% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 157639 % Primary Name: CORVO (ACORES) % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Portugal % Latitude: 39.67000 +/- 0.00500 % Longitude: -31.12000 +/- 0.00500 % Elevation (m): 27.23 +/- 1.28 % # of Months: 240 % % Alternate Names: CORVO % CORVO (ACORES % % IDs: ghcnm - 63608502000 % hadcru - 85030 % wmo - 8502 % wmssc - 85030 % % Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v2 % Hadley Centre Data Release % World Monthly Surface Station Climatology % Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v3 % World Meteorological Organization Metadata % % Site Hash: e4a291a9d605d71c55e1b48c700597ff % Raw Data Hash: 34ef8b61a1d26179d59cb605307c65f1 % Adj Data Hash: 34ef8b61a1d26179d59cb605307c65f1 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1960 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.113 -0.202 1960 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.750 -1.126 1960 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.653 -0.602 1960 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.149 0.090 1960 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.272 -0.506 1960 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.020 -0.050 1960 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.048 0.485 1960 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.087 0.419 1960 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.660 0.172 1960 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.798 -0.155 1960 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.477 -0.487 1960 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.135 -0.209 1961 1 15.400 1.054 0 0 15.400 1.054 15.191 0.875 1961 2 14.300 0.394 0 0 14.300 0.394 14.245 0.370 1961 3 14.500 0.214 0 0 14.500 0.214 14.486 0.230 1961 4 15.300 0.212 0 0 15.300 0.212 15.369 0.310 1961 5 15.400 -1.408 0 0 15.400 -1.408 15.820 -0.958 1961 6 19.700 0.599 0 0 19.700 0.599 19.576 0.506 1961 7 21.700 0.107 0 0 21.700 0.107 21.581 0.018 1961 8 23.200 0.501 0 0 23.200 0.501 22.976 0.307 1961 9 21.300 -0.218 0 0 21.300 -0.218 21.203 -0.285 1961 10 19.300 0.316 0 0 19.300 0.316 19.138 0.184 1961 11 17.600 0.606 0 0 17.600 0.606 17.580 0.616 1961 12 15.100 -0.273 0 0 15.100 -0.273 14.990 -0.354 1962 1 14.200 -0.146 0 0 14.200 -0.146 14.072 -0.244 1962 2 14.300 0.394 0 0 14.300 0.394 14.228 0.352 1962 3 14.700 0.414 0 0 14.700 0.414 14.615 0.359 1962 4 15.400 0.312 0 0 15.400 0.312 15.330 0.271 1962 5 16.100 -0.708 0 0 16.100 -0.708 16.300 -0.478 1962 6 18.700 -0.401 0 0 18.700 -0.401 18.712 -0.359 1962 7 21.100 -0.493 0 0 21.100 -0.493 20.975 -0.588 1962 8 22.000 -0.699 0 0 22.000 -0.699 21.797 -0.872 1962 9 21.200 -0.318 0 0 21.200 -0.318 20.954 -0.534 1962 10 18.400 -0.584 0 0 18.400 -0.584 18.522 -0.432 1962 11 17.300 0.306 0 0 17.300 0.306 17.247 0.283 1962 12 15.400 0.027 0 0 15.400 0.027 15.366 0.022 1963 1 13.600 -0.746 0 0 13.600 -0.746 13.657 -0.659 1963 2 13.500 -0.406 0 0 13.500 -0.406 13.488 -0.388 1963 3 13.600 -0.686 0 0 13.600 -0.686 13.590 -0.665 1963 4 14.600 -0.488 0 0 14.600 -0.488 14.491 -0.568 1963 5 16.800 -0.008 0 0 16.800 -0.008 16.868 0.090 1963 6 18.300 -0.801 0 0 18.300 -0.801 18.457 -0.614 1963 7 20.900 -0.693 0 0 20.900 -0.693 20.883 -0.681 1963 8 22.600 -0.099 0 0 22.600 -0.099 22.468 -0.201 1963 9 21.600 0.082 0 0 21.600 0.082 21.722 0.233 1963 10 19.500 0.516 0 0 19.500 0.516 19.637 0.684 1963 11 16.000 -0.994 0 0 16.000 -0.994 16.307 -0.657 1963 12 14.300 -1.073 0 0 14.300 -1.073 14.388 -0.956 1964 1 13.200 -1.146 0 0 13.200 -1.146 13.313 -1.003 1964 2 13.600 -0.306 0 0 13.600 -0.306 13.583 -0.293 1964 3 12.800 -1.486 0 0 12.800 -1.486 13.189 -1.067 1964 4 14.800 -0.288 0 0 14.800 -0.288 14.735 -0.324 1964 5 16.300 -0.508 0 0 16.300 -0.508 16.515 -0.263 1964 6 17.400 -1.701 0 0 17.400 -1.701 17.606 -1.465 1964 7 20.500 -1.093 0 0 20.500 -1.093 20.555 -1.008 1964 8 22.000 -0.699 0 0 22.000 -0.699 21.607 -1.062 1964 9 21.000 -0.518 0 0 21.000 -0.518 20.822 -0.666 1964 10 18.900 -0.084 0 0 18.900 -0.084 18.835 -0.118 1964 11 17.900 0.906 0 0 17.900 0.906 17.946 0.982 1964 12 16.100 0.727 0 0 16.100 0.727 15.988 0.645 1965 1 15.300 0.954 0 0 15.300 0.954 15.216 0.900 1965 2 14.100 0.194 0 0 14.100 0.194 14.134 0.259 1965 3 14.700 0.414 0 0 14.700 0.414 14.760 0.504 1965 4 16.100 1.012 0 0 16.100 1.012 15.896 0.838 1965 5 17.500 0.692 0 0 17.500 0.692 17.505 0.727 1965 6 19.200 0.099 0 0 19.200 0.099 19.148 0.077 1965 7 21.300 -0.293 0 0 21.300 -0.293 21.151 -0.412 1965 8 23.000 0.301 0 0 23.000 0.301 22.670 0.002 1965 9 22.700 1.182 0 0 22.700 1.182 22.299 0.811 1965 10 19.300 0.316 0 0 19.300 0.316 19.019 0.066 1965 11 16.100 -0.894 0 0 16.100 -0.894 16.158 -0.806 1965 12 16.300 0.927 0 0 16.300 0.927 16.025 0.682 1966 1 14.400 0.054 0 0 14.400 0.054 14.297 -0.019 1966 2 12.700 -1.206 0 0 12.700 -1.206 12.869 -1.007 1966 3 14.600 0.314 0 0 14.600 0.314 14.628 0.372 1966 4 14.700 -0.388 0 0 14.700 -0.388 14.733 -0.325 1966 5 17.000 0.192 0 0 17.000 0.192 16.710 -0.068 1966 6 18.200 -0.901 0 0 18.200 -0.901 18.228 -0.843 1966 7 21.400 -0.193 0 0 21.400 -0.193 21.258 -0.305 1966 8 23.000 0.301 0 0 23.000 0.301 22.566 -0.103 1966 9 21.600 0.082 0 0 21.600 0.082 21.231 -0.257 1966 10 19.600 0.616 0 0 19.600 0.616 19.361 0.408 1966 11 17.000 0.006 0 0 17.000 0.006 16.993 0.029 1966 12 16.700 1.327 0 0 16.700 1.327 16.311 0.967 1967 1 15.100 0.754 0 0 15.100 0.754 14.880 0.564 1967 2 14.500 0.594 0 0 14.500 0.594 14.283 0.407 1967 3 15.700 1.414 0 0 15.700 1.414 15.460 1.204 1967 4 16.800 1.712 0 0 16.800 1.712 16.095 1.037 1967 5 16.600 -0.208 0 0 16.600 -0.208 16.539 -0.239 1967 6 19.900 0.799 0 0 19.900 0.799 19.577 0.507 1967 7 22.200 0.607 0 0 22.200 0.607 21.841 0.278 1967 8 22.900 0.201 0 0 22.900 0.201 22.654 -0.015 1967 9 22.600 1.082 0 0 22.600 1.082 22.218 0.729 1967 10 20.500 1.516 0 0 20.500 1.516 20.262 1.309 1967 11 17.200 0.206 0 0 17.200 0.206 17.277 0.313 1967 12 17.100 1.727 0 0 17.100 1.727 16.818 1.474 1968 1 15.400 1.054 0 0 15.400 1.054 15.149 0.834 1968 2 14.800 0.894 0 0 14.800 0.894 14.443 0.567 1968 3 15.100 0.814 0 0 15.100 0.814 14.773 0.517 1968 4 15.300 0.212 0 0 15.300 0.212 14.954 -0.104 1968 5 17.600 0.792 0 0 17.600 0.792 17.226 0.448 1968 6 18.700 -0.401 0 0 18.700 -0.401 18.757 -0.314 1968 7 19.900 -1.693 0 0 19.900 -1.693 19.969 -1.595 1968 8 21.900 -0.799 0 0 21.900 -0.799 21.788 -0.881 1968 9 20.800 -0.718 0 0 20.800 -0.718 20.588 -0.900 1968 10 18.200 -0.784 0 0 18.200 -0.784 18.368 -0.585 1968 11 15.600 -1.394 0 0 15.600 -1.394 15.537 -1.427 1968 12 14.900 -0.473 0 0 14.900 -0.473 14.744 -0.599 1969 1 13.600 -0.746 0 0 13.600 -0.746 13.715 -0.601 1969 2 13.200 -0.706 0 0 13.200 -0.706 13.129 -0.747 1969 3 14.200 -0.086 0 0 14.200 -0.086 14.122 -0.134 1969 4 15.000 -0.088 0 0 15.000 -0.088 14.841 -0.218 1969 5 15.600 -1.208 0 0 15.600 -1.208 15.678 -1.100 1969 6 18.600 -0.501 0 0 18.600 -0.501 18.599 -0.472 1969 7 21.900 0.307 0 0 21.900 0.307 21.444 -0.119 1969 8 22.400 -0.299 0 0 22.400 -0.299 21.999 -0.670 1969 9 22.000 0.482 0 0 22.000 0.482 21.756 0.268 1969 10 19.400 0.416 0 0 19.400 0.416 19.096 0.142 1969 11 16.000 -0.994 0 0 16.000 -0.994 16.374 -0.590 1969 12 15.400 0.027 0 0 15.400 0.027 15.263 -0.080 1970 1 13.800 -0.546 0 0 13.800 -0.546 13.783 -0.533 1970 2 13.800 -0.106 0 0 13.800 -0.106 13.705 -0.171 1970 3 14.300 0.014 0 0 14.300 0.014 14.303 0.047 1970 4 15.900 0.812 0 0 15.900 0.812 15.648 0.590 1970 5 16.600 -0.208 0 0 16.600 -0.208 16.716 -0.062 1970 6 18.300 -0.801 0 0 18.300 -0.801 18.487 -0.584 1970 7 21.200 -0.393 0 0 21.200 -0.393 21.077 -0.486 1970 8 23.500 0.801 0 0 23.500 0.801 23.153 0.485 1970 9 21.900 0.382 0 0 21.900 0.382 21.604 0.116 1970 10 19.500 0.516 0 0 19.500 0.516 19.405 0.452 1970 11 16.900 -0.094 0 0 16.900 -0.094 17.168 0.204 1970 12 15.200 -0.173 0 0 15.200 -0.173 15.216 -0.128 1971 1 13.800 -0.546 0 0 13.800 -0.546 13.824 -0.492 1971 2 14.000 0.094 0 0 14.000 0.094 13.966 0.090 1971 3 14.300 0.014 0 0 14.300 0.014 14.477 0.221 1971 4 14.400 -0.688 0 0 14.400 -0.688 14.508 -0.551 1971 5 15.700 -1.108 0 0 15.700 -1.108 15.995 -0.783 1971 6 19.400 0.299 0 0 19.400 0.299 19.262 0.191 1971 7 20.800 -0.793 0 0 20.800 -0.793 20.807 -0.757 1971 8 21.700 -0.999 0 0 21.700 -0.999 21.667 -1.002 1971 9 21.300 -0.218 0 0 21.300 -0.218 21.166 -0.322 1971 10 18.100 -0.884 0 0 18.100 -0.884 18.282 -0.671 1971 11 17.600 0.606 0 0 17.600 0.606 17.658 0.694 1971 12 15.800 0.427 0 0 15.800 0.427 15.787 0.444 1972 1 13.600 -0.746 0 0 13.600 -0.746 13.518 -0.798 1972 2 12.300 -1.606 0 0 12.300 -1.606 12.471 -1.405 1972 3 13.700 -0.586 0 0 13.700 -0.586 13.738 -0.518 1972 4 15.600 0.512 0 0 15.600 0.512 15.377 0.318 1972 5 17.700 0.892 0 0 17.700 0.892 17.422 0.644 1972 6 19.900 0.799 0 0 19.900 0.799 19.791 0.721 1972 7 23.000 1.407 0 0 23.000 1.407 22.891 1.328 1972 8 23.000 0.301 0 0 23.000 0.301 22.827 0.158 1972 9 21.200 -0.318 0 0 21.200 -0.318 21.244 -0.244 1972 10 17.200 -1.784 0 0 17.200 -1.784 17.578 -1.376 1972 11 17.700 0.706 0 0 17.700 0.706 17.617 0.653 1972 12 14.300 -1.073 0 0 14.300 -1.073 14.303 -1.040 1973 1 12.900 -1.446 0 0 12.900 -1.446 13.189 -1.126 1973 2 13.700 -0.206 0 0 13.700 -0.206 13.464 -0.411 1973 3 13.600 -0.686 0 0 13.600 -0.686 13.894 -0.362 1973 4 14.900 -0.188 0 0 14.900 -0.188 15.051 -0.007 1973 5 15.200 -1.608 0 0 15.200 -1.608 15.787 -0.991 1973 6 18.900 -0.201 0 0 18.900 -0.201 19.067 -0.004 1973 7 21.000 -0.593 0 0 21.000 -0.593 21.016 -0.548 1973 8 23.100 0.401 0 0 23.100 0.401 23.017 0.348 1973 9 21.300 -0.218 0 0 21.300 -0.218 21.300 -0.188 1973 10 19.200 0.216 0 0 19.200 0.216 19.122 0.168 1973 11 17.500 0.506 0 0 17.500 0.506 17.811 0.847 1973 12 16.100 0.727 0 0 16.100 0.727 16.220 0.877 1974 1 13.500 -0.846 0 0 13.500 -0.846 13.735 -0.581 1974 2 14.500 0.594 0 0 14.500 0.594 14.287 0.411 1974 3 13.500 -0.786 0 0 13.500 -0.786 13.767 -0.489 1974 4 14.200 -0.888 0 0 14.200 -0.888 14.204 -0.855 1974 5 16.300 -0.508 0 0 16.300 -0.508 16.527 -0.251 1974 6 18.200 -0.901 0 0 18.200 -0.901 18.397 -0.674 1974 7 20.200 -1.393 0 0 20.200 -1.393 20.246 -1.317 1974 8 20.900 -1.799 0 0 20.900 -1.799 21.104 -1.564 1974 9 20.800 -0.718 0 0 20.800 -0.718 20.613 -0.875 1974 10 19.500 0.516 0 0 19.500 0.516 19.262 0.309 1974 11 17.100 0.106 0 0 17.100 0.106 17.226 0.262 1974 12 15.800 0.427 0 0 15.800 0.427 15.924 0.581 1975 1 14.700 0.354 0 0 14.700 0.354 14.588 0.272 1975 2 12.200 -1.706 0 0 12.200 -1.706 12.444 -1.432 1975 3 14.700 0.414 0 0 14.700 0.414 14.701 0.445 1975 4 15.500 0.412 0 0 15.500 0.412 15.237 0.179 1975 5 17.200 0.392 0 0 17.200 0.392 17.368 0.590 1975 6 19.100 -0.001 0 0 19.100 -0.001 19.254 0.183 1975 7 21.500 -0.093 0 0 21.500 -0.093 21.577 0.014 1975 8 22.600 -0.099 0 0 22.600 -0.099 22.413 -0.256 1975 9 21.600 0.082 0 0 21.600 0.082 21.464 -0.024 1975 10 18.500 -0.484 0 0 18.500 -0.484 18.613 -0.341 1975 11 16.900 -0.094 0 0 16.900 -0.094 17.115 0.151 1975 12 15.300 -0.073 0 0 15.300 -0.073 15.333 -0.011 1976 1 14.900 0.554 0 0 14.900 0.554 14.766 0.450 1976 2 13.800 -0.106 0 0 13.800 -0.106 13.617 -0.258 1976 3 14.300 0.014 0 0 14.300 0.014 14.236 -0.019 1976 4 14.800 -0.288 0 0 14.800 -0.288 14.746 -0.312 1976 5 16.200 -0.608 0 0 16.200 -0.608 16.437 -0.341 1976 6 19.200 0.099 0 0 19.200 0.099 19.310 0.239 1976 7 20.900 -0.693 0 0 20.900 -0.693 21.066 -0.497 1976 8 20.700 -1.999 0 0 20.700 -1.999 20.670 -1.999 1976 9 20.000 -1.518 0 0 20.000 -1.518 19.949 -1.539 1976 10 18.600 -0.384 0 0 18.600 -0.384 18.509 -0.444 1976 11 17.100 0.106 0 0 17.100 0.106 17.231 0.267 1976 12 14.500 -0.873 0 0 14.500 -0.873 14.457 -0.886 1977 1 14.300 -0.046 0 0 14.300 -0.046 14.279 -0.037 1977 2 13.600 -0.306 0 0 13.600 -0.306 13.784 -0.092 1977 3 14.100 -0.186 0 0 14.100 -0.186 14.114 -0.141 1977 4 15.300 0.212 0 0 15.300 0.212 15.141 0.082 1977 5 18.500 1.692 0 0 18.500 1.692 18.375 1.597 1977 6 19.000 -0.101 0 0 19.000 -0.101 19.052 -0.019 1977 7 22.300 0.707 0 0 22.300 0.707 22.133 0.570 1977 8 23.600 0.901 0 0 23.600 0.901 23.303 0.634 1977 9 21.400 -0.118 0 0 21.400 -0.118 21.524 0.036 1977 10 18.400 -0.584 0 0 18.400 -0.584 18.592 -0.362 1977 11 16.600 -0.394 0 0 16.600 -0.394 16.954 -0.010 1977 12 13.500 -1.873 0 0 13.500 -1.873 13.916 -1.427 1978 1 14.000 -0.346 0 0 14.000 -0.346 13.932 -0.383 1978 2 13.500 -0.406 0 0 13.500 -0.406 13.702 -0.174 1978 3 14.100 -0.186 0 0 14.100 -0.186 14.193 -0.063 1978 4 14.900 -0.188 0 0 14.900 -0.188 14.942 -0.117 1978 5 16.300 -0.508 0 0 16.300 -0.508 16.398 -0.380 1978 6 17.700 -1.401 0 0 17.700 -1.401 17.745 -1.326 1978 7 20.900 -0.693 0 0 20.900 -0.693 20.854 -0.710 1978 8 23.100 0.401 0 0 23.100 0.401 22.799 0.130 1978 9 22.800 1.282 0 0 22.800 1.282 22.666 1.178 1978 10 19.200 0.216 0 0 19.200 0.216 19.189 0.235 1978 11 17.300 0.306 0 0 17.300 0.306 17.578 0.614 1978 12 14.100 -1.273 0 0 14.100 -1.273 14.469 -0.874 1979 1 13.300 -1.046 0 0 13.300 -1.046 13.318 -0.998 1979 2 13.800 -0.106 0 0 13.800 -0.106 14.037 0.161 1979 3 13.900 -0.386 0 0 13.900 -0.386 13.867 -0.388 1979 4 15.100 0.012 0 0 15.100 0.012 14.926 -0.132 1979 5 16.700 -0.108 0 0 16.700 -0.108 16.882 0.104 1979 6 18.500 -0.601 0 0 18.500 -0.601 18.692 -0.379 1979 7 21.700 0.107 0 0 21.700 0.107 21.480 -0.083 1979 8 23.300 0.601 0 0 23.300 0.601 23.018 0.350 1979 9 22.000 0.482 0 0 22.000 0.482 22.025 0.536 1979 10 19.000 0.016 0 0 19.000 0.016 18.970 0.017 1979 11 18.600 1.606 0 0 18.600 1.606 18.531 1.567 1979 12 16.200 0.827 0 0 16.200 0.827 15.976 0.632 1980 1 15.100 0.754 0 0 15.100 0.754 14.940 0.624 1980 2 14.200 0.294 0 0 14.200 0.294 14.127 0.252 1980 3 14.900 0.614 0 0 14.900 0.614 14.572 0.317 1980 4 15.100 0.012 0 0 15.100 0.012 14.995 -0.064 1980 5 17.300 0.492 0 0 17.300 0.492 17.576 0.798 1980 6 19.600 0.499 0 0 19.600 0.499 19.542 0.471 1980 7 21.400 -0.193 0 0 21.400 -0.193 21.706 0.143 1980 8 22.800 0.101 0 0 22.800 0.101 23.075 0.407 1980 9 21.700 0.182 0 0 21.700 0.182 21.542 0.053 1980 10 20.100 1.116 0 0 20.100 1.116 19.886 0.933 1980 11 16.600 -0.394 0 0 16.600 -0.394 17.036 0.072 1980 12 16.000 0.627 0 0 16.000 0.627 15.972 0.629 1981 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.124 0.808 1981 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.166 0.290 1981 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.028 0.772 1981 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.950 -0.108 1981 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.492 -0.286 1981 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.771 -0.300 1981 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.166 -0.397 1981 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.779 0.110 1981 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.491 0.002 1981 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.994 0.041 1981 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.441 0.477 1981 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.398 1.055