% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 16001 % Primary Name: TARANTO ITALY % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Italy % Latitude: 40.50000 +/- 0.05000 % Longitude: 17.30000 +/- 0.05000 % Elevation (m): 41.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 198 % % Alternate Names: TARANTO % % IDs: ghcnm - 62316324001 % hadcru - 163300 % wmssc - 163300 % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v2 % Hadley Centre Data Release % World Monthly Surface Station Climatology % Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v3 % % Site Hash: 26d2113d31ed207adecc391e6a41a9ba % Raw Data Hash: 1424ae54cf94b272444070e29e0c30fc % Adj Data Hash: e5f6004a166f621e6d553679b8638a28 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1950 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.262 -0.783 1950 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.186 1.420 1950 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.432 0.998 1950 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.778 0.666 1950 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.071 1.432 1950 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.822 1.870 1950 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.753 2.212 1950 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.405 1.844 1950 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.369 1.117 1950 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.761 0.160 1950 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.154 0.370 1950 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.224 1.686 1951 1 10.200 1.138 0 0 10.200 1.138 9.750 1.704 1951 2 11.500 1.718 0 0 11.500 1.718 11.185 2.419 1951 3 12.200 0.750 0 0 12.200 0.750 11.478 1.044 1951 4 14.400 0.272 0 0 14.400 0.272 13.257 0.146 1951 5 18.800 0.145 0 0 18.800 0.145 18.023 0.384 1951 6 24.300 1.332 0 0 24.300 1.332 22.674 0.723 1951 7 25.900 0.343 0 0 25.900 0.343 24.496 -0.045 1951 8 26.300 0.724 0 0 26.300 0.724 25.305 0.745 1951 9 23.400 1.133 0 0 23.400 1.133 22.344 1.093 1951 10 16.700 -0.918 0 0 16.700 -0.918 15.135 -1.467 1951 11 14.600 0.800 0 0 14.600 0.800 13.866 1.082 1951 12 10.800 0.246 0 0 10.800 0.246 10.185 0.647 1952 1 9.000 -0.062 0 0 9.000 -0.062 8.228 0.182 1952 2 8.200 -1.582 0 0 8.200 -1.582 7.810 -0.956 1952 3 10.200 -1.250 0 0 10.200 -1.250 10.008 -0.426 1952 4 16.100 1.972 0 0 16.100 1.972 15.076 1.965 1952 5 18.100 -0.555 0 0 18.100 -0.555 17.432 -0.207 1952 6 25.000 2.032 0 0 25.000 2.032 23.662 1.710 1952 7 27.200 1.643 0 0 27.200 1.643 25.919 1.378 1952 8 28.100 2.524 0 0 28.100 2.524 26.948 2.388 1952 9 24.100 1.833 0 0 24.100 1.833 22.374 1.123 1952 10 18.400 0.782 0 0 18.400 0.782 16.715 0.113 1952 11 13.100 -0.700 0 0 13.100 -0.700 12.047 -0.737 1952 12 11.600 1.046 0 0 11.600 1.046 10.710 1.172 1953 1 8.200 -0.862 0 0 8.200 -0.862 7.142 -0.904 1953 2 8.700 -1.082 0 0 8.700 -1.082 8.157 -0.609 1953 3 10.100 -1.350 0 0 10.100 -1.350 9.179 -1.255 1953 4 15.100 0.972 0 0 15.100 0.972 14.203 1.092 1953 5 18.800 0.145 0 0 18.800 0.145 17.525 -0.114 1953 6 23.000 0.032 0 0 23.000 0.032 21.634 -0.318 1953 7 27.400 1.843 0 0 27.400 1.843 25.592 1.051 1953 8 25.600 0.024 0 0 25.600 0.024 24.413 -0.147 1953 9 23.000 0.733 0 0 23.000 0.733 22.125 0.873 1953 10 18.900 1.282 0 0 18.900 1.282 17.708 1.106 1953 11 12.700 -1.100 0 0 12.700 -1.100 12.003 -0.782 1953 12 11.000 0.446 0 0 11.000 0.446 10.331 0.793 1954 1 7.500 -1.562 0 0 7.500 -1.562 6.413 -1.633 1954 2 8.400 -1.382 0 0 8.400 -1.382 7.486 -1.280 1954 3 10.400 -1.050 0 0 10.400 -1.050 11.686 1.252 1954 4 13.700 -0.428 0 0 13.700 -0.428 12.308 -0.804 1954 5 17.200 -1.455 0 0 17.200 -1.455 16.103 -1.536 1954 6 24.500 1.532 0 0 24.500 1.532 23.197 1.245 1954 7 25.600 0.043 0 0 25.600 0.043 24.037 -0.504 1954 8 25.400 -0.176 0 0 25.400 -0.176 24.168 -0.392 1954 9 23.600 1.333 0 0 23.600 1.333 22.454 1.203 1954 10 17.300 -0.318 0 0 17.300 -0.318 15.782 -0.820 1954 11 12.800 -1.000 0 0 12.800 -1.000 12.095 -0.689 1954 12 10.900 0.346 0 0 10.900 0.346 10.368 0.830 1955 1 11.600 2.538 0 0 11.600 2.538 11.009 2.963 1955 2 11.900 2.118 0 0 11.900 2.118 11.640 2.874 1955 3 11.300 -0.150 0 0 11.300 -0.150 10.632 0.197 1955 4 12.400 -1.728 0 0 12.400 -1.728 11.184 -1.927 1955 5 19.300 0.645 0 0 19.300 0.645 18.428 0.789 1955 6 22.700 -0.268 0 0 22.700 -0.268 21.824 -0.128 1955 7 25.700 0.143 0 0 25.700 0.143 24.583 0.042 1955 8 24.300 -1.276 0 0 24.300 -1.276 23.152 -1.408 1955 9 21.100 -1.167 0 0 21.100 -1.167 19.985 -1.266 1955 10 17.700 0.082 0 0 17.700 0.082 16.384 -0.218 1955 11 13.300 -0.500 0 0 13.300 -0.500 12.502 -0.283 1955 12 11.900 1.346 0 0 11.900 1.346 11.592 2.054 1956 1 9.400 0.338 0 0 9.400 0.338 9.345 1.299 1956 2 5.800 -3.982 0 0 5.800 -3.982 4.848 -3.918 1956 3 9.500 -1.950 0 0 9.500 -1.950 8.658 -1.776 1956 4 13.400 -0.728 0 0 13.400 -0.728 12.667 -0.444 1956 5 18.300 -0.355 0 0 18.300 -0.355 17.367 -0.272 1956 6 21.300 -1.668 0 0 21.300 -1.668 20.297 -1.654 1956 7 25.600 0.043 0 0 25.600 0.043 24.547 0.006 1956 8 27.100 1.524 0 0 27.100 1.524 26.506 1.946 1956 9 23.300 1.033 0 0 23.300 1.033 22.217 0.966 1956 10 17.200 -0.418 0 0 17.200 -0.418 15.792 -0.810 1956 11 13.300 -0.500 0 0 13.300 -0.500 12.274 -0.510 1956 12 9.600 -0.954 0 0 9.600 -0.954 9.028 -0.510 1957 1 8.600 -0.462 0 0 8.600 -0.462 8.161 0.115 1957 2 11.400 1.618 0 0 11.400 1.618 11.353 2.587 1957 3 11.200 -0.250 0 0 11.200 -0.250 10.988 0.554 1957 4 14.900 0.772 0 0 14.900 0.772 13.515 0.404 1957 5 17.100 -1.555 0 0 17.100 -1.555 16.100 -1.539 1957 6 24.300 1.332 0 0 24.300 1.332 23.711 1.759 1957 7 26.000 0.443 0 0 26.000 0.443 24.651 0.110 1957 8 25.600 0.024 0 0 25.600 0.024 24.842 0.282 1957 9 21.800 -0.467 0 0 21.800 -0.467 20.687 -0.564 1957 10 18.700 1.082 0 0 18.700 1.082 16.995 0.393 1957 11 14.500 0.700 0 0 14.500 0.700 13.467 0.683 1957 12 9.500 -1.054 0 0 9.500 -1.054 8.995 -0.544 1958 1 9.300 0.238 0 0 9.300 0.238 8.634 0.588 1958 2 10.400 0.618 0 0 10.400 0.618 10.888 2.122 1958 3 10.300 -1.150 0 0 10.300 -1.150 8.847 -1.587 1958 4 12.700 -1.428 0 0 12.700 -1.428 11.459 -1.652 1958 5 20.000 1.345 0 0 20.000 1.345 19.080 1.441 1958 6 22.700 -0.268 0 0 22.700 -0.268 21.614 -0.338 1958 7 25.900 0.343 0 0 25.900 0.343 24.474 -0.067 1958 8 26.600 1.024 0 0 26.600 1.024 25.967 1.407 1958 9 21.900 -0.367 0 0 21.900 -0.367 20.812 -0.439 1958 10 18.200 0.582 0 0 18.200 0.582 16.660 0.059 1958 11 14.800 1.000 0 0 14.800 1.000 13.984 1.200 1958 12 12.200 1.646 0 0 12.200 1.646 11.868 2.329 1959 1 8.300 -0.762 0 0 8.300 -0.762 7.708 -0.338 1959 2 9.600 -0.182 0 0 9.600 -0.182 9.248 0.482 1959 3 12.800 1.350 0 0 12.800 1.350 12.810 2.376 1959 4 14.100 -0.028 0 0 14.100 -0.028 12.949 -0.163 1959 5 18.300 -0.355 0 0 18.300 -0.355 17.206 -0.433 1959 6 21.900 -1.068 0 0 21.900 -1.068 20.718 -1.234 1959 7 25.700 0.143 0 0 25.700 0.143 24.161 -0.379 1959 8 24.900 -0.676 0 0 24.900 -0.676 23.626 -0.934 1959 9 21.200 -1.067 0 0 21.200 -1.067 19.807 -1.445 1959 10 16.200 -1.418 0 0 16.200 -1.418 14.641 -1.960 1959 11 13.600 -0.200 0 0 13.600 -0.200 12.889 0.104 1959 12 12.200 1.646 0 0 12.200 1.646 11.484 1.945 1960 1 10.200 1.138 0 0 10.200 1.138 9.234 1.188 1960 2 11.100 1.318 0 0 11.100 1.318 10.647 1.881 1960 3 12.200 0.750 0 0 12.200 0.750 11.556 1.122 1960 4 14.500 0.372 0 0 14.500 0.372 13.049 -0.063 1960 5 18.600 -0.055 0 0 18.600 -0.055 17.538 -0.101 1960 6 22.800 -0.168 0 0 22.800 -0.168 22.061 0.109 1960 7 24.600 -0.957 0 0 24.600 -0.957 23.136 -1.405 1960 8 26.500 0.924 0 0 26.500 0.924 25.292 0.731 1960 9 21.800 -0.467 0 0 21.800 -0.467 20.455 -0.796 1960 10 19.800 2.182 0 0 19.800 2.182 18.110 1.509 1960 11 13.900 0.100 0 0 13.900 0.100 14.338 1.554 1960 12 12.500 1.946 0 0 12.500 1.946 11.481 1.942 1961 1 9.500 0.438 0 0 9.500 0.438 8.630 0.584 1961 2 9.700 -0.082 0 0 9.700 -0.082 9.314 0.548 1961 3 12.600 1.150 0 0 12.600 1.150 11.574 1.140 1961 4 16.500 2.372 0 0 16.500 2.372 15.512 2.401 1961 5 18.400 -0.255 0 0 18.400 -0.255 17.350 -0.289 1961 6 23.400 0.432 0 0 23.400 0.432 22.092 0.140 1961 7 25.300 -0.257 0 0 25.300 -0.257 23.954 -0.587 1961 8 25.800 0.224 0 0 25.800 0.224 24.433 -0.127 1961 9 23.300 1.033 0 0 23.300 1.033 22.020 0.769 1961 10 18.900 1.282 0 0 18.900 1.282 17.158 0.556 1961 11 15.400 1.600 0 0 15.400 1.600 14.051 1.267 1961 12 10.500 -0.054 0 0 10.500 -0.054 9.525 -0.014 1962 1 10.300 1.238 0 0 10.300 1.238 9.689 1.643 1962 2 8.400 -1.382 0 0 8.400 -1.382 7.807 -0.959 1962 3 10.600 -0.850 0 0 10.600 -0.850 9.326 -1.108 1962 4 14.500 0.372 0 0 14.500 0.372 13.303 0.192 1962 5 18.600 -0.055 0 0 18.600 -0.055 17.725 0.086 1962 6 22.100 -0.868 0 0 22.100 -0.868 20.982 -0.969 1962 7 25.600 0.043 0 0 25.600 0.043 24.501 -0.040 1962 8 27.900 2.324 0 0 27.900 2.324 26.539 1.979 1962 9 23.300 1.033 0 0 23.300 1.033 21.878 0.627 1962 10 19.100 1.482 0 0 19.100 1.482 17.286 0.684 1962 11 14.700 0.900 0 0 14.700 0.900 13.281 0.497 1962 12 9.600 -0.954 0 0 9.600 -0.954 8.246 -1.292 1963 1 7.600 -1.462 0 0 7.600 -1.462 6.528 -1.518 1963 2 9.100 -0.682 0 0 9.100 -0.682 8.009 -0.757 1963 3 10.300 -1.150 0 0 10.300 -1.150 9.446 -0.988 1963 4 14.900 0.772 0 0 14.900 0.772 13.579 0.467 1963 5 18.400 -0.255 0 0 18.400 -0.255 17.129 -0.510 1963 6 23.100 0.132 0 0 23.100 0.132 21.995 0.043 1963 7 26.400 0.843 0 0 26.400 0.843 25.095 0.555 1963 8 26.200 0.624 0 0 26.200 0.624 25.163 0.603 1963 9 23.500 1.233 0 0 23.500 1.233 21.898 0.647 1963 10 17.700 0.082 0 0 17.700 0.082 15.950 -0.652 1963 11 16.000 2.200 0 0 16.000 2.200 15.356 2.571 1963 12 12.300 1.746 0 0 12.300 1.746 10.940 1.401 1964 1 8.100 -0.962 0 0 8.100 -0.962 7.030 -1.016 1964 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.660 -0.106 1964 3 12.200 0.750 0 0 12.200 0.750 11.228 0.793 1964 4 14.400 0.272 0 0 14.400 0.272 12.969 -0.142 1964 5 18.300 -0.355 0 0 18.300 -0.355 17.413 -0.226 1964 6 23.400 0.432 0 0 23.400 0.432 22.512 0.561 1964 7 24.900 -0.657 0 0 24.900 -0.657 23.469 -1.072 1964 8 24.700 -0.876 0 0 24.700 -0.876 23.652 -0.908 1964 9 21.300 -0.967 0 0 21.300 -0.967 20.045 -1.207 1964 10 17.900 0.282 0 0 17.900 0.282 16.256 -0.346 1964 11 13.700 -0.100 0 0 13.700 -0.100 13.111 0.327 1964 12 11.200 0.646 0 0 11.200 0.646 10.077 0.539 1965 1 9.600 0.538 0 0 9.600 0.538 8.980 0.934 1965 2 6.100 -3.682 0 0 6.100 -3.682 5.504 -3.262 1965 3 11.400 -0.050 0 0 11.400 -0.050 10.694 0.260 1965 4 13.500 -0.628 0 0 13.500 -0.628 11.702 -1.409 1965 5 17.900 -0.755 0 0 17.900 -0.755 16.832 -0.807 1965 6 22.900 -0.068 0 0 22.900 -0.068 21.633 -0.319 1965 7 26.300 0.743 0 0 26.300 0.743 25.133 0.592 1965 8 24.200 -1.376 0 0 24.200 -1.376 23.176 -1.384 1965 9 21.900 -0.367 0 0 21.900 -0.367 20.534 -0.717 1965 10 18.000 0.382 0 0 18.000 0.382 16.028 -0.573 1965 11 15.000 1.200 0 0 15.000 1.200 13.707 0.923 1965 12 11.300 0.746 0 0 11.300 0.746 10.564 1.026 1966 1 7.800 -1.262 0 0 7.800 -1.262 6.874 -1.172 1966 2 11.900 2.118 0 0 11.900 2.118 11.545 2.779 1966 3 10.500 -0.950 0 0 10.500 -0.950 9.541 -0.893 1966 4 15.400 1.272 0 0 15.400 1.272 14.086 0.975 1966 5 18.300 -0.355 0 0 18.300 -0.355 17.039 -0.600 1966 6 23.100 0.132 0 0 23.100 0.132 22.068 0.117 1966 7 28.900 3.343 0 0 28.900 3.343 23.868 -0.673 1966 8 26.300 0.724 0 0 26.300 0.724 25.038 0.477 1966 9 23.000 0.733 0 0 23.000 0.733 21.405 0.154 1966 10 20.200 2.582 0 0 20.200 2.582 18.531 1.930 1966 11 12.800 -1.000 0 0 12.800 -1.000 11.805 -0.979 1966 12 10.400 -0.154 0 0 10.400 -0.154 9.157 -0.381 1967 1 8.900 -0.162 0 0 8.900 -0.162 7.077 -0.969 1967 2 8.300 -1.482 0 0 8.300 -1.482 8.358 -0.408 1967 3 11.000 -0.450 0 0 11.000 -0.450 10.976 0.542 1967 4 12.500 -1.628 0 0 12.500 -1.628 11.787 -1.325 1967 5 17.700 -0.955 0 0 17.700 -0.955 17.699 0.061 1967 6 19.800 -3.168 1 0 NaN NaN 19.886 -2.065 1967 7 24.400 -1.157 0 0 24.400 -1.157 24.374 -0.167 1967 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.364 0.804 1967 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.261 0.010 1967 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.184 1.582 1967 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.207 1.423 1967 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.540 0.002 1968 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.395 -1.651 1968 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.768 2.002 1968 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.311 -0.123 1968 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.813 1.701 1968 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.267 1.628 1968 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.987 -0.965 1968 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.980 -0.561