% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature 
% station in the Berkeley Earth database.  This station is identified as: 
%    Berkeley ID#:  162374
%    Primary Name:  CULPEPER RGNL AP
%    Record Type:   TAVG
%    Country:       United States
%    State:         VA
%    Latitude:        38.53001 +/- 0.00349
%    Longitude:      -77.86299 +/- 0.00451
%    Elevation (m): 95.70 +/- 0.35
%    # of Months:   179
%    Alternate Names: CULPEPER RGNL
%                     Missing Station ID - 999999-93798
%    IDs: faa - CJR
%         gsod - 723098-93798
%         gsod - 723098-99999
%         gsod - 999999-93798
%         icao - KCJR
%         ncdc - 30002309
%         usaf - 723098
%         wban - 93798
%    Sources: Global Summary of the Day
%             Multi-network Metadata System
%    Site Hash:     eba2264b742645882c228159e5432144
%    Raw Data Hash: 857e39d93e56702c2cee3f1a40fc55d1
%    Adj Data Hash: 062dd0689d7591f216bbad7c3b528519
% The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in 
% several forms.  The temperature values are reported as "raw", 
% "adjusted", and "regional expectation".  
% The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by 
% the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s).  
% These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature 
% time series if multiple archives reported values for this location.
% Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which 
% values failed initial quality control checks.  A further column 
% dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" 
% due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement 
% gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3")
% and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). 
% In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, 
% caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, 
% station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station.  
% The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate 
% the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each 
% time series to neighboring series.  At the end of the analysis process, 
% the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at 
% this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases.  
% This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control 
% issues and be regionally homogeneous.  Some users may find this 
% "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more 
% suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work 
% with raw values.
% Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based 
% on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the 
% station.  This incorporates information from as many weather stations as 
% are available for the local region surrounding this location.  Note
% that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or
% colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences 
% in mean elevation and other local characteristics.
% For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" 
% time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean.
% These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through 
% time.
% Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages.  As
% these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional 
% information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be 
% available in our whole data set files.
% The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48
%                   Raw Data           QC    Continuity     Adjusted Data      Regional Expectation
% Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed,   Breaks,   Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly
  1998     1         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       5.765     3.744
  1998     2         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       5.885     2.556
  1998     3         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       9.204     1.093
  1998     4         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      15.099     1.297
  1998     5         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      19.758     1.062
  1998     6         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      23.349     0.422
  1998     7         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      25.728     0.456
  1998     8         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      25.583     0.920
  1998     9         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      23.955     2.929
  1998    10         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      14.945     0.547
  1998    11         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      10.122     1.166
  1998    12         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       6.777     3.044
  1999     1       6.470     5.256       1         0           NaN       NaN       4.694     2.673
  1999     2       4.290     1.768       1         0           NaN       NaN       4.839     1.509
  1999     3       9.710     2.406       1         0           NaN       NaN       7.342    -0.769
  1999     4      13.476     0.481       0         0        13.389     0.394      14.752     0.950
  1999     5      18.303     0.414       0         0        18.088     0.199      18.746     0.050
  1999     6      22.519     0.398       0         0        22.233     0.112      22.788    -0.140
  1999     7      26.478     2.014       0         0        26.077     1.612      26.991     1.720
  1999     8      24.647     0.791       0         0        24.154     0.298      25.636     0.973
  1999     9      20.331     0.112       1         0           NaN       NaN      20.971    -0.054
  1999    10      12.468    -1.123       0         0        12.094    -1.497      13.509    -0.889
  1999    11      10.469     2.320       0         0        10.063     1.915      12.232     3.277
  1999    12       4.550     1.624       0         0         4.150     1.224       5.268     1.534
  2000     1       1.039    -0.175       0         0         0.848    -0.366       1.870    -0.151
  2000     2       4.588     2.066       0         0         4.647     2.125       5.441     2.111
  2000     3      10.382     3.077       0         0        10.461     3.156      11.060     2.948
  2000     4      13.874     0.879       0         0        13.787     0.792      13.980     0.178
  2000     5      20.142     2.252       0         0        19.927     2.038      20.129     1.433
  2000     6      23.885     1.764       0         0        23.600     1.479      23.868     0.940
  2000     7      23.349    -1.115       0         0        22.948    -1.517      23.768    -1.504
  2000     8      23.557    -0.298       0         0        23.064    -0.791      24.043    -0.619
  2000     9      19.898    -0.321       0         0        19.451    -0.768      20.399    -0.626
  2000    10      14.634     1.043       0         0        14.260     0.669      14.915     0.517
  2000    11       7.073    -1.075       0         0         6.668    -1.480       7.967    -0.988
  2000    12      -0.346    -3.272       0         0        -0.746    -3.672       0.007    -3.726
  2001     1       1.326     0.112       0         0         1.135    -0.079       1.962    -0.059
  2001     2       5.333     2.811       0         0         5.392     2.870       5.051     1.722
  2001     3       6.118    -1.186       0         0         6.197    -1.107       7.003    -1.108
  2001     4      14.659     1.664       0         0        14.572     1.577      15.073     1.271
  2001     5      18.125     0.236       0         0        17.911     0.022      18.401    -0.295
  2001     6      23.585     1.464       0         0        23.300     1.179      23.621     0.693
  2001     7      23.541    -0.923       0         0        23.140    -1.325      23.631    -1.640
  2001     8      25.047     1.191       0         0        24.553     0.698      25.620     0.957
  2001     9      19.204    -1.015       0         0        18.756    -1.462      20.226    -0.800
  2001    10      13.977     0.385       0         0        13.603     0.011      14.341    -0.058
  2001    11      10.900     2.751       0         0        10.495     2.346      12.484     3.529
  2001    12       6.563     3.637       1         0           NaN       NaN       7.251     3.518
  2002     1       5.027     3.813       0         0         4.836     3.622       5.137     3.116
  2002     2       5.474     2.952       0         0         5.533     3.011       5.483     2.154
  2002     3       8.760     1.456       0         0         8.839     1.535       9.507     1.396
  2002     4      15.441     2.446       0         0        15.354     2.359      16.341     2.539
  2002     5      18.269     0.380       0         0        18.054     0.165      18.495    -0.201
  2002     6      23.794     1.673       0         0        23.509     1.388      24.347     1.419
  2002     7      26.149     1.684       0         0        25.747     1.282      26.639     1.367
  2002     8      26.013     2.157       0         0        25.519     1.664      26.451     1.789
  2002     9      21.996     1.777       0         0        21.549     1.330      22.492     1.467
  2002    10      14.602     1.011       0         0        14.228     0.637      15.246     0.848
  2002    11       7.896    -0.252       0         0         7.491    -0.657       8.955    -0.000
  2002    12       2.253    -0.674       0         0         1.853    -1.074       2.860    -0.873
  2003     1       0.760    -0.454       0         0         0.569    -0.645       0.053    -1.968
  2003     2       1.403    -1.119       0         0         1.462    -1.060       1.643    -1.686
  2003     3       8.975     1.671       0         0         9.054     1.750       9.693     1.582
  2003     4      13.494     0.499       0         0        13.408     0.413      14.066     0.264
  2003     5      17.437    -0.452       0         0        17.223    -0.666      17.455    -1.241
  2003     6      22.059    -0.062       0         0        21.774    -0.347      22.312    -0.616
  2003     7      25.229     0.765       0         0        24.828     0.363      25.523     0.251
  2003     8      25.229     1.374       0         0        24.736     0.881      25.948     1.286
  2003     9      20.625     0.406       0         0        20.177    -0.042      21.553     0.527
  2003    10      13.608     0.016       0         0        13.233    -0.358      13.996    -0.402
  2003    11      10.706     2.557       0         4        10.884     2.736      12.467     3.511
  2003    12       3.158     0.231       0         0         3.334     0.408       3.786     0.052
  2004     1      -0.400    -1.614       0         0        -0.315    -1.529       0.276    -1.745
  2004     2       2.285    -0.237       0         0         2.259    -0.263       2.843    -0.486
  2004     3       9.249     1.945       0         0         9.214     1.910       9.863     1.752
  2004     4      14.458     1.463       0         0        14.497     1.502      14.761     0.959
  2004     5      21.665     3.776       0         0        21.760     3.870      22.145     3.449
  2004     6      22.309     0.188       0         0        22.435     0.314      23.043     0.116
  2004     7      24.358    -0.106       0         0        24.536     0.071      25.419     0.148
  2004     8      22.998    -0.857       0         0        23.216    -0.640      24.092    -0.570
  2004     9      20.474     0.255       0         0        20.672     0.453      21.814     0.788
  2004    10      13.846     0.255       0         0        14.011     0.420      14.487     0.089
  2004    11       9.767     1.618       0         0         9.946     1.797      11.049     2.093
  2004    12       4.188     1.262       0         0         4.365     1.439       4.572     0.839
  2005     1       2.668     1.454       0         0         2.752     1.538       3.265     1.245
  2005     2       3.946     1.424       0         0         3.920     1.398       4.033     0.704
  2005     3       6.141    -1.164       0         0         6.106    -1.198       6.477    -1.634
  2005     4      14.049     1.054       0         0        14.087     1.092      14.510     0.708
  2005     5      16.536    -1.353       0         0        16.631    -1.259      16.633    -2.063
  2005     6      23.088     0.967       0         0        23.214     1.093      23.678     0.750
  2005     7      24.983     0.518       0         0        25.160     0.696      26.733     1.462
  2005     8      24.263     0.407       0         0        24.480     0.625      26.263     1.601
  2005     9      20.554     0.335       0         0        20.751     0.533      23.323     2.297
  2005    10      14.191     0.600       0         0        14.356     0.765      15.296     0.898
  2005    11       9.531     1.383       0         0         9.710     1.562      11.219     2.264
  2005    12       1.305    -1.622       0         0         1.481    -1.445       2.541    -1.192
  2006     1       5.866     4.652       0         0         5.950     4.736       6.268     4.247
  2006     2       3.194     0.672       0         0         3.168     0.646       3.557     0.228
  2006     3       8.477     1.172       0         0         8.442     1.138       8.984     0.873
  2006     4      15.017     2.022       0         0        15.056     2.061      15.709     1.908
  2006     5      17.581    -0.309       0         0        17.675    -0.214      17.930    -0.766
  2006     6      22.719     0.598       0         0        22.844     0.724      23.012     0.084
  2006     7      25.740     1.275       0         0        25.918     1.453      26.305     1.034
  2006     8      25.699     1.843       0         0        25.917     2.061      26.539     1.877
  2006     9      18.845    -1.374       0         0        19.043    -1.176      20.140    -0.885
  2006    10      12.937    -0.654       0         0        13.103    -0.489      13.599    -0.799
  2006    11       9.541     1.392       0         0         9.720     1.571      10.962     2.006
  2006    12       5.606     2.679       0         0         5.782     2.856       7.051     3.318
  2007     1       5.041     3.827       0         0         5.126     3.912       5.447     3.426
  2007     2      -0.629    -3.151       0         0        -0.655    -3.177       0.261    -3.068
  2007     3       9.229     1.925       0         0         9.195     1.890      10.140     2.029
  2007     4      11.529    -1.466       0         0        11.567    -1.428      13.449    -0.353
  2007     5      19.628     1.739       0         0        19.723     1.834      19.052     0.356
  2007     6      24.119     1.998       0         0        24.244     2.124      23.555     0.627
  2007     7      25.276     0.811       0         0        25.453     0.989      25.219    -0.052
  2007     8      26.357     2.501       0         0        26.574     2.719      26.385     1.723
  2007     9      22.072     1.853       0         0        22.270     2.051      22.404     1.378
  2007    10      17.819     4.228       0         0        17.984     4.393      18.280     3.882
  2007    11       9.148     0.999       0         0         9.327     1.178       9.699     0.743
  2007    12       4.462     1.536       0         0         4.639     1.713       5.490     1.756
  2008     1       2.814     1.600       0         0         2.898     1.684       3.427     1.406
  2008     2       3.900     1.378       0         0         3.874     1.352       4.986     1.657
  2008     3       8.439     1.135       0         0         8.404     1.100       9.815     1.703
  2008     4      13.815     0.820       0         0        13.853     0.858      14.964     1.162
  2008     5      17.545    -0.344       0         0        17.640    -0.250      17.728    -0.968
  2008     6      24.350     2.229       0         0        24.476     2.355      25.001     2.073
  2008     7      25.176     0.711       0         0        25.353     0.888      25.636     0.364
  2008     8      22.274    -1.581       0         0        22.492    -1.364      24.395    -0.267
  2008     9      19.867    -0.352       0         0        20.064    -0.155      21.974     0.949
  2008    10      11.968    -1.624       0         0        12.133    -1.458      13.677    -0.721
  2008    11       6.317    -1.832       0         0         6.496    -1.653       8.596    -0.360
  2008    12       3.638     0.712       0         0         3.815     0.888       5.487     1.754
  2009     1      -1.065    -2.279       0         0        -0.980    -2.194       0.639    -1.382
  2009     2       3.853     1.331       0         0         3.827     1.305       4.435     1.106
  2009     3       7.224    -0.080       0         0         7.189    -0.115       7.913    -0.199
  2009     4      13.769     0.774       0         0        13.807     0.812      14.963     1.161
  2009     5      17.434    -0.455       0         0        17.528    -0.361      19.238     0.542
  2009     6      22.172     0.051       0         0        22.298     0.177      23.300     0.372
  2009     7      22.342    -2.122       0         0        22.520    -1.945      24.291    -0.981
  2009     8      22.792    -1.064       0         0        23.009    -0.846      26.046     1.383
  2009     9      18.600    -1.619       0         0        18.798    -1.421      20.752    -0.273
  2009    10      12.412    -1.179       0         0        12.577    -1.014      14.108    -0.290
  2009    11       7.707    -0.441       0         0         7.886    -0.262      11.323     2.367
  2009    12       0.041    -2.886       0         0         0.217    -2.709       3.000    -0.733
  2010     1       0.043    -1.171       0         0         0.127    -1.087       1.278    -0.743
  2010     2      -0.117    -2.639       0         0        -0.143    -2.665       0.551    -2.778
  2010     3       9.358     2.054       0         0         9.324     2.019      10.210     2.098
  2010     4      15.219     2.224       0         0        15.257     2.262      16.471     2.669
  2010     5      19.577     1.688       0         0        19.672     1.783      20.338     1.642
  2010     6      23.889     1.768       0         0        24.015     1.894      26.055     3.127
  2010     7      26.938     2.474       0         0        27.116     2.651      27.397     2.125
  2010     8      23.380    -0.476       0         0        23.598    -0.258      26.076     1.413
  2010     9      22.617     2.398       0         0        22.814     2.595      23.316     2.291
  2010    10      15.586     1.995       0         0        15.751     2.160      15.463     1.065
  2010    11       8.489     0.340       0         0         8.668     0.519       9.589     0.633
  2010    12       0.928    -1.998       0         0         1.105    -1.821       0.109    -3.624
  2011     1       0.746    -0.468       0         0         0.831    -0.383       0.559    -1.462
  2011     2       5.270     2.748       0         0         5.244     2.722       5.390     2.061
  2011     3       8.179     0.875       0         0         8.144     0.840       8.813     0.702
  2011     4      15.469     2.474       0         0        15.507     2.512      16.387     2.585
  2011     5      18.400     0.510       0         0        18.494     0.605      19.810     1.114
  2011     6      24.368     2.247       0         0        24.494     2.373      24.521     1.593
  2011     7      26.760     2.295       0         0        26.937     2.473      27.080     1.809
  2011     8      24.529     0.673       0         0        24.746     0.891      25.429     0.766
  2011     9      20.804     0.585       0         0        21.001     0.783      22.157     1.132
  2011    10      13.975     0.384       0         0        14.140     0.549      14.221    -0.177
  2011    11       9.752     1.603       0         0         9.931     1.782      11.484     2.529
  2011    12       5.808     2.882       0         0         5.985     3.059       6.920     3.187
  2012     1       3.799     2.585       0         0         3.884     2.670       4.768     2.747
  2012     2       5.625     3.102       0         0         5.599     3.076       5.863     2.534
  2012     3      13.256     5.952       0         0        13.221     5.917      13.946     5.835
  2012     4      12.519    -0.476       0         0        12.557    -0.438      14.552     0.751
  2012     5      19.923     2.034       0         0        20.018     2.129      20.726     2.030
  2012     6      21.559    -0.562       0         0        21.685    -0.436      22.740    -0.187
  2012     7      26.215     1.750       0         0        26.392     1.928      27.631     2.359
  2012     8      24.038     0.182       0         0        24.255     0.400      25.276     0.614
  2012     9      19.639    -0.580       0         0        19.836    -0.382      21.158     0.133
  2012    10      13.708     0.117       0         0        13.873     0.282      14.819     0.421
  2012    11       5.743    -2.406       0         0         5.921    -2.227       7.458    -1.498
  2012    12       5.514     2.588       0         0         5.691     2.765       6.864     3.131
  2013     1       3.305     2.091       0         0         3.389     2.175       4.060     2.039
  2013     2       3.673     1.150       0         0         3.647     1.124       3.067    -0.262
  2013     3       6.507    -0.797       0         0         6.473    -0.832       5.806    -2.306
  2013     4      14.506     1.511       0         0        14.544     1.549      15.046     1.245
  2013     5      18.005     0.116       0         0        18.100     0.211      18.371    -0.325
  2013     6      23.048     0.927       0         0        23.174     1.053      23.653     0.725
  2013     7      25.149     0.684       0         0        25.326     0.861      26.022     0.751
  2013     8      23.435    -0.420       0         0        23.653    -0.202      23.601    -1.061
  2013     9      20.535     0.316       0         0        20.733     0.514      20.498    -0.527
  2013    10      16.186     2.595       0         0        16.352     2.760      15.326     0.928
  2013    11      13.054     4.905       1         0           NaN       NaN         NaN       NaN