% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 153538 % Primary Name: ROSEMARY AGDM, ALTA % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Canada % State: AB % Latitude: 50.82908 +/- 0.01258 % Longitude: -112.05000 +/- 0.00833 % Elevation (m): 714.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 112 % % Alternate Names: ROSEMARY AGDM % % IDs: gsod - 715370-99999 % icao - CPRO % usaf - 715370 % wmo - 71537 % % Sources: Global Summary of the Day % World Meteorological Organization Metadata % % Site Hash: 893c27ab2e7d178e9e25a4dd0af8ca19 % Raw Data Hash: 79bf1ebc58bde24c1d47cf3568d000cd % Adj Data Hash: cce9c926c70652dddc5f953c80443360 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 2003 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.864 3.257 2003 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.803 0.275 2003 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.006 3.223 2003 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -7.631 -4.646 2003 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -5.575 3.384 2004 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -13.846 -0.576 2004 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN -4.928 3.533 2004 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 0.018 4.273 2004 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 6.468 2.508 2004 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 9.179 -1.461 2004 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.752 -0.979 2004 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.299 0.615 2004 8 -8.543 -24.251 1 0 NaN NaN 16.670 0.063 2004 9 -11.298 -21.926 1 0 NaN NaN 10.760 -0.767 2004 10 -15.220 -20.104 1 0 NaN NaN 5.729 -0.054 2004 11 -6.676 -2.792 0 0 -6.676 -2.792 0.178 3.163 2004 12 -7.303 2.556 0 0 -7.303 2.556 -6.001 2.959 2005 1 -14.615 -0.445 0 0 -14.615 -0.445 -12.841 0.429 2005 2 -4.732 4.629 0 0 -4.732 4.629 -2.925 5.537 2005 3 -0.244 4.911 0 0 -0.244 4.911 -0.735 3.519 2005 4 6.472 3.412 0 0 6.472 3.412 6.087 2.128 2005 5 11.278 1.537 0 0 11.278 1.537 11.146 0.506 2005 6 13.974 0.143 0 0 13.974 0.143 13.407 -1.323 2005 7 17.636 0.852 0 0 17.636 0.852 18.099 0.416 2005 8 14.604 -1.104 0 0 14.604 -1.104 15.540 -1.067 2005 9 10.133 -0.494 0 0 10.133 -0.494 10.754 -0.773 2005 10 5.229 0.346 0 0 5.229 0.346 7.521 1.737 2005 11 -0.924 2.960 0 0 -0.924 2.960 0.282 3.267 2005 12 -7.208 2.651 0 0 -7.208 2.651 -5.660 3.299 2006 1 -4.043 10.127 0 0 -4.043 10.127 -3.481 9.789 2006 2 -6.480 2.881 0 0 -6.480 2.881 -4.836 3.625 2006 3 -4.373 0.782 0 0 -4.373 0.782 -4.854 -0.599 2006 4 7.709 4.649 0 0 7.709 4.649 7.104 3.145 2006 5 12.575 2.835 0 0 12.575 2.835 12.437 1.796 2006 6 16.717 2.886 0 0 16.717 2.886 15.817 1.087 2006 7 20.151 3.367 0 0 20.151 3.367 20.319 2.635 2006 8 16.923 1.215 0 0 16.923 1.215 17.609 1.002 2006 9 11.883 1.256 0 0 11.883 1.256 12.649 1.122 2006 10 2.776 -2.108 0 0 2.776 -2.108 4.811 -0.972 2006 11 -6.146 -2.262 0 0 -6.146 -2.262 -5.657 -2.673 2006 12 -5.274 4.585 0 0 -5.274 4.585 -3.327 5.632 2007 1 -7.204 6.966 0 0 -7.204 6.966 -7.291 5.979 2007 2 -10.175 -0.813 0 0 -10.175 -0.813 -8.328 0.134 2007 3 1.167 6.321 0 0 1.167 6.321 0.665 4.919 2007 4 3.872 0.812 0 0 3.872 0.812 3.479 -0.481 2007 5 11.543 1.802 0 0 11.543 1.802 11.339 0.699 2007 6 15.915 2.084 1 0 NaN NaN 15.290 0.559 2007 7 21.534 4.750 0 0 21.534 4.750 21.660 3.977 2007 8 16.435 0.728 0 0 16.435 0.728 16.631 0.024 2007 9 10.281 -0.346 0 0 10.281 -0.346 10.914 -0.613 2007 10 6.238 1.355 0 0 6.238 1.355 8.171 2.387 2007 11 -3.344 0.540 0 0 -3.344 0.540 -1.889 1.096 2007 12 -12.704 -2.845 0 0 -12.704 -2.845 -9.476 -0.516 2008 1 -10.717 3.453 0 0 -10.717 3.453 -10.675 2.595 2008 2 -10.774 -1.413 0 0 -10.774 -1.413 -6.635 1.826 2008 3 -1.022 4.133 0 0 -1.022 4.133 -1.311 2.943 2008 4 2.113 -0.947 0 0 2.113 -0.947 1.932 -2.028 2008 5 11.633 1.892 0 0 11.633 1.892 11.347 0.707 2008 6 14.426 0.595 0 0 14.426 0.595 14.002 -0.728 2008 7 17.421 0.637 0 0 17.421 0.637 17.788 0.105 2008 8 16.821 1.113 0 0 16.821 1.113 17.659 1.052 2008 9 10.681 0.054 0 0 10.681 0.054 11.596 0.069 2008 10 5.201 0.317 0 0 5.201 0.317 7.661 1.878 2008 11 -0.180 3.705 0 0 -0.180 3.705 1.346 4.330 2008 12 -15.686 -5.827 0 0 -15.686 -5.827 -13.294 -4.335 2009 1 -13.355 0.815 0 0 -13.355 0.815 -11.561 1.709 2009 2 -11.115 -1.754 0 0 -11.115 -1.754 -7.889 0.573 2009 3 -6.966 -1.812 0 0 -6.966 -1.812 -6.120 -1.866 2009 4 4.552 1.492 0 0 4.552 1.492 4.004 0.044 2009 5 10.683 0.942 0 0 10.683 0.942 10.358 -0.283 2009 6 14.643 0.812 0 0 14.643 0.812 14.003 -0.728 2009 7 17.348 0.564 0 0 17.348 0.564 17.888 0.205 2009 8 15.887 0.180 0 0 15.887 0.180 16.864 0.257 2009 9 14.387 3.759 0 0 14.387 3.759 15.363 3.836 2009 10 1.737 -3.147 0 0 1.737 -3.147 3.242 -2.541 2009 11 0.213 4.097 0 0 0.213 4.097 1.402 4.387 2009 12 -17.147 -7.288 0 0 -17.147 -7.288 -14.579 -5.619 2010 1 -10.108 4.062 0 0 -10.108 4.062 -9.499 3.771 2010 2 -8.437 0.925 0 0 -8.437 0.925 -5.667 2.794 2010 3 1.670 6.825 0 0 1.670 6.825 1.786 6.041 2010 4 4.844 1.785 0 0 4.844 1.785 4.861 0.901 2010 5 8.527 -1.214 0 0 8.527 -1.214 8.378 -2.262 2010 6 14.359 0.528 0 0 14.359 0.528 13.856 -0.875 2010 7 17.056 0.272 0 0 17.056 0.272 17.299 -0.384 2010 8 15.498 -0.209 0 0 15.498 -0.209 16.103 -0.504 2010 9 9.913 -0.715 0 0 9.913 -0.715 10.115 -1.412 2010 10 5.145 0.262 0 0 5.145 0.262 8.467 2.684 2010 11 -6.941 -3.056 0 0 -6.941 -3.056 -5.452 -2.468 2010 12 -14.342 -4.483 0 0 -14.342 -4.483 -10.551 -1.591 2011 1 -12.878 1.292 0 0 -12.878 1.292 -12.827 0.443 2011 2 -13.645 -4.284 0 0 -13.645 -4.284 -10.588 -2.126 2011 3 -8.575 -3.421 0 0 -8.575 -3.421 -8.022 -3.767 2011 4 2.235 -0.825 0 0 2.235 -0.825 2.223 -1.737 2011 5 10.742 1.001 0 0 10.742 1.001 10.227 -0.414 2011 6 14.233 0.402 0 0 14.233 0.402 13.854 -0.876 2011 7 17.310 0.526 0 0 17.310 0.526 17.767 0.084 2011 8 17.149 1.441 0 0 17.149 1.441 17.825 1.218 2011 9 14.159 3.532 0 0 14.159 3.532 14.935 3.408 2011 10 5.846 0.962 0 0 5.846 0.962 7.394 1.611 2011 11 -2.140 1.744 0 0 -2.140 1.744 -2.254 0.731 2011 12 -5.199 4.660 0 0 -5.199 4.660 -3.373 5.586 2012 1 -6.410 7.759 0 0 -6.410 7.759 -7.398 5.873 2012 2 -7.216 2.145 0 0 -7.216 2.145 -4.413 4.048 2012 3 0.792 5.946 0 0 0.792 5.946 -0.115 4.139 2012 4 5.467 2.407 0 0 5.467 2.407 5.491 1.531 2012 5 10.737 0.996 0 0 10.737 0.996 10.352 -0.288 2012 6 15.326 1.495 0 0 15.326 1.495 14.588 -0.143 2012 7 19.631 2.847 0 0 19.631 2.847 19.826 2.142 2012 8 17.452 1.744 0 0 17.452 1.744 18.501 1.894 2012 9 12.730 2.102 0 0 12.730 2.102 13.921 2.394 2012 10 2.561 -2.323 0 0 2.561 -2.323 4.052 -1.731 2012 11 -7.119 -3.234 0 0 -7.119 -3.234 -4.698 -1.713 2012 12 -15.134 -5.275 0 0 -15.134 -5.275 -11.746 -2.787 2013 1 -10.478 3.691 0 0 -10.478 3.691 -9.402 3.868 2013 2 -6.935 2.427 0 0 -6.935 2.427 -2.493 5.969 2013 3 -8.625 -3.471 0 0 -8.625 -3.471 -5.780 -1.526 2013 4 2.237 -0.823 0 0 2.237 -0.823 2.018 -1.941 2013 5 12.299 2.559 0 0 12.299 2.559 12.442 1.802 2013 6 15.154 1.323 0 0 15.154 1.323 14.433 -0.298 2013 7 17.466 0.682 0 0 17.466 0.682 17.743 0.060 2013 8 18.013 2.305 0 0 18.013 2.305 18.798 2.191 2013 9 14.698 4.071 0 0 14.698 4.071 15.033 3.506 2013 10 4.272 -0.611 0 0 4.272 -0.611 6.344 0.561 2013 11 -3.786 0.098 1 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN