% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 14672 % Primary Name: SANTORINI % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Greece % Latitude: 36.40000 +/- 0.00050 % Longitude: 25.46700 +/- 0.00050 % Elevation (m): 39.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 266 % % IDs: gsod - 167443-99999 % icao - LGSR % usaf - 167443 % % Sources: Global Summary of the Day % % Site Hash: 825adb1e825245453eb78768bfb0e32b % Raw Data Hash: fa771521c1f9c9a942c6bd6ea4ae00c5 % Adj Data Hash: 4e74fe6da64a8908ac6f91305f1640ff % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1990 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.098 -0.508 1990 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.036 -0.189 1990 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 20.189 0.206 1990 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.725 1.522 1990 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.780 0.675 1991 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.217 -0.306 1991 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.722 -0.222 1991 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.560 0.788 1991 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 15.770 -0.281 1991 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.311 -1.446 1991 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.987 0.368 1991 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.022 -0.551 1991 8 23.916 -1.406 1 0 NaN NaN 25.751 0.144 1991 9 23.193 0.253 0 0 23.299 0.359 23.001 -0.224 1991 10 20.703 1.004 0 0 20.796 1.098 20.606 0.623 1991 11 16.473 -0.445 0 0 16.542 -0.375 16.891 -0.312 1991 12 10.269 -3.551 0 0 10.332 -3.489 10.828 -3.278 1992 1 11.570 -0.668 0 0 11.626 -0.613 11.794 -0.729 1992 2 10.395 -2.264 0 0 10.424 -2.235 10.664 -2.280 1992 3 12.663 -0.825 0 0 12.686 -0.802 12.674 -1.099 1992 4 15.935 0.168 0 0 15.999 0.232 15.847 -0.204 1992 5 18.648 -0.824 0 0 18.754 -0.718 18.739 -1.018 1992 6 23.877 0.543 0 0 23.978 0.643 23.811 0.192 1992 7 25.308 0.019 0 0 25.388 0.099 24.824 -0.750 1992 8 25.978 0.657 0 0 26.067 0.745 25.941 0.335 1992 9 22.667 -0.273 0 0 22.773 -0.167 22.625 -0.600 1992 10 22.050 2.352 0 0 22.144 2.445 22.152 2.169 1992 11 16.709 -0.208 0 0 16.778 -0.139 17.178 -0.025 1992 12 11.588 -2.233 0 0 11.650 -2.170 12.062 -2.043 1993 1 11.292 -0.947 0 0 11.347 -0.891 11.916 -0.608 1993 2 9.740 -2.919 1 0 NaN NaN 10.931 -2.013 1993 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.833 -0.940 1993 4 19.278 3.511 1 0 NaN NaN 15.880 -0.172 1993 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.185 -0.572 1993 6 25.843 2.509 1 0 NaN NaN 24.285 0.666 1993 7 25.539 0.250 0 0 25.619 0.330 25.428 -0.146 1993 8 26.066 0.745 0 0 26.155 0.833 26.282 0.675 1993 9 23.877 0.937 0 0 23.983 1.043 23.555 0.331 1993 10 22.289 2.590 0 0 22.382 2.684 21.702 1.719 1993 11 15.957 -0.960 0 0 16.026 -0.891 16.518 -0.685 1993 12 14.559 0.738 0 0 14.622 0.801 15.174 1.068 1994 1 13.414 1.175 0 0 13.469 1.230 14.007 1.484 1994 2 12.802 0.143 0 0 12.830 0.172 13.425 0.482 1994 3 14.147 0.659 0 0 14.169 0.682 14.010 0.237 1994 4 17.706 1.939 0 0 17.769 2.002 17.517 1.465 1994 5 21.649 2.177 0 0 21.754 2.282 21.199 1.442 1994 6 24.408 1.073 0 0 24.509 1.174 23.892 0.273 1994 7 26.417 1.128 0 0 26.496 1.207 25.686 0.113 1994 8 27.360 2.038 0 0 27.449 2.127 27.233 1.626 1994 9 26.476 3.536 0 0 26.582 3.642 25.763 2.538 1994 10 22.693 2.995 0 0 22.787 3.089 21.945 1.962 1994 11 16.324 -0.594 0 0 16.393 -0.525 16.357 -0.845 1994 12 13.121 -0.700 0 0 13.184 -0.637 13.100 -1.006 1995 1 12.403 0.164 0 0 12.458 0.219 13.225 0.702 1995 2 13.446 0.788 0 0 13.475 0.816 14.443 1.499 1995 3 14.048 0.560 0 0 14.070 0.582 14.075 0.302 1995 4 15.123 -0.644 0 0 15.186 -0.581 15.231 -0.821 1995 5 19.539 0.067 0 0 19.645 0.173 19.796 0.039 1995 6 25.549 2.214 0 0 25.650 2.315 25.470 1.851 1995 7 25.947 0.657 0 0 26.026 0.737 25.998 0.424 1995 8 25.530 0.208 0 0 25.618 0.297 25.811 0.205 1995 9 23.865 0.925 0 0 23.971 1.031 23.986 0.762 1995 10 18.217 -1.482 0 0 18.310 -1.388 18.366 -1.617 1995 11 13.796 -3.122 0 0 13.865 -3.053 14.486 -2.716 1995 12 14.212 0.392 0 0 14.275 0.454 14.611 0.505 1996 1 11.113 -1.126 0 0 11.168 -1.070 11.992 -0.532 1996 2 12.010 -0.649 0 0 12.039 -0.620 13.183 0.239 1996 3 11.541 -1.947 0 0 11.564 -1.924 11.934 -1.839 1996 4 14.643 -1.124 0 0 14.706 -1.061 14.837 -1.215 1996 5 20.889 1.417 0 0 20.995 1.522 21.149 1.392 1996 6 23.861 0.526 0 0 23.962 0.627 24.232 0.613 1996 7 25.654 0.365 0 0 25.734 0.445 25.727 0.153 1996 8 25.513 0.191 0 0 25.601 0.279 25.988 0.381 1996 9 22.841 -0.099 0 0 22.947 0.007 23.036 -0.188 1996 10 18.656 -1.043 0 0 18.750 -0.949 18.461 -1.522 1996 11 16.544 -0.373 0 0 16.613 -0.304 17.234 0.032 1996 12 14.699 0.879 0 0 14.762 0.941 15.382 1.277 1997 1 12.948 0.709 0 0 13.003 0.764 13.639 1.116 1997 2 11.597 -1.062 0 0 11.626 -1.033 12.572 -0.372 1997 3 12.371 -1.117 0 0 12.394 -1.094 12.536 -1.236 1997 4 13.096 -2.671 0 0 13.160 -2.607 13.328 -2.724 1997 5 19.753 0.281 0 0 19.858 0.386 20.116 0.359 1997 6 24.156 0.821 0 0 24.256 0.922 24.664 1.044 1997 7 26.265 0.976 0 0 26.345 1.056 26.325 0.751 1997 8 24.708 -0.614 0 0 24.796 -0.525 24.999 -0.607 1997 9 21.057 -1.882 0 0 21.164 -1.776 21.720 -1.505 1997 10 18.658 -1.041 0 0 18.751 -0.947 18.786 -1.198 1997 11 16.485 -0.433 0 0 16.554 -0.363 17.264 0.062 1997 12 13.620 -0.201 0 0 13.683 -0.138 14.400 0.295 1998 1 12.376 0.138 0 0 12.431 0.193 13.026 0.502 1998 2 13.113 0.454 0 0 13.142 0.483 14.169 1.225 1998 3 11.371 -2.117 0 0 11.394 -2.094 11.999 -1.774 1998 4 16.280 0.513 0 0 16.343 0.576 17.082 1.031 1998 5 18.799 -0.673 0 0 18.905 -0.567 19.452 -0.305 1998 6 24.300 0.965 0 0 24.401 1.066 24.585 0.966 1998 7 26.857 1.568 0 0 26.936 1.647 26.832 1.258 1998 8 26.584 1.262 0 0 26.673 1.351 27.156 1.549 1998 9 23.298 0.359 0 0 23.404 0.465 23.684 0.460 1998 10 20.450 0.751 0 0 20.543 0.845 20.824 0.840 1998 11 17.631 0.714 0 0 17.701 0.783 17.963 0.761 1998 12 13.179 -0.642 0 0 13.242 -0.579 13.601 -0.504 1999 1 12.898 0.659 0 0 12.953 0.715 13.465 0.942 1999 2 12.665 0.006 0 0 12.693 0.035 13.383 0.439 1999 3 13.898 0.410 0 0 13.920 0.433 14.444 0.672 1999 4 16.731 0.964 0 0 16.795 1.028 17.012 0.960 1999 5 20.746 1.273 0 0 20.851 1.379 21.145 1.388 1999 6 25.326 1.991 0 0 25.427 2.092 25.340 1.721 1999 7 26.575 1.286 0 0 26.655 1.366 26.272 0.698 1999 8 27.425 2.103 0 0 27.513 2.191 27.331 1.724 1999 9 24.017 1.077 0 0 24.123 1.183 24.003 0.779 1999 10 21.590 1.891 0 0 21.683 1.985 21.527 1.544 1999 11 17.569 0.651 0 0 17.638 0.720 17.967 0.764 1999 12 15.717 1.896 0 0 15.780 1.959 15.942 1.836 2000 1 10.254 -1.984 0 0 10.310 -1.929 10.614 -1.909 2000 2 12.165 -0.494 0 0 12.194 -0.465 12.644 -0.299 2000 3 13.057 -0.430 0 0 13.080 -0.408 13.088 -0.684 2000 4 16.872 1.105 0 0 16.936 1.169 17.037 0.985 2000 5 20.581 1.108 0 0 20.686 1.214 20.664 0.907 2000 6 23.822 0.488 0 0 23.923 0.588 24.247 0.628 2000 7 26.799 1.510 0 0 26.879 1.590 26.819 1.245 2000 8 25.498 0.176 0 0 25.587 0.265 26.059 0.452 2000 9 23.615 0.675 0 0 23.721 0.781 23.826 0.602 2000 10 19.344 -0.354 0 0 19.438 -0.261 19.465 -0.518 2000 11 18.325 1.408 0 0 18.394 1.477 18.547 1.344 2000 12 14.701 0.880 0 0 14.763 0.943 14.807 0.701 2001 1 13.833 1.595 0 0 13.888 1.650 14.303 1.780 2001 2 13.252 0.593 0 0 13.281 0.622 13.826 0.882 2001 3 17.068 3.580 0 0 17.091 3.603 17.173 3.401 2001 4 16.600 0.833 0 0 16.664 0.897 16.686 0.634 2001 5 19.876 0.404 0 0 19.982 0.510 20.425 0.668 2001 6 23.561 0.226 0 0 23.662 0.327 23.967 0.347 2001 7 27.462 2.173 0 0 27.542 2.253 27.185 1.611 2001 8 26.887 1.565 0 0 26.976 1.654 27.158 1.552 2001 9 24.776 1.836 0 0 24.882 1.942 24.749 1.525 2001 10 20.477 0.778 0 0 20.570 0.872 20.653 0.669 2001 11 16.313 -0.605 0 0 16.382 -0.536 16.828 -0.375 2001 12 11.905 -1.916 0 0 11.968 -1.853 12.407 -1.699 2002 1 11.303 -0.936 0 0 11.358 -0.881 11.673 -0.851 2002 2 13.915 1.256 0 0 13.944 1.285 15.001 2.057 2002 3 14.358 0.871 0 0 14.381 0.893 14.874 1.102 2002 4 15.806 0.039 0 0 15.869 0.102 16.002 -0.050 2002 5 19.387 -0.085 0 0 19.493 0.021 19.884 0.128 2002 6 23.869 0.534 0 0 23.969 0.635 24.533 0.914 2002 7 27.319 2.030 0 0 27.399 2.109 27.174 1.600 2002 8 26.826 1.504 0 0 26.915 1.593 27.078 1.471 2002 9 23.761 0.821 0 0 23.867 0.928 23.789 0.565 2002 10 20.310 0.612 0 0 20.404 0.705 20.326 0.343 2002 11 17.102 0.184 0 0 17.171 0.253 17.981 0.779 2002 12 12.744 -1.077 0 0 12.806 -1.014 13.319 -0.786 2003 1 13.978 1.740 0 0 14.034 1.795 14.810 2.286 2003 2 9.131 -3.528 0 0 9.160 -3.499 10.165 -2.779 2003 3 11.606 -1.882 0 0 11.628 -1.859 12.029 -1.743 2003 4 14.467 -1.300 0 0 14.530 -1.237 14.685 -1.367 2003 5 19.921 0.449 0 0 20.027 0.555 20.886 1.129 2003 6 24.191 0.856 0 0 24.291 0.957 25.036 1.417 2003 7 26.658 1.369 0 0 26.737 1.448 26.790 1.217 2003 8 26.435 1.114 0 0 26.524 1.202 26.941 1.335 2003 9 23.024 0.084 0 0 23.130 0.191 23.258 0.034 2003 10 21.348 1.649 0 0 21.441 1.743 21.370 1.387 2003 11 16.778 -0.140 0 0 16.847 -0.071 17.443 0.240 2003 12 13.118 -0.702 0 0 13.181 -0.640 13.857 -0.248 2004 1 11.231 -1.007 0 0 11.286 -0.952 11.807 -0.716 2004 2 12.119 -0.540 0 0 12.148 -0.511 12.946 0.002 2004 3 14.022 0.534 0 0 14.044 0.556 14.371 0.599 2004 4 16.050 0.283 0 0 16.114 0.347 16.332 0.280 2004 5 18.783 -0.689 0 0 18.889 -0.583 19.262 -0.495 2004 6 23.561 0.226 0 0 23.662 0.327 24.173 0.553 2004 7 25.814 0.525 0 0 25.893 0.604 25.953 0.379 2004 8 26.314 0.992 0 0 26.402 1.080 26.463 0.856 2004 9 22.743 -0.197 0 0 22.849 -0.091 23.244 0.020 2004 10 20.708 1.009 0 0 20.802 1.103 21.230 1.247 2004 11 16.791 -0.127 0 0 16.860 -0.058 17.489 0.287 2004 12 14.348 0.527 0 0 14.410 0.590 14.652 0.546 2005 1 12.828 0.589 0 0 12.883 0.644 13.192 0.669 2005 2 11.187 -1.472 0 0 11.215 -1.444 12.161 -0.782 2005 3 14.496 1.009 0 0 14.519 1.031 14.444 0.672 2005 4 16.152 0.385 0 0 16.216 0.449 16.231 0.180 2005 5 20.306 0.834 0 0 20.412 0.940 20.572 0.815 2005 6 23.159 -0.175 0 0 23.260 -0.075 23.673 0.054 2005 7 26.706 1.417 0 0 26.786 1.497 26.646 1.072 2005 8 26.335 1.013 0 0 26.424 1.102 26.866 1.259 2005 9 23.483 0.544 0 0 23.589 0.650 23.936 0.712 2005 10 18.733 -0.966 0 0 18.827 -0.872 18.983 -1.000 2005 11 15.244 -1.673 0 0 15.313 -1.604 15.985 -1.218 2005 12 13.964 0.143 0 0 14.027 0.206 14.543 0.438 2006 1 10.459 -1.780 0 0 10.514 -1.725 11.216 -1.307 2006 2 12.077 -0.582 0 0 12.106 -0.553 13.077 0.133 2006 3 13.464 -0.024 0 0 13.487 -0.001 13.923 0.150 2006 4 16.646 0.879 0 0 16.710 0.943 16.922 0.870 2006 5 19.692 0.220 0 0 19.797 0.325 20.337 0.580 2006 6 23.819 0.484 0 0 23.919 0.585 24.518 0.899 2006 7 24.672 -0.617 0 0 24.752 -0.538 25.096 -0.478 2006 8 27.145 1.823 0 0 27.234 1.912 27.635 2.029 2006 9 22.522 -0.417 0 0 22.628 -0.311 23.510 0.286 2006 10 19.382 -0.317 0 0 19.475 -0.223 19.790 -0.193 2006 11 14.717 -2.201 0 0 14.786 -2.132 15.702 -1.500 2006 12 12.744 -1.077 0 0 12.806 -1.014 13.720 -0.385 2007 1 13.170 0.932 0 0 13.225 0.987 13.887 1.364 2007 2 12.415 -0.244 0 0 12.444 -0.215 13.380 0.436 2007 3 14.380 0.892 0 0 14.402 0.915 14.746 0.973 2007 4 16.085 0.318 0 0 16.149 0.382 16.426 0.375 2007 5 19.742 0.270 0 0 19.848 0.375 20.676 0.919 2007 6 26.048 2.714 0 0 26.149 2.814 26.389 2.769 2007 7 26.892 1.603 0 0 26.972 1.683 27.403 1.830 2007 8 27.038 1.716 0 0 27.126 1.804 27.522 1.916 2007 9 23.757 0.818 0 0 23.864 0.924 24.110 0.886 2007 10 20.292 0.594 0 0 20.386 0.687 20.608 0.624 2007 11 16.772 -0.145 0 0 16.841 -0.076 17.309 0.107 2007 12 12.935 -0.885 0 0 12.998 -0.823 13.362 -0.744 2008 1 12.104 -0.135 0 0 12.159 -0.080 12.382 -0.141 2008 2 11.718 -0.941 0 0 11.747 -0.912 12.617 -0.326 2008 3 15.833 2.346 0 0 15.856 2.368 16.222 2.450 2008 4 17.080 1.313 0 0 17.143 1.376 17.469 1.417 2008 5 19.805 0.333 0 0 19.910 0.438 20.639 0.883 2008 6 24.583 1.249 0 0 24.684 1.349 25.218 1.598 2008 7 26.371 1.082 0 0 26.451 1.161 26.648 1.074 2008 8 26.258 0.936 0 0 26.346 1.025 26.909 1.302 2008 9 23.189 0.249 0 0 23.295 0.355 23.707 0.483 2008 10 20.011 0.312 0 0 20.104 0.406 20.189 0.205 2008 11 17.593 0.675 0 0 17.662 0.744 18.416 1.214 2008 12 14.194 0.373 0 0 14.256 0.436 14.734 0.628 2009 1 13.514 1.276 0 0 13.569 1.331 14.139 1.615 2009 2 11.948 -0.711 0 0 11.977 -0.682 12.931 -0.013 2009 3 13.866 0.378 0 0 13.888 0.400 14.031 0.258 2009 4 16.348 0.581 0 0 16.412 0.645 16.588 0.536 2009 5 19.991 0.519 0 0 20.097 0.625 20.570 0.813 2009 6 24.352 1.017 0 0 24.453 1.118 25.072 1.453 2009 7 27.289 1.999 0 0 27.368 2.079 27.293 1.720 2009 8 25.541 0.219 0 0 25.630 0.308 26.110 0.503 2009 9 22.967 0.027 0 0 23.073 0.133 23.260 0.036 2009 10 21.073 1.375 0 0 21.167 1.469 21.149 1.166 2009 11 17.576 0.658 0 4 17.270 0.352 17.734 0.531 2009 12 16.134 2.314 0 0 15.856 2.036 16.110 2.004 2010 1 13.801 1.562 0 0 13.556 1.318 14.018 1.495 2010 2 14.877 2.218 0 0 14.749 2.090 15.459 2.515 2010 3 15.823 2.335 0 0 15.723 2.235 15.684 1.911 2010 4 17.306 1.539 0 0 17.023 1.256 17.432 1.380 2010 5 21.403 1.931 0 0 20.934 1.462 21.490 1.733 2010 6 24.889 1.554 0 0 24.442 1.107 24.793 1.174 2010 7 27.443 2.154 0 0 27.090 1.801 26.993 1.419 2010 8 28.432 3.110 0 0 28.040 2.718 28.307 2.700 2010 9 25.024 2.084 0 0 24.553 1.614 24.759 1.535 2010 10 20.955 1.257 0 0 20.540 0.841 20.477 0.494 2010 11 19.931 3.014 0 0 19.625 2.707 19.874 2.672 2010 12 15.991 2.170 0 0 15.713 1.892 16.052 1.947 2011 1 13.355 1.116 0 0 13.110 0.871 13.374 0.851 2011 2 13.474 0.815 0 0 13.346 0.687 13.872 0.928 2011 3 13.504 0.016 0 0 13.404 -0.084 13.795 0.023 2011 4 15.861 0.094 0 0 15.578 -0.189 15.578 -0.474 2011 5 19.505 0.033 0 0 19.037 -0.436 19.478 -0.279 2011 6 24.452 1.117 0 0 24.005 0.670 24.314 0.695 2011 7 27.048 1.759 0 0 26.695 1.406 26.883 1.309 2011 8 26.242 0.920 0 0 25.850 0.528 26.329 0.723 2011 9 24.730 1.790 0 0 24.259 1.319 24.685 1.461 2011 10 18.638 -1.061 0 0 18.223 -1.476 18.444 -1.539 2011 11 14.350 -2.568 0 0 14.044 -2.874 14.711 -2.492 2011 12 14.177 0.357 0 0 13.899 0.079 14.107 0.002 2012 1 10.651 -1.588 0 0 10.406 -1.833 10.866 -1.657 2012 2 12.048 -0.611 0 0 11.920 -0.739 12.120 -0.824 2012 3 14.199 0.711 0 0 14.099 0.611 13.874 0.102 2012 4 17.807 2.040 0 0 17.525 1.758 17.496 1.444 2012 5 20.955 1.483 0 0 20.486 1.014 20.611 0.854 2012 6 25.237 1.902 0 0 24.790 1.456 25.339 1.719 2012 7 28.120 2.831 0 0 27.767 2.478 27.676 2.102 2012 8 27.624 2.302 0 0 27.231 1.910 27.780 2.173 2012 9 24.313 1.373 0 0 23.842 0.903 24.153 0.928 2012 10 23.009 3.310 0 0 22.594 2.895 22.144 2.160 2012 11 18.989 2.071 0 0 18.682 1.765 18.875 1.673 2012 12 14.134 0.314 0 0 13.856 0.036 14.305 0.199 2013 1 13.045 0.806 0 0 12.800 0.561 13.282 0.759 2013 2 13.893 1.234 0 0 13.765 1.106 14.520 1.576 2013 3 15.009 1.521 0 0 14.909 1.421 15.292 1.520 2013 4 17.393 1.626 0 0 17.110 1.343 17.303 1.251 2013 5 21.545 2.073 0 0 21.076 1.604 21.774 2.018 2013 6 24.311 0.976 0 0 23.864 0.530 24.346 0.727 2013 7 26.289 0.999 0 0 25.936 0.647 25.826 0.253 2013 8 26.771 1.449 0 0 26.378 1.056 26.547 0.941 2013 9 24.483 1.544 0 0 24.012 1.073 24.058 0.833 2013 10 19.769 0.070 0 0 19.353 -0.345 19.478 -0.506 2013 11 19.293 2.376 1 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN