% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 171280 % Primary Name: GRANITE MOUNTAIN CALIFORNIA % Record Type: TAVG % Country: United States % State: CA % Latitude: 34.53560 +/- 0.00005 % Longitude: -117.02580 +/- 0.00005 % Elevation (m): 1438.70 +/- 0.50 % # of Months: 168 % % IDs: ghcnd - USR0000CGRA % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % % Site Hash: 9e691d8ec0e47d27b064954ab5e318d9 % Raw Data Hash: 8e6212125191d236e81fca63267a99f0 % Adj Data Hash: 77e013e5a4e9c784274f73cdfa687518 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1990 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.268 0.896 1990 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.983 1.598 1990 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.399 0.472 1990 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.264 -2.659 1991 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.764 0.132 1991 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.398 3.464 1991 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.231 -2.798 1991 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.173 -0.212 1991 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.366 -1.566 1991 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.300 -1.536 1991 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 28.451 -0.300 1991 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 27.301 -0.461 1991 9 24.063 2.299 1 0 NaN NaN 25.853 1.481 1991 10 18.948 3.172 0 0 18.948 3.172 21.245 2.860 1991 11 11.418 2.100 0 0 11.418 2.100 12.999 1.072 1991 12 6.844 1.529 0 0 6.844 1.529 8.190 0.267 1992 1 6.405 1.381 0 0 6.405 1.381 7.921 0.289 1992 2 8.041 0.716 0 0 8.041 0.716 11.475 1.541 1992 3 8.123 -1.299 0 0 8.123 -1.299 11.705 -0.325 1992 4 15.342 2.565 0 0 15.342 2.565 18.218 2.833 1992 5 19.655 2.331 0 0 19.655 2.331 22.241 2.309 1992 6 20.420 -1.807 0 0 20.420 -1.807 24.147 -0.688 1992 7 23.716 -2.427 0 0 23.716 -2.427 27.967 -0.785 1992 8 25.074 -0.079 0 0 25.074 -0.079 28.653 0.891 1992 9 23.907 2.144 0 0 23.907 2.144 26.045 1.673 1992 10 17.855 2.079 0 0 17.855 2.079 19.932 1.547 1992 11 9.425 0.106 0 0 9.425 0.106 11.126 -0.802 1992 12 4.227 -1.087 0 0 4.227 -1.087 5.711 -2.212 1993 1 5.160 0.136 0 0 5.160 0.136 7.133 -0.499 1993 2 5.534 -1.791 0 0 5.534 -1.791 9.251 -0.682 1993 3 11.315 1.893 1 0 NaN NaN 13.941 1.911 1993 4 14.054 1.277 0 0 14.054 1.277 17.103 1.718 1993 5 17.444 0.120 0 0 17.444 0.120 21.093 1.161 1993 6 21.293 -0.934 0 0 21.293 -0.934 24.503 -0.332 1993 7 23.684 -2.459 0 0 23.684 -2.459 27.247 -1.505 1993 8 24.610 -0.544 0 0 24.610 -0.544 27.330 -0.432 1993 9 22.720 0.957 0 0 22.720 0.957 24.911 0.539 1993 10 16.798 1.022 0 0 16.798 1.022 19.264 0.879 1993 11 9.572 0.253 0 0 9.572 0.253 11.097 -0.830 1993 12 6.947 1.632 0 0 6.947 1.632 7.716 -0.207 1994 1 8.698 3.674 0 0 8.698 3.674 9.509 1.877 1994 2 5.616 -1.709 0 0 5.616 -1.709 8.615 -1.318 1994 3 11.292 1.870 0 0 11.292 1.870 14.270 2.240 1994 4 13.158 0.381 0 0 13.158 0.381 16.830 1.445 1994 5 16.337 -0.986 0 0 16.337 -0.986 19.758 -0.174 1994 6 24.422 2.195 0 0 24.422 2.195 27.446 2.611 1994 7 26.763 0.620 0 0 26.763 0.620 30.095 1.344 1994 8 26.948 1.795 0 0 26.948 1.795 29.529 1.767 1994 9 22.058 0.295 0 0 22.058 0.295 25.276 0.904 1994 10 15.515 -0.262 0 0 15.515 -0.262 17.924 -0.461 1994 11 5.968 -3.350 0 0 5.968 -3.350 8.111 -3.816 1994 12 6.624 1.310 0 0 6.624 1.310 7.622 -0.301 1995 1 5.519 0.495 0 0 5.519 0.495 8.025 0.392 1995 2 11.523 4.198 0 0 11.523 4.198 13.728 3.795 1995 3 8.877 -0.544 0 0 8.877 -0.544 12.125 0.095 1995 4 10.895 -1.882 0 0 10.895 -1.882 14.923 -0.462 1995 5 13.438 -3.885 0 0 13.438 -3.885 17.859 -2.073 1995 6 19.575 -2.652 0 0 19.575 -2.652 23.389 -1.446 1995 7 25.834 -0.309 0 0 25.834 -0.309 29.223 0.472 1995 8 26.890 1.737 0 0 26.890 1.737 29.343 1.581 1995 9 24.033 2.270 0 0 24.033 2.270 26.728 2.357 1995 10 18.974 3.198 0 0 18.974 3.198 20.271 1.886 1995 11 15.807 6.488 0 0 15.807 6.488 15.810 3.882 1995 12 8.724 3.410 0 0 8.724 3.410 9.566 1.643 1996 1 8.521 3.497 0 0 8.521 3.497 10.102 2.470 1996 2 8.880 1.555 0 0 8.880 1.555 12.109 2.175 1996 3 10.785 1.364 0 0 10.785 1.364 13.244 1.214 1996 4 14.287 1.510 0 0 14.287 1.510 17.522 2.136 1996 5 17.666 0.343 0 0 17.666 0.343 21.723 1.791 1996 6 23.293 1.067 0 0 23.293 1.067 26.137 1.301 1996 7 27.537 1.394 0 0 27.537 1.394 31.025 2.274 1996 8 27.373 2.219 0 0 27.373 2.219 29.526 1.764 1996 9 22.138 0.375 0 0 22.138 0.375 24.762 0.390 1996 10 15.490 -0.286 0 0 15.490 -0.286 18.349 -0.036 1996 11 11.090 1.771 0 0 11.090 1.771 12.950 1.023 1996 12 8.008 2.693 0 0 8.008 2.693 8.981 1.058 1997 1 6.397 1.373 0 0 6.397 1.373 8.832 1.200 1997 2 7.348 0.023 0 0 7.348 0.023 10.496 0.563 1997 3 13.845 4.424 0 0 13.845 4.424 15.447 3.417 1997 4 12.593 -0.184 0 0 12.593 -0.184 16.310 0.924 1997 5 20.592 3.269 0 0 20.592 3.269 24.313 4.381 1997 6 20.587 -1.640 0 0 20.587 -1.640 24.552 -0.284 1997 7 23.848 -2.295 0 0 23.848 -2.295 27.866 -0.885 1997 8 25.266 0.113 0 0 25.266 0.113 28.599 0.837 1997 9 22.298 0.535 0 0 22.298 0.535 25.851 1.480 1997 10 15.198 -0.578 0 0 15.198 -0.578 18.171 -0.214 1997 11 11.095 1.776 0 0 11.095 1.776 12.810 0.882 1997 12 4.955 -0.360 0 0 4.955 -0.360 6.972 -0.951 1998 1 7.179 2.155 0 0 7.179 2.155 9.036 1.403 1998 2 4.584 -2.741 0 0 4.584 -2.741 8.495 -1.438 1998 3 8.365 -1.057 0 0 8.365 -1.057 11.486 -0.544 1998 4 9.592 -3.185 0 0 9.592 -3.185 13.131 -2.254 1998 5 11.719 -5.604 0 0 11.719 -5.604 16.243 -3.689 1998 6 17.928 -4.298 0 0 17.928 -4.298 22.085 -2.750 1998 7 26.219 0.076 0 0 26.219 0.076 29.716 0.964 1998 8 27.094 1.940 0 0 27.094 1.940 29.638 1.876 1998 9 19.747 -2.016 0 0 19.747 -2.016 23.685 -0.686 1998 10 14.647 -1.130 0 0 14.647 -1.130 17.481 -0.903 1998 11 10.542 1.223 0 0 10.542 1.223 11.969 0.042 1998 12 6.484 1.169 0 0 6.484 1.169 7.758 -0.165 1999 1 9.040 4.016 0 0 9.040 4.016 9.946 2.313 1999 2 7.675 0.350 0 0 7.675 0.350 10.481 0.548 1999 3 8.635 -0.786 0 0 8.635 -0.786 11.505 -0.524 1999 4 8.977 -3.800 0 0 8.977 -3.800 12.809 -2.577 1999 5 16.160 -1.164 0 0 16.160 -1.164 19.823 -0.109 1999 6 21.187 -1.040 0 0 21.187 -1.040 24.346 -0.489 1999 7 24.287 -1.856 0 0 24.287 -1.856 28.205 -0.547 1999 8 24.568 -0.586 0 0 24.568 -0.586 27.149 -0.613 1999 9 23.265 1.502 0 0 23.265 1.502 25.333 0.961 1999 10 19.735 3.959 0 0 19.735 3.959 21.085 2.700 1999 11 13.847 4.528 0 0 13.847 4.528 14.050 2.123 1999 12 7.797 2.482 0 0 7.797 2.482 8.774 0.851 2000 1 8.590 3.566 0 0 8.590 3.566 10.402 2.769 2000 2 7.538 0.213 0 0 7.538 0.213 10.741 0.808 2000 3 9.806 0.385 0 0 9.806 0.385 12.495 0.465 2000 4 14.860 2.083 0 0 14.860 2.083 18.016 2.631 2000 5 18.721 1.398 0 0 18.721 1.398 22.608 2.676 2000 6 23.673 1.447 0 0 23.673 1.447 26.609 1.774 2000 7 25.597 -0.546 0 0 25.597 -0.546 28.777 0.026 2000 8 25.745 0.592 0 0 25.745 0.592 28.253 0.491 2000 9 22.445 0.682 0 0 22.445 0.682 24.801 0.429 2000 10 14.594 -1.183 0 0 14.594 -1.183 17.749 -0.635 2000 11 8.125 -1.194 0 0 8.125 -1.194 9.742 -2.185 2000 12 9.716 4.401 0 0 9.716 4.401 9.901 1.978 2001 1 4.952 -0.073 0 0 4.952 -0.073 7.009 -0.623 2001 2 5.061 -2.264 0 0 5.061 -2.264 8.288 -1.645 2001 3 11.190 1.769 0 0 11.190 1.769 13.695 1.665 2001 4 10.698 -2.079 0 0 10.698 -2.079 14.332 -1.054 2001 5 21.805 4.481 0 0 21.805 4.481 24.308 4.377 2001 6 23.607 1.380 0 0 23.607 1.380 26.637 1.802 2001 7 24.584 -1.559 0 0 24.584 -1.559 28.060 -0.692 2001 8 27.168 2.014 0 0 27.168 2.014 29.160 1.398 2001 9 24.407 2.644 0 0 24.407 2.644 26.479 2.107 2001 10 19.732 3.956 0 0 19.732 3.956 21.224 2.839 2001 11 11.390 2.071 0 0 11.390 2.071 13.353 1.425 2001 12 5.758 0.443 0 0 5.758 0.443 6.962 -0.961 2002 1 7.037 2.013 0 0 7.037 2.013 8.036 0.403 2002 2 10.254 2.929 0 0 10.254 2.929 11.605 1.672 2002 3 9.268 -0.154 0 0 9.268 -0.154 11.597 -0.433 2002 4 13.445 0.668 0 0 13.445 0.668 16.738 1.352 2002 5 17.265 -0.059 0 0 17.265 -0.059 20.513 0.582 2002 6 23.800 1.573 0 0 23.800 1.573 26.504 1.669 2002 7 27.934 1.791 0 0 27.934 1.791 30.478 1.726 2002 8 26.311 1.158 0 0 26.311 1.158 28.034 0.272 2002 9 23.220 1.457 0 0 23.220 1.457 25.819 1.448 2002 10 16.150 0.374 0 0 16.150 0.374 18.161 -0.224 2002 11 12.045 2.726 0 0 12.045 2.726 13.494 1.567 2002 12 6.366 1.051 0 0 6.366 1.051 7.630 -0.293 2003 1 11.655 6.631 0 0 11.655 6.631 12.359 4.727 2003 2 6.170 -1.155 0 0 6.170 -1.155 9.826 -0.108 2003 3 9.963 0.541 0 0 9.963 0.541 13.113 1.083 2003 4 8.757 -4.020 0 0 8.757 -4.020 13.190 -2.195 2003 5 17.710 0.386 0 0 17.710 0.386 20.995 1.063 2003 6 23.025 0.798 0 0 23.025 0.798 25.710 0.875 2003 7 27.931 1.788 0 0 27.931 1.788 31.127 2.375 2003 8 26.273 1.119 0 0 26.273 1.119 28.738 0.976 2003 9 25.183 3.420 0 0 25.183 3.420 27.268 2.896 2003 10 21.042 5.266 0 0 21.042 5.266 22.679 4.294 2003 11 7.865 -1.454 0 0 7.865 -1.454 10.209 -1.718 2003 12 6.406 1.092 0 0 6.406 1.092 7.865 -0.058 2004 1 7.126 2.102 0 0 7.126 2.102 8.420 0.788 2004 2 4.948 -2.377 0 0 4.948 -2.377 8.565 -1.369 2004 3 14.697 5.275 0 0 14.697 5.275 16.647 4.617 2004 4 13.643 0.866 0 0 13.643 0.866 16.890 1.505 2004 5 17.832 0.509 0 0 17.832 0.509 21.529 1.597 2004 6 22.977 0.750 0 0 22.977 0.750 25.646 0.811 2004 7 26.510 0.367 0 0 26.510 0.367 29.453 0.702 2004 8 25.611 0.458 0 0 25.611 0.458 27.820 0.058 2004 9 21.880 0.117 0 0 21.880 0.117 24.649 0.277 2004 10 14.619 -1.157 0 0 14.619 -1.157 17.592 -0.792 2004 11 7.608 -1.710 0 0 7.608 -1.710 10.121 -1.806 2004 12 7.168 1.853 0 0 7.168 1.853 8.275 0.352 2005 1 6.911 1.887 0 0 6.911 1.887 8.847 1.215 2005 2 6.620 -0.705 0 0 6.620 -0.705 9.829 -0.104 2005 3 9.290 -0.131 0 0 9.290 -0.131 12.232 0.202 2005 4 11.668 -1.109 0 0 11.668 -1.109 14.765 -0.620 2005 5 17.776 0.452 0 0 17.776 0.452 21.096 1.165 2005 6 20.400 -1.827 0 0 20.400 -1.827 23.714 -1.121 2005 7 27.653 1.510 0 0 27.653 1.510 30.771 2.019 2005 8 26.104 0.950 1 0 NaN NaN 28.239 0.478 2005 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.501 -0.870 2005 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.738 0.354 2005 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.970 2.043 2005 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.502 1.579 2006 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.073 1.441 2006 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.528 1.595 2006 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.395 -2.635 2006 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.553 -0.832 2006 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.507 2.575 2006 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 27.586 2.751 2006 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 31.515 2.764 2006 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 27.511 -0.251