% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 132350 % Primary Name: HAY AWS % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Australia % Latitude: -34.53300 +/- 0.00050 % Longitude: 144.86700 +/- 0.00050 % Elevation (m): 90.00 +/- 0.05 % # of Months: 200 % % IDs: gsod - 947010-99999 % usaf - 947010 % % Sources: Global Summary of the Day % % Site Hash: 12e186f919200acda2e135553900d147 % Raw Data Hash: 006e7c59a06ee8054086f98e6d064e05 % Adj Data Hash: 57aabf9af30ae1f09b97c8a306e5f271 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1990 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 25.356 0.582 1990 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.751 -0.684 1990 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.478 1.773 1990 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.056 1.169 1990 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.515 0.589 1990 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.228 -0.141 1990 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.528 1.030 1990 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.783 -0.237 1990 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.019 0.314 1990 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.485 0.660 1990 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 21.648 1.738 1990 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.187 1.592 1991 1 24.514 0.568 0 0 24.514 0.568 25.738 0.965 1991 2 24.289 0.682 0 0 24.289 0.682 25.346 0.912 1991 3 20.274 -0.604 0 0 20.274 -0.604 21.639 -0.066 1991 4 13.838 -2.223 0 0 13.838 -2.223 16.383 -0.504 1991 5 11.384 -0.716 0 0 11.384 -0.716 13.397 0.470 1991 6 11.814 2.272 0 0 11.814 2.272 13.137 2.768 1991 7 7.923 -0.748 0 0 7.923 -0.748 9.789 0.291 1991 8 8.862 -1.331 0 0 8.862 -1.331 11.015 -0.005 1991 9 12.222 -0.655 0 0 12.222 -0.655 13.698 -0.006 1991 10 17.669 1.671 0 0 17.669 1.671 18.664 1.840 1991 11 18.778 -0.305 0 0 18.778 -0.305 19.439 -0.471 1991 12 21.754 -0.014 0 0 21.754 -0.014 21.781 -0.814 1992 1 21.724 -2.222 0 0 21.724 -2.222 22.389 -2.385 1992 2 23.175 -0.433 0 0 23.175 -0.433 23.748 -0.686 1992 3 22.726 1.848 0 0 22.726 1.848 23.566 1.861 1992 4 16.663 0.602 0 0 16.663 0.602 17.754 0.867 1992 5 11.855 -0.245 0 0 11.855 -0.245 13.228 0.301 1992 6 9.241 -0.301 0 0 9.241 -0.301 10.649 0.280 1992 7 8.622 -0.049 0 0 8.622 -0.049 10.080 0.582 1992 8 8.901 -1.291 0 0 8.901 -1.291 10.270 -0.749 1992 9 10.628 -2.249 0 0 10.628 -2.249 12.043 -1.662 1992 10 15.565 -0.433 0 0 15.565 -0.433 16.878 0.054 1992 11 16.487 -2.596 0 0 16.487 -2.596 17.248 -2.662 1992 12 21.374 -0.394 0 0 21.374 -0.394 21.938 -0.657 1993 1 23.434 -0.513 0 0 23.434 -0.513 24.585 -0.189 1993 2 23.692 0.085 0 0 23.692 0.085 24.382 -0.052 1993 3 20.066 -0.812 0 0 20.066 -0.812 21.389 -0.316 1993 4 17.068 1.008 0 0 17.068 1.008 18.601 1.713 1993 5 12.022 -0.078 0 0 12.022 -0.078 13.769 0.843 1993 6 9.049 -0.493 0 0 9.049 -0.493 10.493 0.124 1993 7 10.134 1.463 1 0 NaN NaN 10.711 1.213 1993 8 11.140 0.947 1 0 NaN NaN 12.585 1.565 1993 9 12.676 -0.202 0 0 12.676 -0.202 14.136 0.431 1993 10 14.507 -1.490 0 0 14.507 -1.490 15.647 -1.178 1993 11 19.287 0.204 0 0 19.287 0.204 19.374 -0.537 1993 12 20.878 -0.890 0 0 20.878 -0.890 21.040 -1.555 1994 1 23.715 -0.232 0 0 23.715 -0.232 23.522 -1.252 1994 2 24.456 0.849 0 0 24.456 0.849 24.824 0.390 1994 3 19.033 -1.845 0 0 19.033 -1.845 20.328 -1.377 1994 4 15.800 -0.261 0 0 15.800 -0.261 17.110 0.222 1994 5 13.040 0.941 0 0 13.040 0.941 13.782 0.856 1994 6 10.533 0.991 0 0 10.533 0.991 11.725 1.356 1994 7 9.039 0.368 0 0 9.039 0.368 10.120 0.622 1994 8 9.152 -1.041 0 0 9.152 -1.041 10.411 -0.609 1994 9 11.878 -1.000 0 0 11.878 -1.000 12.997 -0.707 1994 10 17.083 1.086 0 0 17.083 1.086 17.242 0.417 1994 11 20.122 1.039 0 0 20.122 1.039 20.150 0.240 1994 12 25.481 3.713 0 0 25.481 3.713 24.942 2.347 1995 1 24.586 0.640 0 0 24.586 0.640 25.351 0.577 1995 2 23.698 0.091 0 0 23.698 0.091 24.469 0.035 1995 3 19.228 -1.650 0 0 19.228 -1.650 20.442 -1.263 1995 4 14.009 -2.051 0 0 14.009 -2.051 14.821 -2.066 1995 5 12.435 0.336 0 0 12.435 0.336 13.463 0.536 1995 6 9.870 0.328 0 0 9.870 0.328 11.125 0.756 1995 7 8.159 -0.512 0 0 8.159 -0.512 9.162 -0.336 1995 8 10.360 0.167 0 0 10.360 0.167 12.272 1.252 1995 9 12.261 -0.616 0 0 12.261 -0.616 13.514 -0.190 1995 10 15.819 -0.179 0 0 15.819 -0.179 16.360 -0.465 1995 11 19.681 0.597 0 0 19.681 0.597 20.168 0.258 1995 12 21.527 -0.241 0 0 21.527 -0.241 20.901 -1.694 1996 1 23.871 -0.076 0 0 23.871 -0.076 24.266 -0.507 1996 2 21.897 -1.711 0 0 21.897 -1.711 22.524 -1.911 1996 3 20.730 -0.149 0 0 20.730 -0.149 21.811 0.105 1996 4 14.463 -1.598 0 0 14.463 -1.598 15.252 -1.635 1996 5 12.102 0.002 0 0 12.102 0.002 13.540 0.614 1996 6 10.519 0.977 0 0 10.519 0.977 11.586 1.217 1996 7 8.780 0.109 0 0 8.780 0.109 9.837 0.338 1996 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 11.589 0.569 1996 9 13.359 0.482 1 0 NaN NaN 13.608 -0.097 1996 10 16.380 0.382 0 0 16.380 0.382 16.995 0.170 1996 11 17.958 -1.125 0 0 17.958 -1.125 18.279 -1.632 1996 12 21.662 -0.106 0 0 21.662 -0.106 21.436 -1.159 1997 1 25.316 1.370 0 0 25.316 1.370 25.267 0.494 1997 2 28.079 4.472 0 0 28.079 4.472 28.346 3.911 1997 3 19.380 -1.499 0 0 19.380 -1.499 20.182 -1.523 1997 4 15.825 -0.235 0 0 15.825 -0.235 16.794 -0.093 1997 5 11.851 -0.248 0 0 11.851 -0.248 13.669 0.742 1997 6 9.303 -0.239 0 0 9.303 -0.239 10.704 0.335 1997 7 7.673 -0.999 0 0 7.673 -0.999 8.657 -0.841 1997 8 10.513 0.320 0 0 10.513 0.320 10.799 -0.221 1997 9 12.891 0.014 0 0 12.891 0.014 13.762 0.058 1997 10 17.202 1.204 0 0 17.202 1.204 17.528 0.704 1997 11 22.493 3.409 0 0 22.493 3.409 22.064 2.154 1997 12 25.102 3.333 1 0 NaN NaN 23.789 1.193 1998 1 25.601 1.654 0 0 25.601 1.654 25.301 0.528 1998 2 23.933 0.325 0 0 23.933 0.325 24.165 -0.270 1998 3 21.342 0.463 0 0 21.342 0.463 22.482 0.777 1998 4 15.728 -0.333 0 0 15.728 -0.333 16.156 -0.732 1998 5 12.870 0.771 0 0 12.870 0.771 13.628 0.702 1998 6 8.961 -0.581 0 0 8.961 -0.581 10.349 -0.020 1998 7 7.621 -1.050 0 0 7.621 -1.050 8.734 -0.764 1998 8 10.961 0.768 0 0 10.961 0.768 12.275 1.255 1998 9 13.144 0.267 0 0 13.144 0.267 15.143 1.438 1998 10 15.079 -0.918 1 0 NaN NaN 16.262 -0.562 1998 11 19.536 0.453 1 0 NaN NaN 19.465 -0.445 1998 12 24.496 2.728 0 0 24.496 2.728 23.714 1.119 1999 1 27.613 3.667 0 0 27.613 3.667 28.066 3.293 1999 2 24.722 1.115 0 0 24.722 1.115 25.072 0.637 1999 3 20.584 -0.294 0 0 20.584 -0.294 21.690 -0.015 1999 4 12.017 -4.044 1 0 NaN NaN 15.422 -1.465 1999 5 12.719 0.619 0 0 12.719 0.619 14.156 1.229 1999 6 9.502 -0.040 0 0 9.502 -0.040 11.059 0.690 1999 7 9.031 0.360 0 0 9.031 0.360 10.809 1.311 1999 8 10.183 -0.010 0 0 10.183 -0.010 11.801 0.781 1999 9 14.333 1.456 0 0 14.333 1.456 15.766 2.061 1999 10 17.060 1.063 0 0 17.060 1.063 17.905 1.081 1999 11 17.481 -1.602 0 0 17.481 -1.602 18.076 -1.834 1999 12 20.884 -0.884 0 0 20.884 -0.884 21.394 -1.201 2000 1 22.939 -1.007 0 0 22.939 -1.007 23.694 -1.079 2000 2 25.935 2.327 0 0 25.935 2.327 26.904 2.470 2000 3 22.041 1.163 0 0 22.041 1.163 22.901 1.196 2000 4 16.426 0.365 0 0 16.426 0.365 17.732 0.845 2000 5 10.204 -1.896 0 0 10.204 -1.896 12.211 -0.716 2000 6 8.531 -1.011 0 0 8.531 -1.011 10.176 -0.193 2000 7 8.927 0.255 0 0 8.927 0.255 10.159 0.660 2000 8 8.854 -1.339 0 0 8.854 -1.339 10.673 -0.347 2000 9 13.647 0.769 0 0 13.647 0.769 14.848 1.144 2000 10 16.931 0.934 0 0 16.931 0.934 16.497 -0.328 2000 11 21.997 2.914 0 0 21.997 2.914 22.273 2.363 2000 12 24.121 2.353 0 0 24.121 2.353 23.836 1.240 2001 1 28.490 4.543 0 0 28.490 4.543 28.623 3.849 2001 2 25.850 2.242 0 0 25.850 2.242 26.940 2.505 2001 3 20.795 -0.083 0 0 20.795 -0.083 21.250 -0.455 2001 4 16.176 0.116 0 0 16.176 0.116 17.138 0.250 2001 5 11.685 -0.414 0 0 11.685 -0.414 13.390 0.464 2001 6 9.759 0.217 0 0 9.759 0.217 11.470 1.101 2001 7 8.889 0.218 0 0 8.889 0.218 10.082 0.584 2001 8 11.355 1.162 0 0 11.355 1.162 12.158 1.138 2001 9 15.256 2.378 0 0 15.256 2.378 16.189 2.485 2001 10 15.010 -0.988 0 0 15.010 -0.988 15.573 -1.251 2001 11 19.211 0.128 0 0 19.211 0.128 19.170 -0.740 2001 12 21.448 -0.320 0 0 21.448 -0.320 20.736 -1.859 2002 1 23.907 -0.039 0 0 23.907 -0.039 23.966 -0.808 2002 2 22.348 -1.259 0 0 22.348 -1.259 23.144 -1.290 2002 3 21.690 0.812 0 0 21.690 0.812 22.371 0.665 2002 4 18.492 2.432 0 0 18.492 2.432 19.303 2.415 2002 5 12.516 0.417 0 0 12.516 0.417 13.966 1.040 2002 6 10.448 0.906 0 0 10.448 0.906 11.555 1.186 2002 7 10.032 1.361 0 0 10.032 1.361 10.958 1.459 2002 8 10.582 0.390 0 0 10.582 0.390 11.794 0.774 2002 9 14.416 1.538 0 0 14.416 1.538 15.107 1.403 2002 10 17.473 1.476 0 0 17.473 1.476 17.481 0.656 2002 11 22.239 3.156 0 0 22.239 3.156 22.262 2.352 2002 12 24.530 2.762 0 0 24.530 2.762 23.880 1.285 2003 1 26.776 2.829 0 0 26.776 2.829 26.399 1.626 2003 2 25.840 2.233 0 0 25.840 2.233 25.895 1.461 2003 3 20.637 -0.241 0 0 20.637 -0.241 21.264 -0.441 2003 4 17.481 1.420 0 0 17.481 1.420 18.277 1.389 2003 5 12.472 0.373 0 0 12.472 0.373 13.940 1.014 2003 6 10.525 0.983 0 0 10.525 0.983 11.639 1.270 2003 7 9.206 0.534 0 0 9.206 0.534 10.351 0.853 2003 8 9.580 -0.613 0 0 9.580 -0.613 10.647 -0.373 2003 9 11.889 -0.989 0 0 11.889 -0.989 13.331 -0.374 2003 10 13.750 -2.247 0 0 13.750 -2.247 14.575 -2.250 2003 11 20.862 1.779 0 0 20.862 1.779 21.121 1.211 2003 12 24.946 3.178 0 0 24.946 3.178 24.801 2.206 2004 1 23.674 -0.272 0 0 23.674 -0.272 23.715 -1.058 2004 2 26.491 2.884 0 0 26.491 2.884 26.840 2.406 2004 3 21.206 0.328 0 0 21.206 0.328 21.804 0.099 2004 4 17.262 1.202 0 0 17.262 1.202 18.053 1.165 2004 5 11.200 -0.900 0 0 11.200 -0.900 12.350 -0.576 2004 6 9.900 0.358 0 0 9.900 0.358 11.171 0.802 2004 7 8.574 -0.097 0 0 8.574 -0.097 9.579 0.081 2004 8 11.081 0.889 0 0 11.081 0.889 12.032 1.012 2004 9 13.759 0.882 0 0 13.759 0.882 13.939 0.234 2004 10 18.403 2.406 0 0 18.403 2.406 18.402 1.578 2004 11 20.052 0.968 0 0 20.052 0.968 20.220 0.310 2004 12 21.843 0.075 1 0 NaN NaN 22.621 0.025 2005 1 25.304 1.358 0 0 25.304 1.358 25.318 0.544 2005 2 21.679 -1.929 0 0 21.679 -1.929 22.427 -2.007 2005 3 20.695 -0.183 0 0 20.695 -0.183 21.408 -0.297 2005 4 19.549 3.489 0 0 19.549 3.489 20.388 3.501 2005 5 13.331 1.232 0 0 13.331 1.232 14.279 1.352 2005 6 11.228 1.686 0 0 11.228 1.686 12.139 1.770 2005 7 9.138 0.467 0 0 9.138 0.467 10.681 1.183 2005 8 10.111 -0.082 0 0 10.111 -0.082 11.778 0.758 2005 9 12.322 -0.555 0 0 12.322 -0.555 13.606 -0.098 2005 10 16.063 0.066 0 0 16.063 0.066 17.096 0.272 2005 11 20.816 1.733 0 0 20.816 1.733 20.953 1.043 2005 12 23.720 1.952 0 0 23.720 1.952 23.495 0.899 2006 1 28.322 4.376 0 0 28.322 4.376 28.403 3.629 2006 2 24.743 1.135 0 0 24.743 1.135 24.927 0.492 2006 3 22.186 1.308 0 0 22.186 1.308 23.425 1.720 2006 4 14.368 -1.693 0 0 14.368 -1.693 15.102 -1.785 2006 5 10.794 -1.306 0 0 10.794 -1.306 11.973 -0.954 2006 6 7.691 -1.851 0 0 7.691 -1.851 9.320 -1.049 2006 7 9.219 0.547 0 0 9.219 0.547 10.256 0.758 2006 8 10.328 0.135 0 0 10.328 0.135 11.841 0.821 2006 9 15.002 2.125 0 0 15.002 2.125 15.318 1.613 2006 10 17.996 1.999 0 0 17.996 1.999 18.138 1.313 2006 11 21.402 2.319 0 0 21.402 2.319 21.388 1.477 2006 12 22.934 1.166 0 0 22.934 1.166 23.003 0.408 2007 1 25.906 1.959 0 0 25.906 1.959 25.970 1.197 2007 2 26.780 3.172 0 0 26.780 3.172 27.065 2.630 2007 3 22.414 1.535 0 0 22.414 1.535 23.030 1.325 2007 4 18.044 1.984 0 0 18.044 1.984 18.752 1.864 2007 5 14.615 2.515 0 0 14.615 2.515 15.614 2.687 2007 6 7.761 -1.781 0 0 7.761 -1.781 9.022 -1.347 2007 7 8.176 -0.495 0 0 8.176 -0.495 9.546 0.048 2007 8 11.980 1.787 0 0 11.980 1.787 12.984 1.964 2007 9 11.469 -1.408 1 0 NaN NaN 14.655 0.951 2007 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.272 1.448 2007 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 22.965 3.054 2007 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.017 1.421 2008 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 26.743 1.970 2008 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 23.188 -1.247 2008 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 24.117 2.412 2008 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 16.460 -0.428 2008 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 13.302 0.375 2008 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 12.430 2.061 2008 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.028 0.530 2008 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 10.357 -0.663 2008 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 14.961 1.256