% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 158983 % Primary Name: MALMESBURY % Record Type: TAVG % Country: South Africa % Latitude: -33.46957 +/- 0.00307 % Longitude: 18.71749 +/- 0.00099 % Elevation (m): 101.28 +/- 0.77 % # of Months: 191 % % IDs: ghcnd - SF000414170 % gsod - 687150-99999 % usaf - 687150 % wmo - 68715 % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Daily % Global Summary of the Day % World Meteorological Organization Metadata % % Site Hash: 6eb78107bf73d20294e9a0e6cde5d3e2 % Raw Data Hash: b0826a08808b89e780df10a11f05e65c % Adj Data Hash: 36012e813ab0c3fd840b886daf539a7f % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1996 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.637 -0.694 1996 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.122 -0.740 1996 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.117 -0.354 1996 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.188 -1.541 1996 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.868 -0.192 1997 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.347 0.219 1997 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.353 -0.769 1997 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.542 -0.656 1997 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.198 -0.543 1997 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.156 0.766 1997 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.058 -0.748 1997 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.184 1.192 1997 8 16.717 3.018 1 0 NaN NaN 13.102 0.770 1997 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.666 2.804 1997 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.970 2.499 1997 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.785 0.057 1997 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.590 0.529 1998 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.260 0.132 1998 2 25.984 4.496 0 0 25.984 4.496 21.975 1.853 1998 3 22.229 1.664 0 0 22.229 1.664 19.633 0.434 1998 4 19.804 1.696 0 0 19.804 1.696 17.639 0.897 1998 5 15.747 -0.010 0 0 15.747 -0.010 15.049 0.659 1998 6 13.500 -0.672 0 0 13.500 -0.672 13.153 0.347 1998 7 11.760 -1.600 1 0 NaN NaN 12.595 0.603 1998 8 11.451 -2.248 0 0 11.451 -2.248 13.419 1.088 1998 9 14.859 -0.370 0 0 14.859 -0.370 14.235 0.373 1998 10 18.371 1.533 0 0 18.371 1.533 16.688 1.218 1998 11 19.643 0.547 0 0 19.643 0.547 18.083 0.355 1998 12 23.343 2.916 0 0 23.343 2.916 19.974 0.913 1999 1 24.476 2.981 0 0 24.476 2.981 20.859 0.731 1999 2 24.722 3.234 0 0 24.722 3.234 20.993 0.872 1999 3 23.815 3.249 0 0 23.815 3.249 20.990 1.791 1999 4 20.540 2.432 0 0 20.540 2.432 17.989 1.248 1999 5 16.850 1.093 0 0 16.850 1.093 15.556 1.166 1999 6 14.701 0.529 0 0 14.701 0.529 14.576 1.771 1999 7 13.254 -0.106 0 0 13.254 -0.106 13.233 1.240 1999 8 14.499 0.801 0 0 14.499 0.801 14.011 1.679 1999 9 14.113 -1.116 0 0 14.113 -1.116 13.946 0.084 1999 10 19.117 2.279 0 0 19.117 2.279 17.849 2.379 1999 11 20.724 1.629 0 0 20.724 1.629 18.735 1.006 1999 12 25.103 4.676 0 0 25.103 4.676 22.247 3.186 2000 1 24.487 2.992 0 0 24.487 2.992 21.598 1.470 2000 2 24.291 2.802 0 0 24.291 2.802 20.737 0.616 2000 3 22.900 2.335 0 0 22.900 2.335 20.081 0.882 2000 4 19.166 1.058 0 0 19.166 1.058 17.376 0.635 2000 5 16.354 0.597 0 0 16.354 0.597 15.141 0.751 2000 6 14.068 -0.104 0 0 14.068 -0.104 14.535 1.729 2000 7 13.676 0.317 1 0 NaN NaN 13.534 1.542 2000 8 14.228 0.529 0 0 14.228 0.529 14.191 1.859 2000 9 13.350 -1.879 0 0 13.350 -1.879 14.071 0.209 2000 10 16.570 -0.267 1 0 NaN NaN 16.883 1.412 2000 11 20.110 1.014 0 0 20.110 1.014 18.986 1.258 2000 12 21.016 0.589 0 0 21.016 0.589 18.949 -0.112 2001 1 22.253 0.759 0 0 22.253 0.759 20.080 -0.048 2001 2 24.333 2.845 0 0 24.333 2.845 20.941 0.819 2001 3 22.185 1.619 0 0 22.185 1.619 19.565 0.366 2001 4 19.459 1.350 0 0 19.459 1.350 17.573 0.831 2001 5 14.038 -1.718 0 0 14.038 -1.718 15.459 1.069 2001 6 12.766 -1.407 0 0 12.766 -1.407 13.264 0.458 2001 7 12.728 -0.631 0 0 12.728 -0.631 12.963 0.971 2001 8 12.805 -0.893 0 0 12.805 -0.893 12.838 0.507 2001 9 14.704 -0.525 0 0 14.704 -0.525 14.479 0.617 2001 10 18.507 1.669 0 0 18.507 1.669 17.275 1.804 2001 11 20.574 1.479 0 0 20.574 1.479 19.265 1.536 2001 12 21.818 1.391 0 0 21.818 1.391 19.745 0.685 2002 1 21.517 0.022 0 0 21.517 0.022 19.654 -0.473 2002 2 24.160 2.672 0 0 24.160 2.672 21.700 1.578 2002 3 23.574 3.008 1 0 NaN NaN 20.791 1.593 2002 4 19.882 1.774 1 0 NaN NaN 17.401 0.659 2002 5 15.520 -0.237 1 0 NaN NaN 14.286 -0.104 2002 6 11.679 -2.493 1 0 NaN NaN 12.042 -0.764 2002 7 11.833 -1.526 1 0 NaN NaN 11.865 -0.128 2002 8 12.532 -1.167 0 0 12.532 -1.167 12.588 0.256 2002 9 16.254 1.026 0 0 16.254 1.026 15.738 1.876 2002 10 16.885 0.047 0 0 16.885 0.047 15.958 0.487 2002 11 18.319 -0.776 0 0 18.319 -0.776 17.505 -0.224 2002 12 23.147 2.720 0 0 23.147 2.720 20.581 1.521 2003 1 22.569 1.074 0 0 22.569 1.074 20.211 0.084 2003 2 21.758 0.269 0 0 21.758 0.269 20.735 0.613 2003 3 21.600 1.035 0 0 21.600 1.035 19.810 0.612 2003 4 20.217 2.109 0 0 20.217 2.109 18.447 1.705 2003 5 16.228 0.471 1 0 NaN NaN 14.940 0.550 2003 6 12.333 -1.839 0 0 12.333 -1.839 12.720 -0.085 2003 7 12.473 -0.887 0 0 12.473 -0.887 12.521 0.529 2003 8 11.636 -2.062 0 0 11.636 -2.062 11.492 -0.840 2003 9 14.224 -1.004 0 0 14.224 -1.004 14.237 0.375 2003 10 18.274 1.437 0 0 18.274 1.437 17.111 1.640 2003 11 19.272 0.177 0 0 19.272 0.177 18.631 0.903 2003 12 20.007 -0.420 1 0 NaN NaN 18.828 -0.232 2004 1 22.227 0.732 0 0 22.227 0.732 19.935 -0.193 2004 2 22.746 1.258 0 0 22.746 1.258 20.639 0.517 2004 3 19.580 -0.986 1 0 NaN NaN 18.333 -0.865 2004 4 19.154 1.046 1 0 NaN NaN 17.664 0.923 2004 5 17.669 1.912 1 0 NaN NaN 16.155 1.765 2004 6 13.735 -0.437 1 0 NaN NaN 13.607 0.802 2004 7 12.061 -1.298 1 0 NaN NaN 12.612 0.619 2004 8 13.753 0.054 1 0 NaN NaN 13.289 0.957 2004 9 15.295 0.066 0 0 15.295 0.066 15.145 1.283 2004 10 17.898 1.060 0 0 17.898 1.060 16.496 1.025 2004 11 20.306 1.210 0 0 20.306 1.210 19.515 1.786 2004 12 23.908 3.481 0 0 23.908 3.481 20.719 1.658 2005 1 24.748 3.253 0 0 24.748 3.253 21.360 1.232 2005 2 25.334 3.845 0 0 25.334 3.845 21.255 1.134 2005 3 23.115 2.550 0 0 23.115 2.550 20.548 1.350 2005 4 20.019 1.910 0 0 20.019 1.910 17.567 0.825 2005 5 16.116 0.359 0 0 16.116 0.359 15.046 0.656 2005 6 13.045 -1.127 0 0 13.045 -1.127 12.634 -0.172 2005 7 14.309 0.950 0 0 14.309 0.950 14.361 2.368 2005 8 12.047 -1.652 0 0 12.047 -1.652 11.762 -0.570 2005 9 15.274 0.046 0 0 15.274 0.046 14.752 0.890 2005 10 16.537 -0.300 0 0 16.537 -0.300 15.549 0.078 2005 11 21.596 2.500 0 0 21.596 2.500 18.724 0.996 2005 12 21.507 1.080 0 0 21.507 1.080 19.068 0.008 2006 1 24.798 3.303 0 0 24.798 3.303 20.830 0.702 2006 2 25.363 3.875 0 0 25.363 3.875 21.157 1.036 2006 3 20.072 -0.494 0 0 20.072 -0.494 19.339 0.140 2006 4 20.453 2.344 0 0 20.453 2.344 17.656 0.914 2006 5 15.326 -0.431 0 0 15.326 -0.431 14.262 -0.128 2006 6 14.910 0.738 0 0 14.910 0.738 14.288 1.483 2006 7 13.661 0.302 0 0 13.661 0.302 12.667 0.675 2006 8 13.655 -0.044 0 0 13.655 -0.044 12.669 0.337 2006 9 16.872 1.644 0 0 16.872 1.644 15.766 1.904 2006 10 18.768 1.931 0 0 18.768 1.931 16.651 1.180 2006 11 20.967 1.872 0 0 20.967 1.872 19.096 1.368 2006 12 21.393 0.966 0 0 21.393 0.966 18.989 -0.072 2007 1 24.647 3.152 0 0 24.647 3.152 21.327 1.199 2007 2 23.539 2.050 0 0 23.539 2.050 19.999 -0.123 2007 3 22.313 1.747 0 0 22.313 1.747 19.966 0.768 2007 4 19.941 1.833 0 0 19.941 1.833 17.434 0.693 2007 5 14.935 -0.821 0 0 14.935 -0.821 15.174 0.783 2007 6 14.148 -0.024 0 0 14.148 -0.024 13.150 0.345 2007 7 12.675 -0.684 0 0 12.675 -0.684 12.545 0.552 2007 8 13.765 0.066 0 0 13.765 0.066 12.821 0.489 2007 9 15.194 -0.034 0 0 15.194 -0.034 14.406 0.544 2007 10 19.578 2.740 0 0 19.578 2.740 16.980 1.509 2007 11 18.957 -0.138 0 0 18.957 -0.138 17.313 -0.416 2007 12 22.303 1.876 0 0 22.303 1.876 19.935 0.875 2008 1 24.052 2.557 0 0 24.052 2.557 20.752 0.624 2008 2 21.580 0.092 0 0 21.580 0.092 20.250 0.129 2008 3 20.380 -0.186 0 0 20.380 -0.186 20.066 0.868 2008 4 18.770 0.662 0 0 18.770 0.662 17.481 0.740 2008 5 17.373 1.616 0 0 17.373 1.616 15.979 1.589 2008 6 13.038 -1.134 0 0 13.038 -1.134 13.424 0.619 2008 7 11.777 -1.583 0 0 11.777 -1.583 12.073 0.080 2008 8 12.741 -0.958 0 0 12.741 -0.958 12.683 0.351 2008 9 10.778 -4.451 0 0 10.778 -4.451 12.902 -0.960 2008 10 16.417 -0.420 0 0 16.417 -0.420 15.859 0.388 2008 11 19.128 0.032 0 0 19.128 0.032 18.017 0.288 2008 12 21.525 1.098 0 0 21.525 1.098 19.438 0.377 2009 1 21.895 0.401 0 0 21.895 0.401 20.047 -0.081 2009 2 24.208 2.719 0 0 24.208 2.719 21.172 1.050 2009 3 22.688 2.122 0 0 22.688 2.122 20.425 1.226 2009 4 20.178 2.070 0 0 20.178 2.070 18.245 1.503 2009 5 15.507 -0.250 0 0 15.507 -0.250 14.995 0.605 2009 6 13.369 -0.803 0 0 13.369 -0.803 13.933 1.127 2009 7 13.157 -0.203 0 0 13.157 -0.203 13.765 1.772 2009 8 12.814 -0.884 0 0 12.814 -0.884 12.965 0.633 2009 9 13.061 -2.167 0 0 13.061 -2.167 13.908 0.046 2009 10 17.284 0.446 0 0 17.284 0.446 16.695 1.224 2009 11 19.910 0.815 0 0 19.910 0.815 18.526 0.797 2009 12 20.709 0.282 0 0 20.709 0.282 19.029 -0.031 2010 1 21.319 -0.175 0 0 21.319 -0.175 20.048 -0.080 2010 2 23.339 1.850 0 0 23.339 1.850 20.804 0.683 2010 3 22.506 1.941 0 0 22.506 1.941 20.607 1.408 2010 4 18.015 -0.093 0 0 18.015 -0.093 16.938 0.197 2010 5 14.686 -1.071 0 0 14.686 -1.071 14.488 0.098 2010 6 13.034 -1.138 0 0 13.034 -1.138 13.214 0.409 2010 7 12.043 -1.316 0 0 12.043 -1.316 12.756 0.763 2010 8 13.716 0.018 0 0 13.716 0.018 13.397 1.066 2010 9 14.690 -0.539 0 0 14.690 -0.539 14.676 0.814 2010 10 16.682 -0.156 0 0 16.682 -0.156 15.879 0.408 2010 11 19.274 0.179 0 0 19.274 0.179 17.845 0.116 2010 12 22.743 2.316 0 0 22.743 2.316 19.873 0.813 2011 1 24.403 2.909 0 0 24.403 2.909 20.768 0.640 2011 2 25.276 3.787 0 0 25.276 3.787 21.584 1.462 2011 3 21.280 0.714 0 0 21.280 0.714 20.212 1.014 2011 4 19.029 0.921 0 0 19.029 0.921 17.496 0.755 2011 5 16.022 0.266 0 0 16.022 0.266 14.711 0.321 2011 6 12.974 -1.199 1 0 NaN NaN 12.798 -0.007 2011 7 14.675 1.316 1 0 NaN NaN 13.220 1.228 2011 8 14.040 0.342 0 0 14.040 0.342 13.043 0.712 2011 9 13.820 -1.409 0 0 13.820 -1.409 14.234 0.372 2011 10 17.876 1.039 0 0 17.876 1.039 15.994 0.523 2011 11 18.260 -0.835 0 0 18.260 -0.835 17.162 -0.567 2011 12 21.533 1.106 1 0 NaN NaN 18.651 -0.410 2012 1 25.854 4.359 0 0 25.854 4.359 21.634 1.506 2012 2 24.461 2.973 0 0 24.461 2.973 20.321 0.200 2012 3 23.653 3.087 1 0 NaN NaN 19.854 0.656 2012 4 20.056 1.948 1 0 NaN NaN 17.199 0.457 2012 5 16.363 0.606 1 0 NaN NaN 14.042 -0.348 2012 6 13.391 -0.781 1 0 NaN NaN 12.819 0.013 2012 7 12.800 -0.559 0 0 12.800 -0.559 12.341 0.348 2012 8 12.037 -1.661 0 0 12.037 -1.661 11.399 -0.932 2012 9 14.402 -0.827 0 0 14.402 -0.827 13.664 -0.198 2012 10 17.623 0.786 1 0 NaN NaN 15.619 0.148 2012 11 21.680 2.585 1 0 NaN NaN 18.168 0.440 2012 12 26.244 5.817 1 0 NaN NaN 20.880 1.819 2013 1 22.973 1.478 1 0 NaN NaN 20.343 0.215 2013 2 24.450 2.962 1 0 NaN NaN 20.433 0.311 2013 3 21.538 0.972 0 0 21.538 0.972 19.867 0.668 2013 4 18.481 0.372 0 0 18.481 0.372 17.000 0.258 2013 5 16.791 1.034 0 0 16.791 1.034 15.046 0.656 2013 6 13.414 -0.758 0 0 13.414 -0.758 12.789 -0.017 2013 7 13.405 0.046 0 0 13.405 0.046 12.840 0.847 2013 8 12.984 -0.714 0 0 12.984 -0.714 12.023 -0.309 2013 9 13.650 -1.579 0 0 13.650 -1.579 12.824 -1.038 2013 10 16.291 -0.547 0 0 16.291 -0.547 15.691 0.220 2013 11 20.517 1.421 1 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN