% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 171321 % Primary Name: MOSS BASIN ARIZONA % Record Type: TAVG % Country: United States % State: AZ % Latitude: 35.03360 +/- 0.00005 % Longitude: -113.89250 +/- 0.00005 % Elevation (m): 1804.40 +/- 0.50 % # of Months: 257 % % IDs: ghcnd - USR0000AMOS % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % % Site Hash: 1b0a07e36e14654133f72bd4aa1ed420 % Raw Data Hash: 0dfd012bcd07fe55a27ed6eacc87f106 % Adj Data Hash: ba778555c1bedfacc2baff383036c2f8 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1991 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 27.640 -1.829 1991 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 32.750 -0.356 1991 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 31.637 -0.241 1991 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 29.321 0.962 1991 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.363 2.485 1991 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.314 0.534 1991 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.653 0.255 1992 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.403 0.438 1992 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.331 1.791 1992 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.826 -0.231 1992 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.494 2.450 1992 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.749 1.601 1992 6 18.036 -2.764 1 0 NaN NaN 28.985 -0.484 1992 7 21.690 -2.747 0 0 21.947 -2.490 32.465 -0.641 1992 8 21.301 -1.908 0 0 21.554 -1.655 32.300 0.422 1992 9 19.670 -0.020 0 0 20.037 0.347 29.908 1.549 1992 10 14.453 1.245 0 0 14.777 1.568 23.490 1.612 1992 11 6.027 -0.084 0 0 6.217 0.106 13.579 -1.201 1992 12 3.224 1.496 0 0 3.515 1.786 8.374 -2.023 1993 1 3.731 2.435 0 0 4.294 2.998 10.039 0.074 1993 2 3.175 -0.696 0 0 3.801 -0.070 11.990 -0.550 1993 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.452 1.395 1993 4 11.669 1.295 1 0 NaN NaN 20.374 1.330 1993 5 15.360 -0.119 0 0 15.817 0.339 25.302 1.154 1993 6 18.948 -1.852 0 0 19.362 -1.438 28.905 -0.564 1993 7 21.281 -3.156 0 0 21.538 -2.900 31.809 -1.297 1993 8 21.264 -1.945 0 0 21.517 -1.692 31.417 -0.461 1993 9 18.802 -0.888 0 0 19.169 -0.521 28.686 0.327 1993 10 13.149 -0.060 1 0 NaN NaN 22.544 0.667 1993 11 6.670 0.559 0 0 6.860 0.749 13.349 -1.431 1993 12 4.348 2.620 0 0 4.639 2.910 10.100 -0.297 1994 1 5.890 4.594 1 0 NaN NaN 11.432 1.467 1994 2 3.118 -0.753 0 0 3.744 -0.127 11.323 -1.216 1994 3 8.606 2.219 0 0 9.061 2.673 17.352 2.296 1994 4 10.603 0.229 0 0 10.986 0.612 20.526 1.483 1994 5 13.674 -1.805 0 0 14.132 -1.347 24.038 -0.110 1994 6 22.230 1.430 1 0 NaN NaN 32.296 2.827 1994 7 23.523 -0.914 1 0 NaN NaN 34.108 1.002 1994 8 23.618 0.409 0 0 23.871 0.662 33.662 1.785 1994 9 19.863 0.173 0 0 20.231 0.541 29.927 1.568 1994 10 11.579 -1.629 0 0 11.903 -1.306 21.335 -0.542 1994 11 3.595 -2.516 0 0 3.785 -2.326 11.410 -3.370 1994 12 3.937 2.208 0 0 4.227 2.499 10.416 0.019 1995 1 2.933 1.637 0 0 3.496 2.200 10.541 0.576 1995 2 7.580 3.710 0 0 8.206 4.335 16.039 3.499 1995 3 6.258 -0.130 0 0 6.713 0.325 15.190 0.134 1995 4 8.888 -1.486 0 0 9.271 -1.103 18.502 -0.542 1995 5 11.815 -3.664 0 0 12.272 -3.207 22.150 -1.998 1995 6 17.505 -3.295 0 0 17.919 -2.881 28.068 -1.401 1995 7 22.640 -1.797 0 0 22.897 -1.540 33.659 0.553 1995 8 23.365 0.156 0 0 23.617 0.408 33.859 1.982 1995 9 20.045 0.355 0 0 20.412 0.722 30.747 2.388 1995 10 14.734 1.525 0 0 15.058 1.849 23.222 1.345 1995 11 11.400 5.289 0 0 11.590 5.479 18.315 3.535 1995 12 5.626 3.897 0 0 5.916 4.188 12.008 1.611 1996 1 5.648 4.352 0 0 6.211 4.915 11.947 1.982 1996 2 6.509 2.638 0 0 7.135 3.264 15.316 2.777 1996 3 8.223 1.835 0 0 8.677 2.289 16.580 1.524 1996 4 12.075 1.700 0 0 12.458 2.083 21.374 2.330 1996 5 15.865 0.386 0 0 16.322 0.843 26.101 1.954 1996 6 21.355 0.555 0 0 21.769 0.969 30.807 1.338 1996 7 23.958 -0.479 0 0 24.215 -0.222 35.226 2.120 1996 8 22.785 -0.424 0 0 23.038 -0.171 33.519 1.641 1996 9 17.797 -1.893 0 0 18.164 -1.526 28.533 0.175 1996 10 12.205 -1.004 0 0 12.529 -0.680 22.126 0.248 1996 11 8.452 2.341 0 0 8.642 2.531 15.970 1.190 1996 12 5.279 3.550 0 0 5.569 3.841 11.352 0.954 1997 1 3.582 2.286 0 0 4.145 2.849 11.292 1.327 1997 2 4.300 0.429 0 0 4.926 1.055 12.994 0.454 1997 3 10.353 3.966 0 0 10.808 4.420 18.287 3.231 1997 4 9.562 -0.813 0 0 9.944 -0.430 19.640 0.597 1997 5 17.610 2.131 0 0 18.067 2.589 28.303 4.156 1997 6 18.337 -2.463 0 0 18.751 -2.049 29.004 -0.465 1997 7 21.753 -2.684 0 0 22.010 -2.427 32.418 -0.688 1997 8 22.321 -0.888 0 0 22.574 -0.635 33.062 1.184 1997 9 19.396 -0.294 0 0 19.764 0.074 29.929 1.570 1997 10 12.355 -0.854 0 0 12.679 -0.530 21.623 -0.255 1997 11 7.952 1.841 0 0 8.142 2.031 15.553 0.773 1997 12 2.882 1.154 0 0 3.173 1.444 9.526 -0.872 1998 1 4.594 3.298 0 0 5.157 3.861 11.175 1.210 1998 2 2.259 -1.612 0 0 2.885 -0.986 11.101 -1.439 1998 3 5.874 -0.513 0 0 6.329 -0.059 14.488 -0.569 1998 4 7.243 -3.131 0 0 7.626 -2.748 16.766 -2.277 1998 5 11.769 -3.709 0 0 12.227 -3.252 21.509 -2.638 1998 6 16.403 -4.397 0 0 16.817 -3.983 27.110 -2.359 1998 7 22.571 -1.866 0 0 22.828 -1.609 34.250 1.144 1998 8 22.345 -0.864 0 0 22.598 -0.611 33.370 1.492 1998 9 17.267 -2.423 0 0 17.634 -2.056 28.271 -0.087 1998 10 11.313 -1.896 0 0 11.637 -1.572 21.125 -0.752 1998 11 7.348 1.238 0 0 7.538 1.428 14.779 -0.001 1998 12 4.902 3.173 0 4 4.786 3.057 10.543 0.145 1999 1 6.568 5.272 0 0 6.343 5.047 12.230 2.266 1999 2 6.284 2.413 0 0 6.034 2.164 13.522 0.982 1999 3 8.190 1.803 0 0 8.009 1.621 15.558 0.502 1999 4 7.393 -2.981 0 0 7.241 -3.134 16.497 -2.547 1999 5 14.653 -0.826 0 0 14.471 -1.008 23.920 -0.227 1999 6 19.750 -1.050 0 0 19.585 -1.215 29.087 -0.382 1999 7 21.513 -2.924 0 0 21.410 -3.027 32.357 -0.748 1999 8 21.710 -1.499 0 0 21.609 -1.600 31.793 -0.085 1999 9 19.580 -0.110 0 0 19.433 -0.257 29.396 1.037 1999 10 16.627 3.419 0 0 16.498 3.290 24.124 2.247 1999 11 11.707 5.596 0 0 11.631 5.520 17.233 2.453 1999 12 5.726 3.997 0 0 5.610 3.881 11.331 0.933 2000 1 6.739 5.443 0 0 6.514 5.218 12.601 2.636 2000 2 6.388 2.517 0 0 6.138 2.268 13.944 1.405 2000 3 7.308 0.920 0 0 7.127 0.739 15.483 0.427 2000 4 13.735 3.360 0 0 13.582 3.208 22.123 3.079 2000 5 18.513 3.034 0 0 18.330 2.851 27.172 3.024 2000 6 21.997 1.197 0 0 21.831 1.031 31.349 1.880 2000 7 24.434 -0.003 0 0 24.331 -0.106 33.759 0.653 2000 8 22.327 -0.882 0 0 22.227 -0.982 32.435 0.557 2000 9 20.420 0.730 0 0 20.273 0.583 29.167 0.808 2000 10 12.116 -1.092 0 0 11.987 -1.222 21.375 -0.503 2000 11 5.363 -0.747 0 0 5.288 -0.823 12.102 -2.677 2000 12 7.155 5.426 0 0 7.039 5.310 12.049 1.652 2001 1 3.282 1.986 0 0 3.058 1.762 9.574 -0.391 2001 2 3.757 -0.114 0 0 3.508 -0.363 11.303 -1.237 2001 3 8.584 2.196 0 0 8.403 2.015 16.426 1.369 2001 4 9.998 -0.376 0 0 9.846 -0.529 18.582 -0.461 2001 5 18.790 3.312 0 0 18.608 3.129 28.103 3.955 2001 6 21.418 0.618 0 0 21.253 0.453 31.206 1.737 2001 7 22.771 -1.666 0 0 22.669 -1.769 32.821 -0.285 2001 8 22.853 -0.356 0 0 22.752 -0.457 32.972 1.094 2001 9 21.038 1.348 0 0 20.892 1.202 30.739 2.380 2001 10 15.842 2.633 0 0 15.713 2.504 24.263 2.386 2001 11 8.732 2.621 0 0 8.656 2.545 16.804 2.025 2001 12 3.544 1.815 0 0 3.428 1.699 9.221 -1.177 2002 1 4.484 3.188 0 0 4.259 2.963 10.262 0.297 2002 2 8.513 4.642 0 0 8.263 4.392 13.586 1.046 2002 3 6.852 0.464 0 0 6.671 0.283 14.548 -0.508 2002 4 12.638 2.264 0 0 12.486 2.111 21.054 2.010 2002 5 15.363 -0.116 0 0 15.180 -0.299 24.573 0.425 2002 6 22.217 1.417 0 0 22.051 1.251 31.327 1.858 2002 7 24.590 0.153 0 0 24.488 0.051 34.827 1.721 2002 8 23.795 0.586 0 0 23.694 0.485 32.307 0.429 2002 9 19.722 0.032 0 0 19.575 -0.115 29.637 1.278 2002 10 12.252 -0.957 0 0 12.122 -1.086 21.566 -0.311 2002 11 8.952 2.841 0 0 8.876 2.765 16.316 1.536 2002 12 3.494 1.765 0 0 3.378 1.649 10.197 -0.201 2003 1 8.835 7.539 0 0 8.611 7.315 14.375 4.410 2003 2 4.268 0.397 0 0 4.018 0.147 12.691 0.152 2003 3 7.361 0.974 0 0 7.180 0.792 15.757 0.701 2003 4 8.715 -1.660 0 0 8.562 -1.812 17.718 -1.325 2003 5 15.924 0.445 0 0 15.742 0.263 25.422 1.275 2003 6 20.965 0.165 0 0 20.800 -0.000 30.429 0.960 2003 7 24.815 0.377 0 0 24.712 0.275 35.227 2.121 2003 8 22.040 -1.169 0 0 21.939 -1.270 32.633 0.755 2003 9 20.478 0.788 0 0 20.332 0.642 30.707 2.348 2003 10 17.040 3.832 0 0 16.911 3.703 26.194 4.317 2003 11 6.060 -0.051 0 0 5.984 -0.127 13.222 -1.557 2003 12 4.911 3.183 0 0 4.795 3.067 10.494 0.096 2004 1 3.848 2.552 0 0 3.624 2.328 10.776 0.811 2004 2 2.748 -1.122 0 0 2.499 -1.372 11.135 -1.405 2004 3 12.502 6.114 0 0 12.320 5.933 19.939 4.882 2004 4 10.823 0.449 0 0 10.671 0.296 20.202 1.158 2004 5 16.652 1.174 1 0 NaN NaN 25.705 1.557 2004 6 20.348 -0.452 0 0 20.182 -0.618 30.191 0.722 2004 7 23.342 -1.095 0 0 23.239 -1.198 33.748 0.642 2004 8 21.939 -1.270 0 0 21.838 -1.371 31.842 -0.036 2004 9 18.992 -0.698 0 0 18.845 -0.845 28.440 0.081 2004 10 11.876 -1.333 0 0 11.747 -1.462 21.052 -0.825 2004 11 5.768 -0.342 0 0 5.693 -0.418 13.082 -1.697 2004 12 5.252 3.523 0 0 5.136 3.407 10.876 0.479 2005 1 4.760 3.464 0 0 4.535 3.239 11.444 1.480 2005 2 4.730 0.860 0 0 4.481 0.610 12.510 -0.030 2005 3 7.019 0.632 0 0 6.838 0.450 15.026 -0.030 2005 4 10.123 -0.251 0 0 9.971 -0.404 18.476 -0.567 2005 5 15.863 0.384 0 0 15.680 0.201 25.339 1.191 2005 6 19.458 -1.342 0 0 19.293 -1.507 29.045 -0.424 2005 7 24.331 -0.106 0 0 24.228 -0.209 34.802 1.696 2005 8 21.058 -2.151 0 0 20.957 -2.252 31.700 -0.177 2005 9 18.595 -1.095 0 0 18.448 -1.242 28.336 -0.023 2005 10 13.735 0.527 0 0 13.606 0.398 22.600 0.723 2005 11 10.058 3.948 0 0 9.983 3.872 16.692 1.912 2005 12 6.050 4.321 0 0 5.934 4.206 11.370 0.973 2006 1 5.592 4.296 0 0 5.367 4.071 11.417 1.452 2006 2 7.248 3.377 0 0 6.999 3.128 14.045 1.505 2006 3 4.513 -1.875 0 0 4.332 -2.056 13.052 -2.004 2006 4 10.433 0.059 0 0 10.281 -0.094 18.997 -0.047 2006 5 16.868 1.389 0 0 16.685 1.206 26.864 2.716 2006 6 22.545 1.745 0 0 22.380 1.580 32.226 2.757 2006 7 23.503 -0.934 0 0 23.401 -1.036 35.318 2.212 2006 8 21.776 -1.433 0 0 21.675 -1.534 32.253 0.375 2006 9 17.810 -1.880 0 0 17.663 -2.027 28.327 -0.032 2006 10 12.163 -1.046 0 0 12.034 -1.175 21.606 -0.271 2006 11 9.748 3.638 0 0 9.673 3.562 16.733 1.954 2006 12 5.102 3.373 0 0 4.986 3.257 10.397 -0.001 2007 1 2.787 1.491 0 0 2.562 1.266 9.218 -0.747 2007 2 6.009 2.138 0 0 5.759 1.889 13.834 1.295 2007 3 10.144 3.756 0 0 9.962 3.575 17.896 2.839 2007 4 12.053 1.679 0 0 11.901 1.526 20.787 1.743 2007 5 16.910 1.431 0 0 16.727 1.248 26.163 2.015 2007 6 21.247 0.447 0 0 21.081 0.281 30.723 1.254 2007 7 24.627 0.190 0 0 24.525 0.088 34.713 1.607 2007 8 23.353 0.144 0 0 23.252 0.043 33.465 1.587 2007 9 18.810 -0.880 0 0 18.663 -1.027 28.919 0.560 2007 10 13.613 0.404 0 0 13.484 0.275 22.318 0.440 2007 11 11.432 5.321 0 0 11.356 5.245 17.730 2.950 2007 12 2.731 1.002 0 0 2.615 0.886 9.007 -1.390 2008 1 2.334 1.038 0 0 2.109 0.813 9.353 -0.612 2008 2 5.152 1.281 0 0 4.902 1.031 12.609 0.069 2008 3 8.260 1.872 0 0 8.078 1.691 16.122 1.065 2008 4 11.260 0.885 0 0 11.107 0.733 19.876 0.832 2008 5 13.176 -2.303 0 0 12.993 -2.486 23.246 -0.902 2008 6 21.113 0.313 0 0 20.948 0.148 31.277 1.808 2008 7 22.924 -1.513 0 0 22.822 -1.615 34.138 1.033 2008 8 22.969 -0.240 0 0 22.868 -0.340 32.994 1.116 2008 9 19.820 0.130 0 0 19.673 -0.017 30.211 1.852 2008 10 14.608 1.400 0 0 14.479 1.270 23.413 1.536 2008 11 10.318 4.208 0 0 10.243 4.132 17.635 2.855 2008 12 3.442 1.713 0 0 3.326 1.597 9.871 -0.527 2009 1 7.029 5.733 0 0 6.804 5.508 12.569 2.604 2009 2 5.030 1.160 0 0 4.781 0.910 12.294 -0.246 2009 3 7.745 1.358 0 0 7.564 1.176 15.487 0.430 2009 4 9.933 -0.441 0 0 9.781 -0.594 18.940 -0.103 2009 5 18.132 2.653 0 0 17.950 2.471 28.304 4.156 2009 6 18.273 -2.527 0 0 18.108 -2.692 28.297 -1.172 2009 7 24.227 -0.210 0 0 24.125 -0.312 35.309 2.203 2009 8 22.392 -0.817 0 0 22.291 -0.918 32.337 0.459 2009 9 20.707 1.017 0 0 20.560 0.870 30.764 2.405 2009 10 12.192 -1.017 0 0 12.063 -1.146 20.905 -0.972 2009 11 9.992 3.881 0 0 9.916 3.805 16.367 1.587 2009 12 2.716 0.987 0 0 2.600 0.872 9.179 -1.218 2010 1 5.269 3.973 0 0 5.045 3.749 11.099 1.134 2010 2 4.516 0.645 0 0 4.266 0.396 12.931 0.392 2010 3 6.795 0.408 0 0 6.614 0.226 14.358 -0.698 2010 4 9.023 -1.351 0 0 8.871 -1.504 17.690 -1.353 2010 5 12.919 -2.559 0 0 12.737 -2.742 22.136 -2.012 2010 6 20.158 -0.642 0 0 19.993 -0.807 29.954 0.485 2010 7 24.158 -0.279 0 0 24.056 -0.381 34.976 1.870 2010 8 22.610 -0.599 0 0 22.509 -0.700 32.252 0.374 2010 9 21.003 1.313 0 0 20.857 1.167 30.047 1.688 2010 10 13.374 0.166 0 0 13.245 0.037 22.553 0.676 2010 11 7.043 0.933 0 0 6.968 0.857 14.614 -0.165 2010 12 6.113 4.384 0 0 5.997 4.268 12.244 1.846 2011 1 5.305 4.009 0 0 5.080 3.784 10.925 0.960 2011 2 3.118 -0.753 0 0 2.868 -1.003 10.989 -1.550 2011 3 8.368 1.980 0 0 8.186 1.799 16.053 0.996 2011 4 10.697 0.322 0 0 10.544 0.169 19.736 0.693 2011 5 12.785 -2.693 0 0 12.603 -2.876 22.434 -1.714 2011 6 19.387 -1.413 0 0 19.221 -1.579 29.296 -0.173 2011 7 22.266 -2.171 0 0 22.164 -2.273 33.301 0.195 2011 8 23.932 0.723 0 0 23.831 0.622 33.954 2.076 2011 9 19.832 0.142 0 0 19.685 -0.005 30.146 1.787 2011 10 14.089 0.880 0 0 13.960 0.751 23.283 1.405 2011 11 6.823 0.713 0 0 6.748 0.637 14.117 -0.662 2011 12 3.334 1.605 0 0 3.218 1.489 9.170 -1.228 2012 1 6.969 5.673 0 0 6.745 5.449 12.181 2.216 2012 2 4.988 1.117 0 0 4.738 0.868 13.274 0.734 2012 3 8.131 1.743 0 0 7.949 1.562 15.715 0.658 2012 4 11.855 1.480 0 0 11.702 1.328 20.717 1.674 2012 5 17.097 1.618 0 0 16.914 1.435 26.723 2.575 2012 6 21.658 0.858 0 0 21.493 0.693 31.081 1.612 2012 7 22.468 -1.969 0 0 22.365 -2.072 33.002 -0.103 2012 8 22.544 -0.665 0 0 22.443 -0.766 33.290 1.412 2012 9 20.347 0.657 0 0 20.200 0.510 30.630 2.271 2012 10 15.089 1.880 0 0 14.960 1.751 23.475 1.597 2012 11 10.377 4.266 0 0 10.301 4.190 16.859 2.079 2012 12 3.481 1.752 0 0 3.365 1.636 10.703 0.306 2013 1 2.834 1.538 0 0 2.609 1.313 9.265 -0.700 2013 2 3.584 -0.287 0 0 3.334 -0.536 11.709 -0.831 2013 3 10.182 3.795 0 0 10.001 3.613 18.161 3.105 2013 4 11.820 1.445 0 0 11.667 1.293 21.149 2.105 2013 5 15.873 0.394 0 0 15.690 0.211 25.695 1.547 2013 6 22.845 2.045 0 0 22.680 1.880 32.070 2.601 2013 7 23.452 -0.985 0 0 23.349 -1.088 34.636 1.530 2013 8 21.623 -1.586 0 0 21.522 -1.687 31.807 -0.071 2013 9 18.002 -1.688 0 0 17.855 -1.835 28.381 0.023 2013 10 11.242 -1.967 0 0 11.113 -2.096 20.522 -1.356 2013 11 8.780 2.669 1 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN