% This file contains a station summary listing for a temperature % station in the Berkeley Earth database. This station is identified as: % % Berkeley ID#: 12581 % Primary Name: POPAYAN (LA % Record Type: TAVG % Country: Colombia % Latitude: 2.43000 +/- 0.00500 % Longitude: -76.60000 +/- 0.00500 % Elevation (m): 1789.00 +/- 0.50 % # of Months: 130 % % IDs: ca - 305000000064 % % Sources: Colonial Archive % % Site Hash: 027eecbcb12460134feeeefd5289bac0 % Raw Data Hash: 86ecedf20db360bb93d2c39fbbcfbf59 % Adj Data Hash: 86ecedf20db360bb93d2c39fbbcfbf59 % % The data for this station is presented below in several columns and in % several forms. The temperature values are reported as "raw", % "adjusted", and "regional expectation". % % The "raw" values reflect the observations as originally ingested by % the Berkeley Earth system from one or more originating archive(s). % These "raw" values may reflect the merger of more than one temperature % time series if multiple archives reported values for this location. % Alongside the raw data we have also provided a flag indicating which % values failed initial quality control checks. A further column % dates at which the raw data may be subject to continuity "breaks" % due to documented station moves (denoted "1"), prolonged measurement % gaps (denoted "2"), documented time of observation changes (denoted "3") % and other empirically determined inhomogeneities (denoted "4"). % % In many cases, raw temperature data contains a number of artifacts, % caused by issues such as typographical errors, instrumentation changes, % station moves, and urban or agricultural development near the station. % The Berkeley Earth analysis process attempts to identify and estimate % the impact of various kinds of data quality problems by comparing each % time series to neighboring series. At the end of the analysis process, % the "adjusted" data is created as an estimate of what the weather at % this location might have looked like after removing apparent biases. % This "adjusted" data will generally to be free from quality control % issues and be regionally homogeneous. Some users may find this % "adjusted" data that attempts to remove apparent biases more % suitable for their needs, while other users may prefer to work % with raw values. % % Lastly, we have provided a "regional expectation" time series, based % on the Berkeley Earth expected temperatures in the neighborhood of the % station. This incorporates information from as many weather stations as % are available for the local region surrounding this location. Note % that the regional expectation may be a systematically a bit warmer or % colder than the weather stations by a few degrees due to differences % in mean elevation and other local characteristics. % % For each temperature time series, we have also included an "anomaly" % time series that removes both the seasonality and the long-term mean. % These anomalies may provide an easier way of seeing changes through % time. % % Reported temperatures are in Celsius and reflect monthly averages. As % these files are intended to be summaries for convenience, additional % information, including more detailed flagging and metadata, may be % available in our whole data set files. % % The Berkeley Earth analysis was run on 15-Nov-2013 19:55:48 % % Raw Data QC Continuity Adjusted Data Regional Expectation % Year, Month, Temperature, Anomaly, Failed, Breaks, Temperature, Anomaly, Temperature, Anomaly 1949 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.418 0.209 1949 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.349 -0.059 1949 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.676 0.117 1949 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.313 0.042 1949 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.400 -0.069 1949 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.741 -0.534 1949 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.031 -0.496 1949 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.405 -0.373 1949 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.354 -0.437 1949 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.800 -0.317 1949 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.853 -0.127 1949 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.945 -0.047 1950 1 18.000 -0.295 0 0 18.000 -0.295 18.047 -0.162 1950 2 17.750 -0.743 0 0 17.750 -0.743 17.945 -0.463 1950 3 17.950 -0.695 0 0 17.950 -0.695 18.205 -0.354 1950 4 18.200 -0.156 0 0 18.200 -0.156 17.960 -0.311 1950 5 18.150 -0.405 0 0 18.150 -0.405 18.100 -0.370 1950 6 17.650 -0.711 0 0 17.650 -0.711 17.642 -0.633 1950 7 18.000 -0.613 0 0 18.000 -0.613 17.810 -0.717 1950 8 17.750 -1.113 0 0 17.750 -1.113 17.687 -1.090 1950 9 18.800 -0.077 0 0 18.800 -0.077 18.468 -0.324 1950 10 17.700 -0.502 0 0 17.700 -0.502 17.525 -0.592 1950 11 17.600 -0.466 0 0 17.600 -0.466 17.363 -0.618 1950 12 17.750 -0.328 0 0 17.750 -0.328 17.488 -0.504 1951 1 17.400 -0.895 0 0 17.400 -0.895 17.311 -0.898 1951 2 17.850 -0.643 0 0 17.850 -0.643 17.739 -0.669 1951 3 18.750 0.105 0 0 18.750 0.105 18.764 0.204 1951 4 18.450 0.094 0 0 18.450 0.094 18.126 -0.145 1951 5 18.350 -0.205 0 0 18.350 -0.205 18.427 -0.042 1951 6 18.500 0.139 0 0 18.500 0.139 18.322 0.047 1951 7 18.000 -0.613 0 0 18.000 -0.613 18.233 -0.294 1951 8 18.800 -0.063 0 0 18.800 -0.063 18.891 0.114 1951 9 18.600 -0.277 0 0 18.600 -0.277 18.615 -0.177 1951 10 18.100 -0.102 0 0 18.100 -0.102 18.141 0.024 1951 11 17.600 -0.466 0 0 17.600 -0.466 17.853 -0.128 1951 12 18.000 -0.078 0 0 18.000 -0.078 17.990 -0.003 1952 1 18.200 -0.095 0 0 18.200 -0.095 18.270 0.061 1952 2 18.700 0.207 0 0 18.700 0.207 18.488 0.081 1952 3 18.650 0.005 0 0 18.650 0.005 18.670 0.111 1952 4 18.600 0.244 0 0 18.600 0.244 18.220 -0.051 1952 5 18.200 -0.355 0 0 18.200 -0.355 18.196 -0.273 1952 6 18.000 -0.361 0 0 18.000 -0.361 17.855 -0.420 1952 7 18.150 -0.463 0 0 18.150 -0.463 18.247 -0.280 1952 8 18.650 -0.213 0 0 18.650 -0.213 18.576 -0.202 1952 9 19.200 0.323 0 0 19.200 0.323 18.950 0.158 1952 10 18.500 0.298 0 0 18.500 0.298 18.381 0.264 1952 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.293 0.312 1952 12 18.500 0.422 0 0 18.500 0.422 18.416 0.424 1953 1 17.800 -0.495 0 0 17.800 -0.495 18.016 -0.193 1953 2 18.000 -0.493 0 0 18.000 -0.493 18.584 0.176 1953 3 18.550 -0.095 0 0 18.550 -0.095 18.955 0.396 1953 4 18.450 0.094 0 0 18.450 0.094 18.394 0.123 1953 5 18.250 -0.305 0 0 18.250 -0.305 18.420 -0.049 1953 6 18.350 -0.011 0 0 18.350 -0.011 18.305 0.030 1953 7 18.500 -0.113 0 0 18.500 -0.113 18.551 0.024 1953 8 19.800 0.937 0 0 19.800 0.937 19.656 0.879 1953 9 18.700 -0.177 0 0 18.700 -0.177 18.846 0.055 1953 10 18.100 -0.102 0 0 18.100 -0.102 17.926 -0.190 1953 11 18.550 0.484 0 0 18.550 0.484 18.332 0.352 1953 12 18.650 0.572 0 0 18.650 0.572 18.371 0.378 1954 1 18.200 -0.095 0 0 18.200 -0.095 18.277 0.068 1954 2 18.250 -0.243 0 0 18.250 -0.243 18.405 -0.003 1954 3 18.500 -0.145 0 0 18.500 -0.145 18.825 0.266 1954 4 18.350 -0.006 0 0 18.350 -0.006 18.109 -0.162 1954 5 18.300 -0.255 0 0 18.300 -0.255 18.271 -0.198 1954 6 17.700 -0.661 0 0 17.700 -0.661 17.727 -0.548 1954 7 18.050 -0.563 0 0 18.050 -0.563 17.748 -0.779 1954 8 18.600 -0.263 0 0 18.600 -0.263 18.124 -0.654 1954 9 19.250 0.373 0 0 19.250 0.373 18.813 0.022 1954 10 17.650 -0.552 0 0 17.650 -0.552 17.202 -0.914 1954 11 17.500 -0.566 0 0 17.500 -0.566 17.417 -0.563 1954 12 17.500 -0.578 0 0 17.500 -0.578 17.389 -0.603 1955 1 17.900 -0.395 0 0 17.900 -0.395 17.383 -0.826 1955 2 18.150 -0.343 0 0 18.150 -0.343 17.948 -0.460 1955 3 18.150 -0.495 0 0 18.150 -0.495 18.115 -0.445 1955 4 18.150 -0.206 0 0 18.150 -0.206 17.921 -0.350 1955 5 18.300 -0.255 0 0 18.300 -0.255 18.327 -0.143 1955 6 17.900 -0.461 0 0 17.900 -0.461 17.647 -0.628 1955 7 17.750 -0.863 0 0 17.750 -0.863 17.549 -0.978 1955 8 18.700 -0.163 0 0 18.700 -0.163 18.020 -0.757 1955 9 18.200 -0.677 0 0 18.200 -0.677 18.075 -0.717 1955 10 17.800 -0.402 0 0 17.800 -0.402 17.378 -0.739 1955 11 17.950 -0.116 0 0 17.950 -0.116 17.636 -0.344 1955 12 17.900 -0.178 0 0 17.900 -0.178 17.421 -0.571 1956 1 18.350 0.055 0 0 18.350 0.055 17.589 -0.620 1956 2 17.800 -0.693 0 0 17.800 -0.693 17.896 -0.512 1956 3 18.250 -0.395 0 0 18.250 -0.395 18.421 -0.138 1956 4 18.150 -0.206 0 0 18.150 -0.206 18.020 -0.251 1956 5 18.000 -0.555 0 0 18.000 -0.555 18.050 -0.419 1956 6 17.400 -0.961 0 0 17.400 -0.961 17.442 -0.833 1956 7 18.400 -0.213 0 0 18.400 -0.213 17.941 -0.586 1956 8 18.050 -0.813 0 0 18.050 -0.813 18.128 -0.649 1956 9 18.150 -0.727 0 0 18.150 -0.727 18.248 -0.544 1956 10 17.700 -0.502 0 0 17.700 -0.502 17.255 -0.862 1956 11 18.550 0.484 0 0 18.550 0.484 17.878 -0.103 1956 12 18.000 -0.078 0 0 18.000 -0.078 17.648 -0.344 1957 1 17.650 -0.645 0 0 17.650 -0.645 17.946 -0.263 1957 2 18.650 0.157 0 0 18.650 0.157 18.749 0.342 1957 3 17.800 -0.845 0 0 17.800 -0.845 18.232 -0.327 1957 4 18.200 -0.156 0 0 18.200 -0.156 18.143 -0.128 1957 5 18.600 0.045 0 0 18.600 0.045 18.646 0.177 1957 6 18.550 0.189 0 0 18.550 0.189 18.555 0.280 1957 7 18.950 0.337 0 0 18.950 0.337 18.848 0.321 1957 8 19.550 0.687 0 0 19.550 0.687 19.140 0.362 1957 9 19.350 0.473 0 0 19.350 0.473 19.306 0.514 1957 10 18.600 0.398 0 0 18.600 0.398 18.473 0.356 1957 11 18.050 -0.016 0 0 18.050 -0.016 18.491 0.510 1957 12 18.300 0.222 0 0 18.300 0.222 18.414 0.422 1958 1 18.300 0.005 0 0 18.300 0.005 18.559 0.350 1958 2 18.600 0.107 0 0 18.600 0.107 18.853 0.446 1958 3 18.900 0.255 0 0 18.900 0.255 19.107 0.548 1958 4 18.450 0.094 0 0 18.450 0.094 18.271 -0.000 1958 5 18.900 0.345 0 0 18.900 0.345 18.766 0.297 1958 6 18.800 0.439 0 0 18.800 0.439 18.798 0.523 1958 7 19.500 0.887 0 0 19.500 0.887 19.150 0.623 1958 8 18.600 -0.263 0 0 18.600 -0.263 18.489 -0.289 1958 9 19.500 0.623 0 0 19.500 0.623 19.305 0.513 1958 10 18.550 0.348 0 0 18.550 0.348 18.182 0.065 1958 11 18.400 0.334 0 0 18.400 0.334 18.158 0.178 1958 12 18.700 0.622 0 0 18.700 0.622 18.334 0.342 1959 1 18.550 0.255 0 0 18.550 0.255 18.411 0.201 1959 2 18.900 0.407 0 0 18.900 0.407 18.604 0.196 1959 3 18.400 -0.245 0 0 18.400 -0.245 18.884 0.324 1959 4 18.500 0.144 0 0 18.500 0.144 18.424 0.153 1959 5 18.300 -0.255 0 0 18.300 -0.255 18.398 -0.071 1959 6 17.750 -0.611 0 0 17.750 -0.611 17.930 -0.345 1959 7 18.450 -0.163 0 0 18.450 -0.163 18.445 -0.082 1959 8 18.400 -0.463 0 0 18.400 -0.463 18.182 -0.595 1959 9 19.200 0.323 0 0 19.200 0.323 18.889 0.097 1959 10 18.700 0.498 0 0 18.700 0.498 18.185 0.068 1959 11 18.550 0.484 0 0 18.550 0.484 18.194 0.213 1959 12 18.400 0.322 0 0 18.400 0.322 18.133 0.141 1960 1 18.100 -0.195 0 0 18.100 -0.195 18.034 -0.175 1960 2 18.250 -0.243 0 0 18.250 -0.243 18.423 0.015 1960 3 18.400 -0.245 0 0 18.400 -0.245 18.475 -0.085 1960 4 18.600 0.244 0 0 18.600 0.244 18.279 0.008 1960 5 18.550 -0.005 0 0 18.550 -0.005 18.526 0.056 1960 6 18.650 0.289 0 0 18.650 0.289 18.319 0.044 1960 7 18.050 -0.563 0 0 18.050 -0.563 18.281 -0.246 1960 8 18.800 -0.063 0 0 18.800 -0.063 18.668 -0.109 1960 9 18.450 -0.427 0 0 18.450 -0.427 18.707 -0.085 1960 10 18.300 0.098 0 0 18.300 0.098 18.240 0.124 1960 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.177 0.196 1960 12 18.350 0.272 0 0 18.350 0.272 18.107 0.115 1961 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.475 0.266 1961 2 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.530 0.122 1961 3 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 19.076 0.517 1961 4 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.214 -0.057 1961 5 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.857 0.388 1961 6 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.066 -0.208 1961 7 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.112 -0.415 1961 8 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.781 0.004 1961 9 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.685 -0.107 1961 10 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 18.034 -0.083 1961 11 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.338 -0.643 1961 12 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN 17.986 -0.006