% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 153602 % Primary Name: STETTLER AGDM, ALTA % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Canada % State: AB % Latitude: 52.34694 +/- 0.00014 % Longitude: -112.59556 +/- 0.00014 % Elevation (m): 795.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 113 % % Alternate Names: STETTLER % % IDs: gsod - 712890-99999 % icao - CXAK % usaf - 712890 % wmo - 71289 % % Sources: Global Summary of the Day % World Meteorological Organization Metadata % % Site Hash: ae0e4b33a3b3da0161e05c899b1effdc % Raw Data Hash: 3918da89aed3ecb3213259c40036faa8 % Adj Data Hash: cf3d05dd0d9e270ed65d0e57d7cc5289 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 2003 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.033 1.617 2003 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.328 3.104 2003 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.341 0.138 2003 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 7.832 3.180 2003 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -8.247 -3.974 2003 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -8.120 2.790 2004 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -16.048 -0.756 2004 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -6.076 4.278 2004 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -2.015 3.967 2004 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 5.623 2.571 2004 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 8.538 -1.460 2004 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.015 -0.874 2004 7 17.857 1.438 1 0 NaN NaN 16.944 0.528 2004 8 13.792 -1.436 1 0 NaN NaN 15.038 -0.186 2004 9 9.876 -0.331 1 0 NaN NaN 9.399 -0.804 2004 10 1.417 -3.239 1 0 NaN NaN 3.882 -0.770 2004 11 -0.634 3.636 1 0 NaN NaN -0.223 4.050 2004 12 -8.517 2.389 0 0 -8.517 2.389 -8.387 2.523 2005 1 -20.537 -5.249 1 0 NaN NaN -14.806 0.486 2005 2 -7.441 2.909 1 0 NaN NaN -5.522 4.832 2005 3 -2.522 3.457 0 0 -2.522 3.457 -2.966 3.016 2005 4 6.126 3.071 0 0 6.126 3.071 5.965 2.914 2005 5 10.595 0.593 0 0 10.595 0.593 10.560 0.562 2005 6 13.050 -0.842 0 0 13.050 -0.842 12.883 -1.005 2005 7 16.002 -0.418 0 0 16.002 -0.418 16.672 0.256 2005 8 13.475 -1.753 0 0 13.475 -1.753 14.035 -1.189 2005 9 9.200 -1.007 0 0 9.200 -1.007 9.275 -0.929 2005 10 4.841 0.185 0 0 4.841 0.185 6.462 1.809 2005 11 -1.013 3.256 0 0 -1.013 3.256 -0.727 3.545 2005 12 -6.289 4.618 0 0 -6.289 4.618 -6.469 4.441 2006 1 -4.844 10.444 0 0 -4.844 10.444 -6.178 9.113 2006 2 -6.867 3.483 0 0 -6.867 3.483 -6.019 4.335 2006 3 -6.143 -0.165 0 0 -6.143 -0.165 -6.960 -0.978 2006 4 6.756 3.701 0 0 6.756 3.701 6.870 3.818 2006 5 11.595 1.593 0 0 11.595 1.593 11.670 1.672 2006 6 15.881 1.990 0 0 15.881 1.990 15.358 1.470 2006 7 18.597 2.177 0 0 18.597 2.177 19.067 2.651 2006 8 15.466 0.238 0 0 15.466 0.238 16.140 0.916 2006 9 11.511 1.304 0 0 11.511 1.304 11.561 1.357 2006 10 2.530 -2.125 0 0 2.530 -2.125 3.907 -0.746 2006 11 -8.252 -3.983 0 0 -8.252 -3.983 -8.630 -4.357 2006 12 -5.837 5.070 0 0 -5.837 5.070 -5.926 4.984 2007 1 -7.226 8.062 0 0 -7.226 8.062 -9.174 6.118 2007 2 -11.466 -1.116 0 0 -11.466 -1.116 -10.482 -0.129 2007 3 -1.823 4.156 0 0 -1.823 4.156 -2.476 3.506 2007 4 2.894 -0.160 0 0 2.894 -0.160 2.841 -0.210 2007 5 10.428 0.426 0 0 10.428 0.426 10.417 0.418 2007 6 15.022 1.130 0 0 15.022 1.130 14.569 0.681 2007 7 20.323 3.903 0 0 20.323 3.903 20.230 3.814 2007 8 14.133 -1.095 0 0 14.133 -1.095 14.425 -0.799 2007 9 9.676 -0.531 0 0 9.676 -0.531 9.591 -0.613 2007 10 5.575 0.920 0 0 5.575 0.920 7.077 2.425 2007 11 -3.506 0.764 0 0 -3.506 0.764 -3.299 0.973 2007 12 -11.556 -0.649 0 0 -11.556 -0.649 -11.375 -0.465 2008 1 -11.423 3.865 0 0 -11.423 3.865 -13.319 1.972 2008 2 -9.469 0.881 0 0 -9.469 0.881 -8.038 2.316 2008 3 -1.690 4.288 0 0 -1.690 4.288 -2.635 3.347 2008 4 1.174 -1.881 0 0 1.174 -1.881 1.210 -1.841 2008 5 11.106 1.104 0 0 11.106 1.104 10.874 0.875 2008 6 13.889 -0.003 0 0 13.889 -0.003 13.418 -0.470 2008 7 16.341 -0.079 0 0 16.341 -0.079 16.642 0.225 2008 8 16.339 1.111 0 0 16.339 1.111 16.611 1.387 2008 9 10.407 0.200 0 0 10.407 0.200 10.429 0.226 2008 10 5.563 0.907 0 0 5.563 0.907 6.649 1.997 2008 11 0.257 4.527 0 0 0.257 4.527 0.252 4.525 2008 12 -14.251 -3.344 0 0 -14.251 -3.344 -15.007 -4.097 2009 1 -11.009 4.279 0 0 -11.009 4.279 -12.916 2.376 2009 2 -9.427 0.924 0 0 -9.427 0.924 -8.760 1.594 2009 3 -8.746 -2.767 0 0 -8.746 -2.767 -9.176 -3.194 2009 4 3.376 0.321 0 0 3.376 0.321 3.108 0.057 2009 5 9.097 -0.905 0 0 9.097 -0.905 9.061 -0.938 2009 6 13.998 0.106 0 0 13.998 0.106 13.272 -0.616 2009 7 16.787 0.367 0 0 16.787 0.367 16.984 0.567 2009 8 15.142 -0.086 0 0 15.142 -0.086 15.700 0.476 2009 9 14.487 4.280 0 0 14.487 4.280 14.126 3.922 2009 10 1.301 -3.355 0 0 1.301 -3.355 2.567 -2.085 2009 11 0.402 4.671 0 0 0.402 4.671 0.330 4.603 2009 12 -16.073 -5.167 0 0 -16.073 -5.167 -16.166 -5.256 2010 1 -9.751 5.537 0 0 -9.751 5.537 -11.433 3.859 2010 2 -8.196 2.154 0 0 -8.196 2.154 -7.077 3.277 2010 3 1.324 7.303 0 0 1.324 7.303 0.095 6.077 2010 4 5.434 2.379 1 0 NaN NaN 5.130 2.079 2010 5 8.070 -1.932 0 0 8.070 -1.932 8.052 -1.946 2010 6 14.131 0.240 0 0 14.131 0.240 13.529 -0.359 2010 7 16.029 -0.391 0 0 16.029 -0.391 16.332 -0.084 2010 8 14.735 -0.493 0 0 14.735 -0.493 15.070 -0.154 2010 9 8.870 -1.337 0 0 8.870 -1.337 8.723 -1.480 2010 10 5.973 1.317 0 0 5.973 1.317 7.676 3.024 2010 11 -6.402 -2.133 0 0 -6.402 -2.133 -6.175 -1.903 2010 12 -12.823 -1.916 0 0 -12.823 -1.916 -12.974 -2.064 2011 1 -11.462 3.826 0 0 -11.462 3.826 -13.476 1.816 2011 2 -12.385 -2.035 0 0 -12.385 -2.035 -11.336 -0.982 2011 3 -9.199 -3.221 0 0 -9.199 -3.221 -10.129 -4.148 2011 4 1.950 -1.105 0 0 1.950 -1.105 1.788 -1.264 2011 5 10.880 0.878 0 0 10.880 0.878 10.639 0.640 2011 6 13.674 -0.218 0 0 13.674 -0.218 13.345 -0.544 2011 7 15.946 -0.474 0 0 15.946 -0.474 16.427 0.010 2011 8 15.821 0.593 0 0 15.821 0.593 16.309 1.084 2011 9 13.428 3.221 0 0 13.428 3.221 13.317 3.113 2011 10 5.159 0.504 0 0 5.159 0.504 6.521 1.869 2011 11 -4.287 -0.018 0 0 -4.287 -0.018 -4.249 0.024 2011 12 -4.149 6.758 0 0 -4.149 6.758 -4.523 6.387 2012 1 -7.668 7.620 0 0 -7.668 7.620 -9.128 6.163 2012 2 -7.163 3.188 0 0 -7.163 3.188 -5.975 4.379 2012 3 -1.269 4.709 0 0 -1.269 4.709 -2.094 3.888 2012 4 4.302 1.247 0 0 4.302 1.247 4.397 1.346 2012 5 9.968 -0.034 0 0 9.968 -0.034 9.848 -0.151 2012 6 14.702 0.810 0 0 14.702 0.810 14.297 0.409 2012 7 18.149 1.729 0 0 18.149 1.729 18.693 2.277 2012 8 17.000 1.772 0 0 17.000 1.772 17.396 2.172 2012 9 12.974 2.767 0 0 12.974 2.767 12.755 2.551 2012 10 1.400 -3.256 0 0 1.400 -3.256 2.692 -1.961 2012 11 -7.261 -2.992 0 0 -7.261 -2.992 -7.078 -2.805 2012 12 -14.111 -3.205 0 0 -14.111 -3.205 -14.595 -3.684 2013 1 -9.789 5.499 0 0 -9.789 5.499 -11.637 3.654 2013 2 -5.296 5.055 0 0 -5.296 5.055 -4.526 5.828 2013 3 -7.708 -1.730 0 0 -7.708 -1.730 -8.327 -2.345 2013 4 0.350 -2.705 0 0 0.350 -2.705 0.565 -2.487 2013 5 12.482 2.480 0 0 12.482 2.480 12.442 2.443 2013 6 13.996 0.104 0 0 13.996 0.104 13.870 -0.018 2013 7 15.815 -0.604 0 0 15.815 -0.604 16.450 0.034 2013 8 17.213 1.986 0 0 17.213 1.986 17.531 2.307 2013 9 14.146 3.939 0 0 14.146 3.939 13.701 3.498 2013 10 4.740 0.084 0 0 4.740 0.084 5.886 1.233 2013 11 -4.275 -0.006 1 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN