% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature 
% station in the Berkeley Earth database.  This station is identified as: 
%    Berkeley ID#:  14378
%    Primary Name:  KOLN                W.GERMANY
%    Record Type:   TAVG
%    Country:       Germany
%    Latitude:        51.00000 +/- 0.05000
%    Longitude:        7.00000 +/- 0.05000
%    Elevation (m): 45.00 +/- 0.05
%    # of Months:   132
%    Alternate Names: KOLN
%    IDs: ghcnm - 61710513001
%         hadcru - 105090
%    Sources: Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v2
%             Hadley Centre Data Release
%             Global Historical Climatology Network - Monthly v3
%    Site Hash:     1a926a86bcdc8ccf380e80e862156972
%    Raw Data Hash: 6f8cddcfdf435a4b213a8c5cc0806e0d
%    Adj Data Hash: 266ceb1c666ec7caa2c31b84fbb353fe
% The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in 
% several forms.  The temperature values are reported as "raw", 
% "adjusted", and "regional expectation".  
% The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by 
% the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s).  
% These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature 
% time series if multiple archives reported values for this location.
% Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which 
% values failed initial quality control checks.  A further column 
% dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" 
% due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement 
% gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3")
% and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). 
% In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, 
% caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, 
% station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station.  
% The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate 
% the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each 
% time series to neighboring series.  At the end of the analysis process, 
% the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at 
% this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases.  
% This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control 
% issues and be regionally homogeneous.  Some users may find this 
% "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more 
% suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work 
% with raw values.
% Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based 
% on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the 
% station.  This incorporates information from as many weather stations as 
% are available for the local region surrounding this location.  Note
% that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or
% colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences 
% in mean elevation and other local characteristics.
% For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" 
% time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean.
% These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through 
% time.
% Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages.  As
% these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional 
% information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be 
% available in our whole data set files.
% The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48
%                   Raw Data           QC    Continuity     Adjusted Data      Regional Expectation
% Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed,   Breaks,   Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly
  1847     1         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      -1.432    -2.136
  1847     2         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      -0.008    -1.644
  1847     3         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       3.361    -1.325
  1847     4         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       5.071    -2.933
  1847     5         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      14.662     2.231
  1847     6         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      14.051    -1.567
  1847     7         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      18.460     1.344
  1847     8         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      17.929     1.129
  1847     9         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      11.459    -2.618
  1847    10         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       9.013    -0.610
  1847    11         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       5.731     0.842
  1847    12         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       0.643    -1.241
  1848     1      -4.700    -6.781       0         0        -4.700    -6.781      -5.237    -5.941
  1848     2       5.400     2.387       0         0         5.400     2.387       4.083     2.448
  1848     3       6.200     0.137       0         0         6.200     0.137       5.496     0.810
  1848     4      10.700     1.318       0         0        10.700     1.318       9.144     1.140
  1848     5      15.300     1.491       0         0        15.300     1.491      13.720     1.289
  1848     6      17.200     0.205       0         0        17.200     0.205      16.013     0.396
  1848     7      18.100    -0.394       0         0        18.100    -0.394      16.790    -0.327
  1848     8      16.700    -1.478       0         0        16.700    -1.478      15.460    -1.340
  1848     9      14.500    -0.955       0         0        14.500    -0.955      12.964    -1.113
  1848    10      11.500     0.499       0         0        11.500     0.499      10.170     0.547
  1848    11       5.800    -0.467       0         0         5.800    -0.467       4.179    -0.710
  1848    12       4.200     0.939       0         0         4.200     0.939       2.459     0.575
  1849     1       1.100    -0.981       0         0         1.100    -0.981       0.830     0.127
  1849     2       5.300     2.287       0         0         5.300     2.287       3.884     2.248
  1849     3       4.400    -1.663       0         0         4.400    -1.663       3.574    -1.111
  1849     4       8.600    -0.782       0         0         8.600    -0.782       6.870    -1.134
  1849     5      14.800     0.991       0         0        14.800     0.991      13.386     0.956
  1849     6      17.300     0.305       0         0        17.300     0.305      16.104     0.487
  1849     7      18.400    -0.094       0         0        18.400    -0.094      16.290    -0.827
  1849     8      16.600    -1.578       0         0        16.600    -1.578      15.544    -1.256
  1849     9      15.000    -0.455       0         0        15.000    -0.455      13.751    -0.326
  1849    10      10.400    -0.601       0         0        10.400    -0.601       9.298    -0.325
  1849    11       4.200    -2.067       0         0         4.200    -2.067       3.328    -1.561
  1849    12       0.600    -2.661       0         0         0.600    -2.661       0.481    -1.403
  1850     1      -3.300    -5.381       0         0        -3.300    -5.381      -4.300    -5.004
  1850     2       5.500     2.487       0         0         5.500     2.487       4.320     2.684
  1850     3       2.900    -3.163       0         0         2.900    -3.163       2.068    -2.617
  1850     4      10.500     1.118       0         0        10.500     1.118       8.688     0.684
  1850     5      12.900    -0.909       0         0        12.900    -0.909      11.217    -1.214
  1850     6      18.200     1.205       0         0        18.200     1.205      16.474     0.857
  1850     7      18.200    -0.294       0         0        18.200    -0.294      16.612    -0.504
  1850     8      16.800    -1.378       0         0        16.800    -1.378      15.762    -1.038
  1850     9      13.500    -1.955       0         0        13.500    -1.955      11.984    -2.093
  1850    10       7.900    -3.101       0         0         7.900    -3.101       6.873    -2.750
  1850    11       7.800     1.533       0         0         7.800     1.533       6.263     1.374
  1850    12       2.900    -0.361       0         0         2.900    -0.361       1.883    -0.001
  1851     1       3.600     1.519       0         0         3.600     1.519       2.547     1.844
  1851     2       3.100     0.087       0         0         3.100     0.087       1.588    -0.048
  1851     3       5.500    -0.563       0         0         5.500    -0.563       4.389    -0.296
  1851     4       9.300    -0.082       0         0         9.300    -0.082       7.804    -0.200
  1851     5      10.600    -3.209       0         0        10.600    -3.209       9.486    -2.945
  1851     6      16.900    -0.095       0         0        16.900    -0.095      15.698     0.080
  1851     7      17.500    -0.994       0         0        17.500    -0.994      16.081    -1.036
  1851     8      18.200     0.022       0         0        18.200     0.022      16.993     0.193
  1851     9      13.100    -2.355       0         0        13.100    -2.355      11.836    -2.241
  1851    10      11.600     0.599       0         0        11.600     0.599      10.284     0.661
  1851    11       2.700    -3.567       0         0         2.700    -3.567       1.506    -3.383
  1851    12       2.600    -0.661       0         0         2.600    -0.661       1.492    -0.391
  1852     1       5.200     3.119       0         0         5.200     3.119       3.374     2.670
  1852     2       3.800     0.787       0         0         3.800     0.787       2.084     0.448
  1852     3       3.800    -2.263       0         0         3.800    -2.263       2.659    -2.026
  1852     4       7.100    -2.282       0         0         7.100    -2.282       5.433    -2.571
  1852     5      13.900     0.091       0         0        13.900     0.091      12.504     0.073
  1852     6      16.300    -0.695       0         0        16.300    -0.695      14.667    -0.950
  1852     7      21.800     3.306       0         0        21.800     3.306      19.892     2.775
  1852     8      18.900     0.722       0         0        18.900     0.722      17.328     0.528
  1852     9      15.100    -0.355       0         0        15.100    -0.355      13.334    -0.743
  1852    10       9.300    -1.701       0         0         9.300    -1.701       7.862    -1.761
  1852    11       9.600     3.333       0         0         9.600     3.333       8.125     3.235
  1852    12       7.700     4.439       0         0         7.700     4.439       6.310     4.426
  1853     1       5.400     3.319       0         0         5.400     3.319       4.000     3.296
  1853     2      -0.200    -3.213       0         0        -0.200    -3.213      -1.662    -3.297
  1853     3       1.000    -5.063       0         0         1.000    -5.063      -0.101    -4.786
  1853     4       7.700    -1.682       0         0         7.700    -1.682       6.059    -1.945
  1853     5      13.900     0.091       0         0        13.900     0.091      11.634    -0.797
  1853     6      16.500    -0.495       0         0        16.500    -0.495      15.569    -0.049
  1853     7      19.200     0.706       0         0        19.200     0.706      17.481     0.364
  1853     8      17.900    -0.278       0         0        17.900    -0.278      16.297    -0.503
  1853     9      14.300    -1.155       0         0        14.300    -1.155      13.226    -0.852
  1853    10      11.600     0.599       0         0        11.600     0.599       9.902     0.278
  1853    11       4.600    -1.667       0         0         4.600    -1.667       2.980    -1.909
  1853    12      -2.700    -5.961       0         0        -2.700    -5.961      -4.062    -5.946
  1854     1       2.600     0.519       0         0         2.600     0.519       1.117     0.414
  1854     2       1.800    -1.213       0         0         1.800    -1.213       0.543    -1.093
  1854     3       5.900    -0.163       0         0         5.900    -0.163       5.234     0.549
  1854     4      10.300     0.918       0         0        10.300     0.918       8.430     0.427
  1854     5      13.600    -0.209       0         0        13.600    -0.209      11.817    -0.613
  1854     6      15.600    -1.395       0         0        15.600    -1.395      14.336    -1.282
  1854     7      19.000     0.506       0         0        19.000     0.506      17.096    -0.021
  1854     8      17.400    -0.778       0         0        17.400    -0.778      16.158    -0.642
  1854     9      15.400    -0.055       0         0        15.400    -0.055      13.762    -0.315
  1854    10      10.600    -0.401       0         0        10.600    -0.401       9.507    -0.116
  1854    11       3.900    -2.367       0         0         3.900    -2.367       2.674    -2.215
  1854    12       4.700     1.439       0         0         4.700     1.439       3.146     1.262
  1855     1      -1.600    -3.681       0         0        -1.600    -3.681      -2.763    -3.467
  1855     2      -3.700    -6.713       0         0        -3.700    -6.713      -4.773    -6.408
  1855     3       3.300    -2.763       0         0         3.300    -2.763       2.507    -2.179
  1855     4       7.900    -1.482       0         0         7.900    -1.482       6.322    -1.682
  1855     5      12.200    -1.609       0         0        12.200    -1.609      10.350    -2.081
  1855     6      15.200    -1.795       0         0        15.200    -1.795      15.169    -0.448
  1855     7      17.700    -0.794       0         0        17.700    -0.794      16.535    -0.582
  1855     8      18.400     0.222       0         0        18.400     0.222      17.322     0.522
  1855     9      15.200    -0.255       0         0        15.200    -0.255      13.437    -0.641
  1855    10      12.200     1.199       0         0        12.200     1.199      10.883     1.260
  1855    11       3.800    -2.467       0         0         3.800    -2.467       2.482    -2.407
  1855    12      -0.800    -4.061       0         0        -0.800    -4.061      -1.902    -3.786
  1856     1       3.500     1.419       0         0         3.500     1.419       2.183     1.479
  1856     2       5.000     1.987       0         0         5.000     1.987       3.445     1.809
  1856     3       4.300    -1.763       0         0         4.300    -1.763       3.143    -1.542
  1856     4      10.300     0.918       0         0        10.300     0.918       8.380     0.376
  1856     5      11.900    -1.909       0         0        11.900    -1.909      10.501    -1.929
  1856     6      17.000     0.005       0         0        17.000     0.005      15.724     0.107
  1856     7      17.100    -1.394       0         0        17.100    -1.394      15.433    -1.684
  1856     8      21.200     3.022       0         0        21.200     3.022      18.356     1.556
  1856     9      13.900    -1.555       0         0        13.900    -1.555      12.597    -1.480
  1856    10      11.500     0.499       0         0        11.500     0.499       9.892     0.269
  1856    11       2.800    -3.467       0         0         2.800    -3.467       1.602    -3.287
  1856    12       3.800     0.539       0         0         3.800     0.539       2.744     0.860
  1857     1       1.100    -0.981       0         0         1.100    -0.981      -0.347    -1.051
  1857     2       2.600    -0.413       0         0         2.600    -0.413       1.174    -0.462
  1857     3       5.000    -1.063       0         0         5.000    -1.063       4.018    -0.667
  1857     4       9.000    -0.382       0         0         9.000    -0.382       7.205    -0.799
  1857     5      14.600     0.791       0         0        14.600     0.791      12.749     0.318
  1857     6      18.600     1.605       0         0        18.600     1.605      16.511     0.893
  1857     7      20.600     2.106       0         0        20.600     2.106      18.411     1.294
  1857     8      21.300     3.122       0         0        21.300     3.122      19.366     2.566
  1857     9      17.200     1.745       0         0        17.200     1.745      15.257     1.180
  1857    10      12.600     1.599       0         0        12.600     1.599      11.243     1.619
  1857    11       6.300     0.033       0         0         6.300     0.033       4.783    -0.106
  1857    12       4.500     1.239       0         0         4.500     1.239       3.424     1.540
  1858     1       0.400    -1.681       0         0         0.400    -1.681      -1.210    -1.913
  1858     2       0.300    -2.713       0         0         0.300    -2.713      -1.255    -2.891
  1858     3       3.700    -2.363       0         0         3.700    -2.363       2.823    -1.863
  1858     4       9.200    -0.182       0         0         9.200    -0.182       7.738    -0.266
  1858     5      12.100    -1.709       0         0        12.100    -1.709      10.770    -1.661
  1858     6      21.000     4.005       0         0        21.000     4.005      19.435     3.818
  1858     7      17.500    -0.994       0         0        17.500    -0.994      15.978    -1.138
  1858     8      18.300     0.122       0         0        18.300     0.122      16.769    -0.031
  1858     9      17.300     1.845       0         0        17.300     1.845      15.835     1.758
  1858    10      10.700    -0.301       0         0        10.700    -0.301       9.413    -0.211
  1858    11       1.000    -5.267       0         0         1.000    -5.267      -0.122    -5.011
  1858    12       2.800    -0.461       0         0         2.800    -0.461       2.172     0.288
  1859     1         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       1.560     0.856
  1859     2         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       3.543     1.908
  1859     3         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       6.879     2.193
  1859     4         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       7.679    -0.325
  1859     5         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      12.748     0.317
  1859     6         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      16.725     1.108
  1859     7         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      20.333     3.216
  1859     8         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      18.394     1.594
  1859     9         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      13.728    -0.349
  1859    10         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      10.968     1.344
  1859    11         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN       3.517    -1.372
  1859    12         NaN       NaN     NaN       NaN           NaN       NaN      -0.490    -2.374