2.434 -59.998 -2.409 1982 10 -49.600 0.873 0 0 -49.600 0.873 -47.461 1.635 1982 11 -37.600 -0.420 0 0 -37.600 -0.420 -34.085 1.718 1982 12 -30.300 -3.644 0 0 -30.300 -3.644 -26.088 -0.809 1983 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -26.794 -0.716 1983 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -40.900 -2.172 1983 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -53.761 -1.361 1983 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -55.036 1.809 1983 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -55.235 1.831 1983 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -60.502 -3.455 1983 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -62.968 -4.215 1983 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -58.708 0.162 1983 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -57.708 -0.119 1983 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -51.863 -2.767 1983 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -38.206 -2.403 1983 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -27.731 -2.452