% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 171347 % Primary Name: SQUAW SPRINGS CALIFORNIA % Record Type: TAVG % Country: United States % State: CA % Latitude: 35.37000 +/- 0.00005 % Longitude: -117.56830 +/- 0.00005 % Elevation (m): 1103.40 +/- 0.50 % # of Months: 266 % % IDs: ghcnd - USR0000CSQS % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % % Site Hash: 1ba57fca85ad2dc5f42f2f432793fd28 % Raw Data Hash: 6a5958dd9bc8a3078f99258832bbf82f % Adj Data Hash: 38e811082c93913e699d0769749305d1 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1990 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.123 0.955 1990 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.968 1.511 1990 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.249 0.247 1990 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 2.117 -3.213 1991 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.171 0.077 1991 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.637 3.467 1991 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.179 -2.883 1991 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.420 -0.658 1991 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.305 -1.980 1991 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.182 -1.388 1991 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 29.827 0.339 1991 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 28.040 -0.269 1991 9 26.900 2.067 1 0 NaN NaN 26.021 1.853 1991 10 21.966 3.843 0 0 21.849 3.727 20.526 3.069 1991 11 13.983 3.317 0 0 13.794 3.127 10.884 0.883 1991 12 9.435 3.440 0 0 9.237 3.242 5.695 0.365 1992 1 8.942 3.183 0 0 8.848 3.089 5.405 0.311 1992 2 10.526 1.691 0 0 10.527 1.691 9.709 1.539 1992 3 11.087 -0.641 0 0 11.100 -0.628 10.999 -0.063 1992 4 18.110 2.366 0 0 18.139 2.396 18.087 3.009 1992 5 22.650 1.699 0 0 22.740 1.789 23.209 2.924 1992 6 23.337 -2.899 0 0 23.426 -2.810 24.972 -0.598 1992 7 26.987 -3.166 0 0 26.975 -3.178 28.518 -0.969 1992 8 28.856 -0.118 0 0 28.762 -0.212 29.299 0.990 1992 9 26.435 1.602 0 0 26.338 1.504 25.737 1.569 1992 10 20.297 2.174 0 0 20.180 2.057 19.580 2.123 1992 11 11.813 1.147 0 0 11.624 0.957 9.122 -0.879 1992 12 5.990 -0.005 0 0 5.792 -0.203 3.231 -2.099 1993 1 6.535 0.776 0 0 6.442 0.682 4.295 -0.799 1993 2 7.891 -0.944 0 0 7.892 -0.944 7.271 -0.899 1993 3 13.583 1.856 0 0 13.596 1.869 12.956 1.893 1993 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.487 1.408 1993 5 20.300 -0.651 0 0 20.390 -0.561 21.363 1.078 1993 6 24.557 -1.679 0 0 24.646 -1.590 24.510 -1.060 1993 7 26.560 -3.593 0 0 26.547 -3.605 28.565 -0.922 1993 8 27.395 -1.579 0 0 27.301 -1.674 28.039 -0.270 1993 9 25.458 0.625 0 0 25.361 0.528 24.551 0.384 1993 10 19.752 1.629 0 0 19.635 1.512 18.284 0.827 1993 11 12.190 1.523 0 0 12.000 1.334 9.219 -0.782 1993 12 9.363 3.368 0 0 9.165 3.170 5.154 -0.176 1994 1 11.024 5.265 0 0 10.930 5.171 6.862 1.768 1994 2 8.282 -0.553 0 0 8.283 -0.552 6.768 -1.402 1994 3 14.842 3.114 0 0 14.855 3.127 13.838 2.776 1994 4 16.612 0.868 0 0 16.641 0.897 16.396 1.318 1994 5 19.456 -1.494 0 0 19.546 -1.405 20.536 0.251 1994 6 27.617 1.381 0 0 27.706 1.470 27.932 2.362 1994 7 29.237 -0.916 0 0 29.225 -0.928 31.399 1.912 1994 8 29.516 0.542 0 0 29.422 0.447 30.155 1.846 1994 9 25.023 0.190 0 0 24.926 0.093 24.750 0.582 1994 10 17.897 -0.226 0 0 17.780 -0.343 16.866 -0.592 1994 11 8.192 -2.475 0 0 8.002 -2.665 6.040 -3.961 1994 12 8.994 2.998 0 0 8.796 2.800 5.137 -0.193 1995 1 8.012 2.253 0 0 7.918 2.159 5.532 0.438 1995 2 15.188 6.352 0 0 15.188 6.353 12.335 4.165 1995 3 12.285 0.558 0 0 12.298 0.571 10.932 -0.130 1995 4 15.223 -0.520 0 0 15.253 -0.491 14.429 -0.649 1995 5 17.573 -3.378 0 0 17.663 -3.288 17.894 -2.391 1995 6 23.292 -2.944 0 0 23.381 -2.855 23.431 -2.139 1995 7 28.916 -1.237 0 0 28.904 -1.249 29.580 0.093 1995 8 29.760 0.785 0 0 29.665 0.691 29.176 0.867 1995 9 27.055 2.222 0 0 26.958 2.124 26.018 1.850 1995 10 21.687 3.564 0 0 21.570 3.448 19.152 1.695 1995 11 18.078 7.412 0 0 17.889 7.222 13.832 3.830 1995 12 10.748 4.753 0 0 10.550 4.555 6.781 1.451 1996 1 10.961 5.202 0 0 10.867 5.108 7.525 2.431 1996 2 11.296 2.461 0 0 11.297 2.462 10.183 2.013 1996 3 12.403 0.676 0 0 12.416 0.688 12.339 1.277 1996 4 17.418 1.675 0 0 17.448 1.704 17.143 2.064 1996 5 20.879 -0.072 0 0 20.969 0.018 21.688 1.403 1996 6 25.812 -0.424 0 0 25.901 -0.335 26.968 1.398 1996 7 30.108 -0.045 0 0 30.096 -0.057 31.675 2.188 1996 8 29.676 0.701 0 0 29.581 0.607 29.991 1.682 1996 9 24.287 -0.547 0 0 24.189 -0.644 24.499 0.331 1996 10 17.966 -0.157 0 0 17.849 -0.273 17.162 -0.295 1996 11 13.323 2.657 0 0 13.134 2.467 10.836 0.835 1996 12 9.260 3.264 0 0 9.062 3.066 6.472 1.141 1997 1 8.471 2.712 0 0 8.377 2.618 6.476 1.382 1997 2 10.213 1.377 0 0 10.213 1.378 9.083 0.914 1997 3 16.513 4.785 0 0 16.526 4.798 14.506 3.444 1997 4 15.985 0.241 0 0 16.014 0.271 15.780 0.701 1997 5 24.007 3.056 0 0 24.096 3.146 24.264 3.978 1997 6 23.673 -2.562 0 0 23.762 -2.473 25.202 -0.368 1997 7 26.832 -3.320 0 0 26.820 -3.333 28.735 -0.752 1997 8 28.047 -0.928 0 0 27.952 -1.022 28.871 0.562 1997 9 24.959 0.126 0 0 24.862 0.028 25.196 1.028 1997 10 17.750 -0.373 0 0 17.633 -0.490 17.156 -0.301 1997 11 13.080 2.413 0 0 12.890 2.224 10.539 0.538 1997 12 7.421 1.425 0 0 7.223 1.227 4.239 -1.091 1998 1 9.169 3.410 0 0 9.075 3.316 6.207 1.113 1998 2 6.959 -1.876 0 0 6.960 -1.876 6.457 -1.712 1998 3 11.194 -0.534 0 0 11.206 -0.521 10.659 -0.403 1998 4 12.480 -3.264 0 0 12.509 -3.234 12.653 -2.425 1998 5 14.124 -6.827 0 0 14.214 -6.737 15.763 -4.522 1998 6 21.205 -5.031 0 0 21.294 -4.942 22.388 -3.182 1998 7 28.865 -1.288 0 0 28.852 -1.300 30.210 0.722 1998 8 29.519 0.545 0 0 29.425 0.450 30.044 1.735 1998 9 22.425 -2.408 0 0 22.328 -2.506 23.539 -0.629 1998 10 17.302 -0.821 0 0 17.185 -0.938 16.365 -1.092 1998 11 12.397 1.730 0 0 12.207 1.540 9.745 -0.256 1998 12 9.050 3.054 0 0 8.852 2.856 5.570 0.240 1999 1 11.013 5.254 0 0 10.919 5.160 7.481 2.387 1999 2 10.286 1.450 0 0 10.286 1.451 8.788 0.619 1999 3 10.773 -0.955 0 0 10.786 -0.942 11.013 -0.049 1999 4 12.160 -3.584 0 0 12.189 -3.554 12.364 -2.714 1999 5 19.211 -1.740 0 0 19.301 -1.650 20.215 -0.070 1999 6 23.812 -2.424 0 0 23.901 -2.335 25.155 -0.415 1999 7 26.698 -3.454 0 0 26.686 -3.467 28.679 -0.808 1999 8 26.537 -2.437 0 0 26.443 -2.532 27.398 -0.911 1999 9 25.520 0.687 0 4 25.575 0.742 25.409 1.241 1999 10 21.979 3.856 0 0 22.045 3.923 20.460 3.003 1999 11 15.585 4.918 0 0 15.692 5.026 12.549 2.548 1999 12 10.284 4.288 0 0 10.396 4.400 6.745 1.415 2000 1 10.385 4.626 0 0 10.439 4.679 7.541 2.448 2000 2 9.448 0.613 0 0 9.448 0.613 8.926 0.757 2000 3 11.191 -0.537 1 0 NaN NaN 11.744 0.681 2000 4 17.845 2.101 0 0 17.828 2.084 17.844 2.765 2000 5 22.100 1.149 0 0 22.049 1.098 22.896 2.611 2000 6 26.332 0.096 0 0 26.281 0.046 27.571 2.001 2000 7 27.748 -2.404 0 0 27.755 -2.397 29.495 0.007 2000 8 27.794 -1.181 0 0 27.847 -1.127 28.797 0.488 2000 9 24.677 -0.157 0 0 24.732 -0.102 24.702 0.534 2000 10 17.518 -0.605 0 0 17.584 -0.539 17.033 -0.425 2000 11 10.797 0.130 0 0 10.904 0.237 7.783 -2.218 2000 12 11.627 5.632 0 0 11.740 5.744 7.461 2.131 2001 1 7.416 1.657 0 0 7.469 1.710 4.627 -0.467 2001 2 7.055 -1.780 0 0 7.055 -1.780 6.204 -1.966 2001 3 14.144 2.416 0 0 14.136 2.409 13.161 2.099 2001 4 13.690 -2.054 0 0 13.673 -2.071 13.915 -1.163 2001 5 24.950 3.999 0 0 24.899 3.948 24.831 4.546 2001 6 26.868 0.633 0 0 26.818 0.582 27.399 1.829 2001 7 27.561 -2.591 0 0 27.568 -2.585 28.994 -0.493 2001 8 29.535 0.561 0 0 29.589 0.615 30.167 1.858 2001 9 26.595 1.762 0 0 26.650 1.817 26.400 2.233 2001 10 22.027 3.905 0 0 22.094 3.971 20.685 3.228 2001 11 13.703 3.037 0 0 13.811 3.144 11.114 1.113 2001 12 7.597 1.601 0 0 7.709 1.713 4.632 -0.698 2002 1 8.568 2.808 0 0 8.621 2.862 5.432 0.338 2002 2 12.275 3.440 0 0 12.275 3.439 10.197 2.027 2002 3 11.892 0.164 0 0 11.885 0.157 10.680 -0.382 2002 4 16.132 0.388 0 0 16.115 0.371 16.738 1.660 2002 5 20.250 -0.701 0 0 20.199 -0.752 20.951 0.665 2002 6 26.465 0.229 0 0 26.415 0.179 27.592 2.022 2002 7 29.598 -0.554 0 0 29.605 -0.547 31.699 2.211 2002 8 28.234 -0.741 0 0 28.287 -0.687 28.788 0.480 2002 9 25.647 0.813 0 0 25.702 0.868 25.527 1.359 2002 10 18.324 0.202 0 0 18.390 0.268 17.547 0.090 2002 11 14.173 3.507 0 0 14.281 3.614 11.267 1.266 2002 12 8.000 2.004 0 0 8.112 2.116 4.863 -0.467 2003 1 13.497 7.737 0 0 13.550 7.791 9.652 4.558 2003 2 8.579 -0.257 0 0 8.578 -0.257 7.721 -0.449 2003 3 13.174 1.446 0 0 13.167 1.439 12.220 1.157 2003 4 11.762 -3.982 0 0 11.745 -3.999 12.549 -2.530 2003 5 20.276 -0.675 0 0 20.225 -0.726 21.176 0.891 2003 6 25.545 -0.691 0 0 25.495 -0.741 27.198 1.628 2003 7 30.673 0.520 0 0 30.680 0.527 31.986 2.498 2003 8 28.113 -0.862 0 0 28.166 -0.808 28.919 0.610 2003 9 27.597 2.763 0 0 27.652 2.818 27.017 2.849 2003 10 23.111 4.989 0 0 23.177 5.055 21.757 4.300 2003 11 9.810 -0.857 0 0 9.917 -0.749 7.689 -2.312 2003 12 8.194 2.198 0 0 8.306 2.310 4.892 -0.438 2004 1 8.995 3.236 0 0 9.048 3.289 5.592 0.498 2004 2 7.219 -1.616 0 0 7.219 -1.617 6.638 -1.532 2004 3 17.373 5.645 0 0 17.365 5.638 15.803 4.741 2004 4 16.917 1.173 0 0 16.900 1.156 16.718 1.640 2004 5 21.144 0.193 0 0 21.093 0.142 21.611 1.326 2004 6 25.357 -0.879 0 0 25.306 -0.929 26.753 1.183 2004 7 28.592 -1.561 0 0 28.599 -1.554 30.273 0.786 2004 8 27.702 -1.273 0 0 27.755 -1.219 28.580 0.271 2004 9 24.360 -0.473 0 0 24.415 -0.418 24.319 0.152 2004 10 16.935 -1.187 0 0 17.002 -1.121 16.510 -0.947 2004 11 10.098 -0.568 0 0 10.206 -0.461 8.717 -1.284 2004 12 8.718 2.722 0 0 8.830 2.834 5.825 0.495 2005 1 8.724 2.965 0 0 8.777 3.018 6.621 1.527 2005 2 8.834 -0.001 0 0 8.834 -0.002 8.456 0.287 2005 3 12.066 0.338 0 0 12.059 0.331 11.481 0.419 2005 4 13.987 -1.757 0 0 13.970 -1.774 13.964 -1.115 2005 5 20.034 -0.917 0 0 19.983 -0.968 21.140 0.855 2005 6 23.088 -3.147 0 0 23.038 -3.198 24.175 -1.395 2005 7 29.935 -0.217 0 0 29.942 -0.210 31.838 2.351 2005 8 27.931 -1.044 0 0 27.984 -0.990 28.768 0.459 2005 9 22.663 -2.170 0 0 22.719 -2.115 22.963 -1.205 2005 10 18.074 -0.048 0 0 18.140 0.018 17.852 0.395 2005 11 14.657 3.990 0 0 14.764 4.097 12.007 2.006 2005 12 10.052 4.056 0 0 10.164 4.168 6.522 1.192 2006 1 9.035 3.276 0 0 9.089 3.329 6.488 1.395 2006 2 11.448 2.613 0 0 11.448 2.613 9.633 1.463 2006 3 7.918 -3.810 0 0 7.910 -3.817 7.962 -3.100 2006 4 13.652 -2.092 0 0 13.635 -2.109 14.176 -0.902 2006 5 22.119 1.169 0 0 22.069 1.118 22.848 2.563 2006 6 27.363 1.128 0 0 27.313 1.077 27.828 2.258 2006 7 30.223 0.070 0 0 30.229 0.077 31.842 2.354 2006 8 27.498 -1.476 0 0 27.552 -1.423 28.068 -0.241 2006 9 24.895 0.062 0 0 24.950 0.117 24.397 0.229 2006 10 17.400 -0.723 0 0 17.466 -0.656 16.825 -0.633 2006 11 14.462 3.795 0 0 14.569 3.902 11.704 1.703 2006 12 8.790 2.795 0 0 8.902 2.907 5.407 0.077 2007 1 7.687 1.928 0 0 7.740 1.981 4.709 -0.385 2007 2 10.179 1.343 0 0 10.178 1.343 9.235 1.066 2007 3 15.819 4.092 0 0 15.812 4.084 14.533 3.471 2007 4 16.950 1.206 0 0 16.933 1.189 16.888 1.809 2007 5 21.282 0.331 0 0 21.231 0.281 22.373 2.088 2007 6 25.553 -0.682 0 0 25.503 -0.733 26.859 1.289 2007 7 29.373 -0.780 0 0 29.379 -0.773 31.451 1.964 2007 8 28.934 -0.041 0 0 28.987 0.013 29.659 1.350 2007 9 22.750 -2.083 0 0 22.805 -2.028 23.488 -0.680 2007 10 17.960 -0.163 0 0 18.026 -0.097 17.409 -0.048 2007 11 15.658 4.992 0 0 15.766 5.099 12.691 2.689 2007 12 6.434 0.438 0 0 6.546 0.550 3.757 -1.574 2008 1 6.118 0.358 0 0 6.171 0.412 4.265 -0.829 2008 2 10.034 1.199 0 0 10.034 1.199 8.641 0.472 2008 3 13.182 1.455 0 0 13.175 1.447 12.098 1.036 2008 4 15.985 0.241 0 0 15.968 0.224 15.783 0.704 2008 5 19.166 -1.785 0 0 19.115 -1.836 19.959 -0.326 2008 6 28.417 2.181 1 0 NaN NaN 26.703 1.133 2008 7 28.718 -1.435 0 0 28.725 -1.428 30.643 1.156 2008 8 28.871 -0.103 0 0 28.924 -0.050 30.064 1.755 2008 9 26.530 1.697 0 0 26.585 1.752 26.045 1.878 2008 10 20.294 2.171 0 0 20.360 2.237 18.815 1.357 2008 11 15.083 4.417 0 0 15.191 4.524 12.642 2.640 2008 12 7.313 1.317 0 0 7.425 1.429 4.862 -0.468 2009 1 11.069 5.310 0 0 11.123 5.363 7.834 2.741 2009 2 8.459 -0.376 0 0 8.459 -0.377 7.395 -0.775 2009 3 12.144 0.416 0 0 12.136 0.409 10.832 -0.230 2009 4 14.798 -0.945 0 0 14.782 -0.962 14.694 -0.384 2009 5 23.916 2.965 0 0 23.865 2.914 24.227 3.942 2009 6 22.022 -4.214 0 0 21.971 -4.264 23.563 -2.006 2009 7 30.323 0.170 0 0 30.329 0.177 31.591 2.104 2009 8 27.948 -1.026 0 0 28.002 -0.973 28.246 -0.063 2009 9 26.953 2.120 0 0 27.008 2.175 26.812 2.644 2009 10 17.258 -0.865 0 0 17.324 -0.798 16.485 -0.972 2009 11 14.055 3.388 0 0 14.162 3.496 11.150 1.149 2009 12 7.453 1.458 0 0 7.565 1.570 4.068 -1.262 2010 1 9.010 3.250 0 0 9.063 3.304 5.942 0.849 2010 2 9.529 0.693 0 0 9.528 0.693 8.646 0.477 2010 3 11.682 -0.045 0 0 11.675 -0.053 10.856 -0.207 2010 4 12.520 -3.224 0 0 12.503 -3.241 13.052 -2.027 2010 5 17.092 -3.859 0 0 17.041 -3.910 17.581 -2.704 2010 6 25.335 -0.901 0 0 25.285 -0.951 26.125 0.555 2010 7 29.153 -1.000 0 0 29.160 -0.993 31.007 1.519 2010 8 26.758 -2.216 0 0 26.812 -2.163 27.883 -0.426 2010 9 25.862 1.028 0 0 25.917 1.083 25.582 1.414 2010 10 17.915 -0.208 0 0 17.981 -0.142 18.102 0.645 2010 11 11.372 0.705 0 0 11.479 0.812 9.603 -0.398 2010 12 9.166 3.170 0 0 9.278 3.283 6.726 1.396 2011 1 9.613 3.854 0 0 9.666 3.907 6.361 1.267 2011 2 7.793 -1.042 0 0 7.792 -1.043 7.164 -1.006 2011 3 11.631 -0.097 0 0 11.623 -0.104 11.049 -0.013 2011 4 14.678 -1.065 0 0 14.662 -1.082 14.963 -0.115 2011 5 17.052 -3.899 0 0 17.001 -3.950 17.810 -2.476 2011 6 23.022 -3.214 0 0 22.971 -3.264 24.301 -1.269 2011 7 27.200 -2.953 0 0 27.207 -2.946 28.892 -0.596 2011 8 28.442 -0.532 0 0 28.495 -0.479 29.039 0.730 2011 9 26.219 1.385 0 0 26.274 1.441 26.176 2.008 2011 10 19.925 1.802 1 0 NaN NaN 18.977 1.520 2011 11 10.745 0.078 0 0 10.852 0.186 8.699 -1.302 2011 12 8.826 2.830 0 0 8.938 2.942 5.249 -0.081 2012 1 11.434 5.675 0 0 11.487 5.728 7.533 2.439 2012 2 10.250 1.415 0 0 10.250 1.414 8.923 0.753 2012 3 12.006 0.279 0 0 11.999 0.271 11.252 0.190 2012 4 16.373 0.630 0 0 16.357 0.613 16.390 1.311 2012 5 22.187 1.236 0 0 22.136 1.185 22.562 2.276 2012 6 25.712 -0.524 0 0 25.661 -0.574 26.510 0.940 2012 7 28.105 -2.048 0 0 28.112 -2.041 29.488 0.001 2012 8 30.035 1.061 0 0 30.089 1.115 30.430 2.122 2012 9 26.928 2.095 0 0 26.983 2.150 26.885 2.717 2012 10 20.035 1.913 0 0 20.102 1.979 19.146 1.689 2012 11 14.817 4.150 0 0 14.924 4.257 11.939 1.938 2012 12 8.303 2.308 0 0 8.415 2.420 5.754 0.424 2013 1 7.831 2.071 0 0 7.884 2.125 4.918 -0.176 2013 2 9.850 1.015 0 0 9.850 1.014 8.223 0.053 2013 3 15.948 4.221 0 0 15.941 4.213 14.266 3.204 2013 4 17.980 2.236 0 0 17.963 2.219 17.575 2.497 2013 5 20.826 -0.125 0 0 20.775 -0.176 21.393 1.108 2013 6 27.112 0.876 0 0 27.061 0.826 28.005 2.435 2013 7 29.597 -0.556 0 0 29.604 -0.549 31.313 1.825 2013 8 27.603 -1.371 0 0 27.657 -1.318 28.412 0.103 2013 9 24.607 -0.227 0 0 24.662 -0.172 25.050 0.882 2013 10 18.041 -0.082 1 0 NaN NaN 16.425 -1.033 2013 11 14.225 3.558 1 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN